EOIS-CaMS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q. How is learner satisfaction measured?
A. Practitioners will ask learners at exit “On a scale of 1-5, how likely are you to recommend the LBS program to someone looking for similar services as those you received?”
1 – Strongly not recommended
2 – Rather not recommend
3 – No general opinion
4 – Generally recommend
5 – Strongly recommend
Any learners who respond with a 4 or 5 satisfaction rating are considered satisfied.
Q. Will active Service Plans be reflected in an LBS service quality report or will service plans have to be closed in order to count against Performance Commitments?
A. The measure “Learners Served” for the Efficiency dimension of the LBS Program Performance Management is not based solely upon “Closed” service plan status.
Service Plans with the following status will be reflected in reports and measured against Performance Commitments:
· All Service Plans with the status of “Active” at report execution time
· Closed Service Plans with a “Case Closure Date” in the reporting Start Date and End Date period and whose closure reason is not “Opened in Error”
· The Active service plan must also contain one or more sub-goals of type Competencies, excluding Learning Activities
Q. Can more than one LBS Service Provider have a service plan open in CaMS for the same client?
A. Yes
Q. Does the Learner Plan Template have to be saved as a Word document or can agencies save the data in their own databases?
A. The short answer is No. Learner Plan templates must be saved as a Word Document as per the instructions for the Learner Plan Template document.
Page 4 of the document states "The template may be printed out, filled in manually then later entered into a Microsoft Word document, or entered straight into a Microsoft Word document. Note that either way you choose to collect the information, it must be entered as Microsoft Word documents."
Q. For carry-over learners, is the Participant Registration form (having it filled out) optional?
A. The Participant Registration form is mandatory as of April 1, 2012 and must be completed for all carry-over learners. Please have the Service Provider review Page 6 of the LBS Learner Carry-over and Transition guide, available on the EOPG website.
Q. If a learner takes a "break" from learning, how long does the file stay open? Will it close automatically if no new data is entered?
A. In general, Service Providers should close a Service Plan under three broad circumstances:
· The client achieves his/her goal path
· The client indicates to the SP that he/she is terminating further training (for reasons either disclosed or not - as is the client's choice)
· The Service Provider loses contact with the client, and after reasonable efforts to 'reconnect' with the client, the Service Provider makes a determination to close the individual's Service Plan. There is no system (or business) rule that would require or influence the need for such a practice.
The service provider must exercise good judgement in these instances.
Specifically, the Service Provider, for a leave of absence, can leave the plan open. It might be a good idea to collect the data for the exit form (but not enter it into CaMS) just in case the learner doesn't come back. Then they would have the data needed to close the service plan without potentially reporting a lost contact should the learner not return. If/when the learner returns, then the exit form can be shredded.
Q. For carry-over learners, what degree of information do you have to fill in regarding goals and sub-goals? What if certain fields are left empty because the learner's time with the program (past April 1,
2012) will be short?
A. We recommend LBS Service Providers only record the milestone tasks and other goal requirements on the Learner Plan that the learner will be working on during the 2012-13 fiscal year, or beyond, in order to be ready to transition out of LBS. This answer is included in the FAQ section on page 15 of the LBS Learner Carry-over and Transition guide.
Q. Can milestones be administered in a group setting?
A. Yes, as long as they are used in their original form, following consistent administration and scoring guidelines.
Q. For culminating tasks, is the expectation that a learner do the apprenticeship task or the skills training task, but not both?
A. Yes, they should use the culminating task that most closely aligns with the learner’s goal.
Q. Does a learner have to do the culminating task that relates to his/her goal path? For example, someone who is on a post-secondary path or an apprenticeship path might be on it so that they can get employment. Would it be considered wrong to get them to do the employment culminating task?
A. Yes, because culminating tasks are one of the three indicators for the measure "completion of goal path". The culminating task represents the end of the learner's goal path.
Q. If clients indicate their level of satisfaction with the program (would they refer others to it) at the time of their exit, will they be asked this same question again during follow-up?
A. No, the follow-up questions are documented on the Exit and Follow-up form and do not include the customer satisfaction question. As part of their follow-up conversation, SPs may wish to ask learners how they are using their LBS training now that they are in their next step and if the learner could identify any training gaps. This information should then be used to inform future program delivery for that goal path.
Q. If clients leave without doing an exit, can we assume they will be called and asked about their satisfaction during follow-up and their responses (if the clients can be reached) then get entered on EOIS-CaMS?
A. Every effort should be made to capture the exit data upon exit, including phoning, emailing or trying to reach an exited learner through social media. Once contact with the learner is made the SP should ask all of the questions on the Exit and Follow-up form including the customer satisfaction question and input this into EOIS CaMS.
Q. If the answer to 1 and 2 is "yes," then does EOIS-CaMS combine this data so that all the customer satisfaction information shows up on one report?
A. The customer satisfaction question is only to be asked once, either at exit, or as soon thereafter as the learner can be contacted.
Q. If we are asking question over the phone of clients once they leave the program, does out initial request for consent that we ask clients to complete cover us for entering data we obtain from them AFTER they have left the program?
