Template for the preparation of papers for publishing in “Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing”

First A. Author, Second B. Author,

Affiliations of all the authors

Email addresses



ABSTRACT (OF 200-250 WORDS)-This is a brief guide to help you prepare papers in a uniform style for this publication. It gives details of the preferred style and offers templates to ease paper preparation. Further details can be obtained from ipl.uv.es/raqrsor by contacting the chairman, José A. Sobrino, at Please include ‘RAQRS’ in the subject header of your message.



This sample article is to show you how to prepare papers in a standard style for publishing in the “Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing” proceedings book. It illustrates the paper layout and describes points you should notice before you submit your papers.

The papers will be in A4 size with margins top 60 mm, left 35 mm, right 31 mm, and bottom 25 mm.A column separation of 4 mm is used.The text is preferably Times or Times Roman with font size 9 point.


2.1 Use of Templates

The papers should be prepared, using Microsoft Word (doc). The papers should conform in appearance to the example guidelines available from

2.2 Requirements

The contact email address of the authors shall be clearly indicated. The transmitted file when sent to the chairman will be zipped (compressed) and named with capital letters as follows: RAQRS followed by your identification number given in the acceptance letter and extension giving the file type (.ZIP, .DOC, etc).

2.3 Software used

The papers will be submitted in the following format.

a)Microsoft Word packed in a single Zipped file using the convention given above.

2.4 Figures

Figures and diagrams should be incorporated in black and white. Figures will either be entered in one column or two columns and should be 60 mm or 130 mm wide respectively. Diagrams or figures should be placed in the paper by authors.

Figures in colour should be placed separately at the end of the manuscript in order to place it further in the appendix of the proceedings. We would be grateful if you would submit a bitmap format (eg. TIFF) to keep the best quality. A special issue will be printed at the back of the proceedings book, black and white will appear in position within the article.

2.5 Equations

The paper should be prepared in Word with the appropriate equation editor. Each equation should appear on a new line with uniform spacing from adjacent text as indicated in this template. The equations, where they are referred to in the text, should be numbered sequentially and their identifier enclosed in parenthesis, right justified.

E=mc2 / (1)


3.1 Style of Writing

Papers are accepted on the basis that they may be edited for style and language. The author himself is responsible for the correctness of the scientific content.

Abbreviations should be spelt out in full the first time they appear and their abbreviated form included in brackets immediately after.

3.2 Paper length / file size

Page limits can not exceed 6 for the oral and poster papers.

The electronic submission file should not exceed 10 Megabyte in length and authors are requested to submit the file in zipped format where possible.

3.3 Units and symbols

The SI system should be used. Where measurements are given in other systems, conversion factors or conversions should be inserted by the author.

3.4 References

References should be cited in the text thus: (Smith, 1987) and listed in alphabetical order in the reference section. The following arrangement should be used with journal titles being in full and with first and last page numbers of articles being given:

Tassan, S., and Sturm, B., 1986, An algorithm for the retrieval of sediment content in turbid coastal waters from CZCS data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 7, 643-655.

Wrigley, N., 1985, Categorical Data Analysis (London, New York: Longman).

Blyth, K., 1985, Remote Sensing and water resources engineering. In Remote Sensing in Civil Engineering, edited by T. J. M. Kennie and M. C. Matthews (Glasgow, London: Surrey University Press; New York: John Wiley), pp. 77-92.

Trevett, J. W. (editor), 1983, Proceedings of the SAR-580 workshop. Investigators Preliminary Report S. A./, Commission of the European Communities Joint Research Centre, Ispra Establishment.

Gierloff-Emden, H. G., 1985, Analysis of the Metric Camera MC-BW for land use classification and land use hazard management (thematic mapping of Metric Camera Spacelab black and white photographs). European Remote Sensing Opportunities: Systems, Sensors and Applications, Proceedings of the EARSeL/ESA Symposium held in Strasbourg, France, on 31 March-3 April 1985, SP-233 (Paris: European Space Agency), pp. 79-84.


Manuscript may be in English or Spanish. Any manuscript submitted in Spanish should be accompanied by an abstract in English.


Send versions of your paper as attachments to an email message sent to

Please include ‘RAQRS’ in the subject header of email messages. We request

a)A word version of your paper formatted according to the symposium template.

The electronic files may also be sent by mail on any of the following media in order of preference:


CD / CDRW, to the address:

José A. Sobrino,

Global Change Unit

Image Processing Laboratory

Universitat de València

P.O. Box 22085

46071 Valencia, SPAIN


The final date for the receipt of the papers is 12:00 hours (GMT+1) on October 15th, 2010.
