St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Religious Education 817-623-2409 Ext 508
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church
Family Formation
Elementary Catechesis Program
Parent Handbook
Fall 2017
Dear Parent/Guardian:
The Parent Handbook is a means of communicating between home and the Kindergarten-6th grade Catechesis (Religious Education) Department.
This handbook contains Elementary Religious Education policies and other important information.
Close cooperation between the home and Religious Education Department is essential to promote the best interests of your student(s).
Please read this handbook and keep it as a reference throughout the year.
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Jean Stirton
Coordinator of Elementary Catechesis R.E.
Table of Contents
Contact Information………………………………………………………………………………………….6
Basic Information 6
Allergies/Health Issues 7
Arrival and Dismissal 7
Attendance 7
Called to Protect 8
Child Care……………………………………………………………………………………………………...8
Christmas Collection 8
Church Website 8
Discipline Policy 8
Dress Code 9
Electronic Devices, Cell Phones, Toys, and Food 9
Emergency Information 9
Inclement Weather 10
Lost and Found 10
Mass and Prayer………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………10
Registration 11
School Property 12
Service Projects 12
Special Needs…………………………………………………………………………………………………13
Supply List 13
Volunteer Opportunities 13
Precepts of the Catholic Church 14
Commandments, Sacraments, Corporal Works of Mercy………………………………………………...15
Spiritual Works of Mercy, Gifts of the Spirit, Fruits of the Spirit………………………………………..16
Elementary Religious Education
Kindergarten through 6th Grades
Contact Information
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church
Phone: 817-431-3857
Fax: 817-431-9568
Office hours: Mon.-Fri. 8:00a.m.–4:00p.m.
Jean Stirton, Coordinator, Elementary Religious Education
(817) 623-2409, Ext. 506
Basic Information
+Monthly Family Meetings are both Catechism Classes for the children and Parent Meetings.
+ Catechism (R.E.) Classes are held in the SEAS Catholic School Building.
+ Parent Meetings are held at the same time in the Parish Activity Center.
+ Your child(ren) will be in a formal classroom setting for learning.
+ Classrooms are under the supervision of a Catechist and an Aide.
+ The First Communion Preparation program is a separate program with a separate registration. ( Your child must currently be enrolled in Family Formation in order to register for First Communion.
+ Family Meetings are October through May.
+ Family Meetings are once a month for one hour and 15 minutes.
+ Class times available:
Sunday 11:00 a.m.
Monday 6:15p.m.
Wednesday 5:00p.m.
+ Fees: Flat family fee: $120
Allergies/Health Issues
+ If your child has a severe or life threatening food (peanut, gluten, etc.) or environmental (bee stings, etc.) allergies, please be sure the information is included on your child’s registration form.
+ Please bring the information directly to the teacher’s attention.
Arrival and Dismissal
+ Enter through the main Activity Center doors at all times. All other doors will be locked.
+ Bring your children into the gym and to their catechist. Then find a seat.
+ Arrive early! Catechists will walk your child(ren) into the classrooms 5 minutes before the start of class, providing time for your child(ren) to be seated and ready for class to begin, and for the Parent Meeting to begin on time. If you arrive late, an aide will walk your child to class.
+ Catechists will bring your children back to the gym when class ends.
+ Please send your child with the binder with supplies each month (see p. 13).
+ No drop-offs. Parents must attend the Parent Meeting while their children are in class.
+Monthly attendance, followed up with your instruction at home, is necessary to ensure your child receives a solid Catholic education to grow in knowledge and love of our faith.
+ If your child will be absent, please email your child’s teacher or RE Dept.
+ If you do not have access to email, please call religious education at 817-623-2409 and give name, class time, and grade and/or teacher of student.
+IMPORTANT: If you are unable to attend your Family Meeting one month, but can make it to another scheduled Family Meeting, only the parents may attend that Parent Meeting to hear the talk and pick up their monthly packet. We will not be able to accommodate your children in a class that is not their regular class.