A. Yes.
Q. How do LBS agencies generate reports? Are reports generated automatically? At any time? Or do you have to wait until a certain time of the month?
A. SPs will be receiving more information and training later this fiscal year with respect to EOIS-CaMS reports. In the meantime SPs are encouraged to take the 15 minute video training module on reports that has been posted on the EOPG.
Q. Will LBS agencies get statistics (aggregate) on how other LBS programs are doing? So they know how their program is doing relative to any averages that may exist?
A. Yes, more information about how this will happen will be forthcoming - see answer above.
Q. Will there be training for LBS agencies on reports – what reports are available? When they can be accessed? How to interpret them? If so, when will the training happen?
A. SPs will be receiving more information and training later this fiscal year with respect to EOIS-CaMS reports. In the meantime SPs are encouraged to take the 15 minute video training module on reports that has been posted on the EOPG.
We will keep you posted as we have more specific information.
Q. Are we allowed to invite a Subject Matter Expert to a network-wide meeting?
A. Absolutely!
Q. How is the employment information that we request of clients going to be used by MTCU? Given the time required to gather this information and the likelihood that some of the info will be quite sketchy...
A. This information will be used by practitioners to better understand the experiences and learning needs of their learners. Further, it will potentially inform future evaluations of the LBS program. For these reasons, SPs are encouraged to collect accurate data about LBS learner's employment experiences prior to their LBS training and labour market attachment following training. SPs are not required to include lengthy employment histories of the learners they serve, but SPs should gather the historic data they need to inform learner plan development.
Q. As far as efficiency is concerned, are the three areas – the achievement of one milestone, the achievement of all milestones in a client's path, and the achievement of the culminating task – all weighted the same?
A. In the effectiveness dimension (weighted at 60%), there are four measures. They are:
- Suitability/learner profile (weighted at 10%)
- Completion of goal path (weighted at 20%) - this includes three data indicators - % of learners who complete all goal related milestones, % of learners who complete a goal related culminating task and the % of learners who complete all goal path requirements identified in the learner plan
- Learner progress (weighted at 20%) with only one data indicator - % of learners who progress toward completion of goal path as indicated by the successful completion of at least one required milestone
- Learner gains (weighted at 10%) with one data indicator - the % of learners who show gain using the IALSS 500 point scale in the areas of prose literacy, document literacy and numeracy.
Q. When creating a Client Summary - under Assessment section, what would we enter in the following categories (4 areas) for:
a) Carry-over Learners
b) New Learners
Entry Assessment Tool ______
Date of Assessment______
Learner Gains Score______
Date of Assessment______
A. As for New clients, LBS staff users of EOIS-CaMS will be required to enter 0 as the Learner Gain Score with no date entry for the Date of the Assessment for their Learner Gains score.
Q. Are all milestones weighted the same? For example, some learners may complete one milestone and exit, others may complete 5 before exit. Will the SP get more credit for having one learner complete more than one milestone?
A. The milestones are not individually weighted. In the effectiveness dimension, the completion of milestones is an indicator for both the measures of 'completion of goal path' and for 'learner progress'. For completion of goal path the data indicator is the percentage of learners who complete all goal-related milestones in their learner plan.
For progress, the data indicator is the percentage of learners who progress towards completion of goal path (as indicated by successful completion of least one required milestone). So there is benefit (in terms of the Performance Management Framework) in having learners complete all of the milestones in their learner plan as opposed to just one as an indicator of progress.
Q. For carry-over learners, is the Participant Registration form (having it filled out) optional?
A. The Participant Registration form is mandatory as of April 1, 2012 and must be completed for all carry-over learners. Please have the Service Provider review Page 6 of the LBS Learner Carry-over and Transition Guide available on the EOPG website.
Q.If a learner takes a “break” from learning, how long does the file stay open? Will it close automatically if no new data is entered?
A. In general, Service Providers should close a Service Plan under three broad circumstances:
I. the client achieves his/her goal path
II. the client indicates to the SP that he/she is terminating further training (for reasons either disclosed or not - as is the client's choice)
III. the Service Provider loses contact with the client, and after reasonable efforts to 'reconnect' with the client, the Service Provider makes a determination to close the individual's Service Plan. There is no system (or business) rule that would require or influence the need for such a practice.
The service provider must exercise good judgement in these instances.
Specifically, the Service Provider, for a leave of absence, can leave the plan open. It might be a good idea to collect the data for the exit form (but not enter it into CaMS) just in case the learner doesn’t come back. Then they would have the data needed to close the service plan without potentially reporting a lost contact should the learner not return. If/when the learner returns, then the exit form can be shredded.
Q. For carry-over learners, what degree of information do you have to fill in regarding goals and sub-goals? What if certain fields are left empty because the learner’s time with the program (past April 1 2012) will be short?
A. We recommend LBS Service Providers only record the milestone tasks and other goal requirements on the Learner Plan that the learner will be working on during the 2012-13 Fiscal year, or beyond, in order to be ready to transition out of LBS. This answer is included in the FAQ section on page 15 of the LBS Learner Carry-over and Transition guide.
Q. Can milestones be administered in a group setting?
A. Yes, as long as they are used in their original form, following consistent administration and scoring guidelines.