Application for Membership as a WECAN Developing Institute
Application Date:
Application for:
Developing MembershipRenewal of Developing Membership
Institute Name:
Year Established:
Postal Code:
Early Childhood Contact Person
Office Contact Person
Send this cover page and the self-study, electronically, to: Holly Koteen-Soule, WECAN Teacher Education Committee Chair, at .
The Self-Study will be reviewed by your Site Visitor(s) and by the WECAN Teacher Education Committee in making a decision regarding your application.
WECAN Developing Member Institute Self-Study
Upon completion of the self-study questions A-E, please come back to these initial questions and respond to them as opening remarks to this document.
Initial Questions:
- Write a brief history of your institute. How did it begin and what have been the most formative events in its biography?
- What would you characterize as the unique qualities and contributions of your institute?
A)Purpose, Goals and Philosophy
(Section A of AWSNA and WECAN Institute Shared Principles)
- Growth and Development
- Please attach a copy of your institute’s mission statement.
- How do you envision the development of your program(s) over the next 3 years?
- Commitment to the ideals and practices of Waldorf teacher education and anthroposophy
- Describe how this commitment comes to expression in your program(s), work with students, and promotional materials (website, brochures, etc.).
- Describe how this commitment comes to expression in your faculty study and ongoing professional development within your Institute or training program.
- Overview
- Identify strengths of this section of the program.
- Identify challenges of this section of the program.
- Identify one to three goals in this area and who is responsible for implementing those goals.
B)The Educational Program, Activities and Student Services
(Section B of AWSNA and WECAN Institute Shared Principles)
- Your Educational Program
- Describe how your institute is working with the AWSNA and/or WECANShared Principles for Institutes in relation to the educational program and faculty (Section B).
- List all teacher education programs you offer. For each, include a list of courses, contact hours, schedules and course outlines, including the names of the faculty members who teach each course.
- Do students participate in courses with early childhood or class teacher students or others? Please describe.
- Who is responsible for program development of the training course?
- Please describe your institutional relationships – are you part of a larger institute or entity?
- Student admissions, assessment and graduation information
- What are your admission requirements?
- Do your students come primarily from your school, immediate area, region, throughout North America, or from around the world?
- How do you assess the work of your students? How do your students evaluate and review their experience in your training course?
- What kind of certificate or credential do you offer to the graduates of your courses? Is this certificate recognized by a state, provincial or other governmental agency?
- What are you doing to take into account the varying learning styles of all of the trainees?
- What percentage of your graduates from the last group or cohort of your training is now working in an AWSNA or WECAN school or institute?
- Overview
- Identify strengths of this section of the program.
- Identify challenges of this section of the program.
- Identify one to three goals in this area and who is responsible for implementing those goals.
C)Institute Governance, Administration, Finance & Law
(Section C of AWSNA and WECAN Institute Shared Principles)
- Governance, finances, facilities and administration
- Please describe how you are working with the AWSNA and/or WECAN Institute Shared Principles in relation to governance, finances, and administration (Section C)
- Who carries responsibility for decision-making in the following areas: program development, enrollment, hiring, finances and budget, legal matters?
- What is your current enrollment by program? Total institutional enrollment? Is enrollment healthy? What would be your ideal enrollment?
- Do you have sufficient financial resources to support your program(s), faculty and facilities? Please attach a copy of your current budget.
- Describe your facilities. Where do your classes take place? Are the facilities adequate?
- Does your program have sufficient administrative resources to support your program(s)? Please attach a list of staff positions and names.
- What are your tuition fees? What kinds of tuition assistance are available to your students?
- Address the institute’s succession plan(s)
- Include a 3-year budget projection.
- Overview
- Identify strengths of this section of the program.
- Identify challenges of this section of the program.
- Identify one to three goals in this area and who is responsible for implementing those goals.
(Section D of AWSNA Institute Shared Principles and Section B of the WECAN Institute Shared Principles)
- Faculty preparation and professional development
- List the names of faculty, including the following:
- The course(s) they teach
- Their Waldorf teacher education (institute, course of study and year of completion)
- Other higher education (college, course of study, degree, year)
- Other professional training and education
- Relevant experience
- Please list the names and schools/programs of faculty mentors who work with your students.
- Describe your expectations for the mentoring, evaluation and ongoing development of your teacher education faculty.
- Overview
- Identify strengths of this section of the program.
- Identify challenges of this section of the program.
- Identify one to three goals in this area and who is responsible for implementing those goals.
E)Community of the Institute
(Section E of AWSNA and WECAN Institute Shared Principles)
- Collegial and community relations, and relations with the wider movement
- How do you work to cultivate community?
- Characterize the relations between faculty and staff, board, student body and larger community.
- What are the most positive aspects of relations among faculty? How do you deal with conflicts or grievances?
- How are you cultivating relationships with schools and institutes outside your institute (mentoring, practicums, observations, and teaching courses in your program, etc.)?
- Please describe how you are collaborating with other AWSNA and WECAN members and the activities of both Associations. (see Shared Principles, Part E)
- Overview
- Identify strengths of this section of the program.
- Identify challenges of this section of the program.
- Identify one to three goals in this area and who is responsible for implementing those goals.
Summary Questions:
- Overview
- Identify overall strengths of the program.
- Identify overall challenges of the program.
- Identify one to three goals in this area and who is responsible for implementing those goals.
- What has your community gained through your participation in the Self-Study process?
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