Called to Protect
For the past eleven years the Diocese of Fort Worth has had the training program known as Keeping Children Safe. The program for elementary children is named Called to Protect for Young Children. The program, developed by Praesidium, Inc., focuses on fostering an appropriate awareness of boundaries and respect for one’s own body in terms and concepts that are suitable for children. The Fort Worth Diocese’ mission is to promote a culture of Christ-like love and respect for all. Your participation in, and support of, this program is essential for developing this culture.
Child Care
Child care for your younger children (toddler-preschool) who are not in the program is offered during each Family Meeting in the Parish Hall nursery. Enter and exit the Parish Hall only through the south entrance (with the foyer).
Christmas Collection
+ The annual collection is to benefit parish families of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church and our surrounding community.
+ A flyer will be sent home in November with more information.
Church Website
+ On the Elementary Religious Education page of the parish website,, you will find Elementary R.E. Guidelines, Registration information, a monthly R.E. calendar, and other information.
+ Visit the church website often to stay informed of upcoming family activities, service projects, and opportunities for all ages to grow in faith.
Discipline Policy
+ It is expected that your child makes a sincere commitment to this program. + The positive behavior and cooperation of each individual in the group is imperative.
+ The procedure to maintain a positive environment is as follows:
1. If the behavior of the student is disruptive, the catechist will speak privately to him/her to give him/her the chance to change this behavior.
2. If the behavior continues, the child will be sent to the office where they will be given a discipline slip to take home to be signed and return the following class.
3. If there is no change in either attitude or behavior, the parent will be contacted and asked to accompany their child to the next class.
Dress Code
+ As Catholics, we recognize the immense dignity we have as children of God. Please ensure your child complies with the following guidelines to reflect this dignity:
1. Clothing should never be sheer, very thin, or so tight fitting that skin or undergarments are visible.
2. Spaghetti straps and strapless tops are not permitted. Tank top “sleeves” must be a minimum of 4 fingers wide. Bra straps should never be exposed.
3. Necklines on all students should be no lower than 4 fingers below the collar bone.
4. Skirts and dresses must be a least fingertip length when standing.
5. Shorts and any other garments with legs should reach the fingertips at minimum when standing.
6. Tights or biking shorts are not permitted as outerwear. You are welcome to wear them layered under a skirt or other garment.
7. The midriff should not be visible including when arms are raised.
8. Clothing should never include language or graphics of a rude, offensive, or sexual nature. This includes reference to drugs or alcohol.
Electronic Devices, Cell Phones, and Toys, and Food
+ Please have your child leave cell phones, iPods, toys, etc. at home. + Please note that due to allergies food is not allowed in the classrooms.
Emergency Contact Information
+ Please notify the Religious Education Department (817-623-2409) if you have a new home or cell number, or if you move.
+ Please keep your child home if:
1. Oral temperature above 100 degrees in the last 24 hours.
2. Vomiting, nausea or diarrhea in the last 24 hours.
3. Sore throat, acute cold or persistent cough that would be disruptive to class.
4. Pediculosis (head lice)
5. Flu symptons
+ Please notify the RE Department if your child is diagnosed with a contagious illness that occurs within two weeks following their attendance in class.
Inclement Weather
+ During the year inclement weather closings for Religious Education will be shown on the NBC 5 Website. As a rule, when KISD is closed for winter weather, RE is not in session.
+ If possible, the information will also be on the RE answering machine and on the parish website.
Lost and Found
+ Please call the R.E. Department at 817-623-2409 or the church office at 817-431-3857 if an item has been lost.
+ Found items should be given to student’s catechist or turned in to the R.E. Office.
Mass and Prayer
+ Attend Mass weekly with your child in keeping with the Third Commandment, “Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day.”
+ Pray with your child daily to reinforce prayers learned in class.
+ Please remind them to include their catechist, aide, and fellow students as well as our parish priests and deacons in their daily prayers.
+ Currently registered families will be able to re-register online beginning around July 1st each summer for the following September-May R.E. year.
+ Registration will also be announced in the SEAS Church Bulletin.
+ Confirmation of which day and time your monthly Family Meeting will take place will be sent to you by email/Flocknote. Please do not call the R.E. office for class information. We are not equipped to handle such a large volume of calls.
+ To be considered a candidate for celebrating the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion a child must be:
· Baptized in the Roman Catholic Church (Baptismal Certificate required).
· After reaching the age of discretion (understanding right from wrong), that is, about the seventh year of age. cf. CIC, can. 914
· Is currently enrolled in formal foundational catechesis (SEAS Family Formation program, Catholic School, or full time home school using approved Catholic religion curriculum).
· Child preparation consists of home instruction by the parents using the books we provide.
· Parent preparation and instruction includes an initial parent meeting and attendance at the Bread of Life class.
· Actively participating in the life of the church, which includes Sunday Mass. Parents should associate their children from their tenderest years with the life of the Church. CCC 2225
You may register for the First Communion Preparation program at
+ Student safety is always on our minds. We continuously work towards creating a safe environment for your children.
+ Volunteers are required to have current Diocesan Safe Environment training documentation on file.
School Property
+ Please remember that we share the classrooms with St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s grade school.
+ It is important to remind your children to respect the property of others (do not get in or write on desks, do not use school supplies but use personal and RE supplies).
+ Snacks of any kind are not allowed in the classrooms as there are many students with life threatening or severe food allergies.
+ Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.
Special Needs
+ Please inform your child’s teacher of any special needs, so that they have every opportunity to accommodate them.
Supply List
+ 3-ring Binder, with notebook paper in rings
+ 3-hole Zippered Pencil Pouch for Binder
+ 2 Pencils
+ 1 Eraser
+ Crayons, 24 count (Kindergarten-3rd grade)
+ Colored Pencils (4th-6th grades)
+ Please have your student bring binder with pouch containing appropriate supplies to class every month.
Volunteer Opportunities
+We are in need of catechist subs, classroom aide subs, and office aides. We also need people who are willing to help hand out the monthly Home Lesson packets to the parents at the beginning of each monthly meeting.
Contact Jean ; or (817)623-2409 Ext. 506 if you can help us out.
+ Please prayerfully consider volunteering for the Religious Education Department as a wonderful way to model generosity and service.
+ Classroom Lesson, materials, and training are provided to catechists.
+ Diocesan policy requires all volunteers to have current Safe Environment Training on file as well as criminal background check. Suzanne Lynch () is our Safe Environment coordinator here at SEAS and contacts any volunteers to let them know what they need to do.
Precepts of the Catholic Church
The Precepts of the Catholic Church are a description of the absolute minimum actions required of Catholics regarding the Church.
The Church uses these precepts remind us that Christian life requires a commitment to prayer and active participation in the liturgy and sacraments. If we fall below this bare-minimum level, we can't rightly consider ourselves to be in full communion with the Catholic Church.
Each of these precepts of the Catholic Church is a requirement. Together with the Ten Commandments, they represent the minimum level of moral living. Intentional violation of the precepts or the Commandments is a grave matter, meaning a mortal sin. (
The Precepts
1. You shall attend Mass on Sundays and on holy days of obligation and rest from servile labor.
We must "sanctify the day commemorating the Resurrection of the Lord" (Sunday), as well as the principal feast days, known as Catholic holy days of obligation. This requires attending Mass, "and by resting from those works and activities which could impede such a sanctification of these days."
2. You shall confess your sins at least once a year.
We must prepare for the Eucharist by means of the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession). This sacrament "continues Baptism's work of conversion and forgiveness."
3. You shall receive the sacrament of the Eucharist at least during the Easter season.
This "guarantees as a minimum the reception of the Lord's Body and Blood in connection with the Paschal feasts, the origin and center of the Christian liturgy."
4. You shall observe the days of fasting and abstinence established by the Church.
"The fourth precept ensures the times of ascesis and penance which prepare us for the liturgical feasts and help us acquire mastery over our instincts and freedom of heart." See below for more about fasting & abstinence.