Employee Hiring Checklist
Student Employees
See Office of Student Employment website -
Please visit the above-mentionedwebsite. The For Employers tab on the navigation barhas a lot of helpful information.
Determine correct Job Classification and Rate of Pay click Student Job Classifications or Student Pay Scale link in the For Employers section of the Student Employment web page.
Advertising your job online. You will go to the For Employers section of the student employment web page. You will then click on the CareerLink Employer Login. You can either sign in if you have an existing account or sign up for one. If you need any help with this you can contact Derek Dubois at .
Request Form for Hiring.You will use the Request From that you would use for purchasing. On the right hand side of the form there is now a box you will check when hiring employees. Then under the description section you will put the name and job tittle of the employee that you are hiring. In the Unit Price section you will put the hourly rate this person will be receiving. You will then need to have the PI add the accounting information and sign just like when you make a purchase.
Student Employee Authorization Form. Thisform is updated each academic year and before each summer session. Form can be downloaded from Office of Student Employment website or obtain copies from Molly. If Work Study, student must tell you amount of their work study award. Employee fills out the top section and signs the form. You fill out Supervisor, Beginning Date for this Job, Job Title, Position Code, Hourly Wages and you sign as Supervisor. Mollyis the Payroll Processor and Time Approver for the Department. The form goes to Mollywith account number you want to use to pay the student. Mollywill fill out the remaining sections including Accounting ID and Chartfield Combination. Leave with Mollyto sign and process.
Human Resources Forms. If the student hasn’t worked for the University in the past 12 months, they will be required to fill out I-9, W4, W4-ME, and Direct Deposit Forms. The
I-9 form must be completed in person at the Office of Student Employment. Remind the student to bring 2 forms of ID (for the I-9 Form). All tax and direct deposit information is done through MaineStreet. The student can find more information in the For Students section of student employment web page.
Break Waiver and Student Privacy & Confidentiality Agreement Form. Get copy from Molly. Student reviews and both student and supervisor sign. Leave original with Molly for files.
Safety Worksheet. Get Safety Training Worksheet Questionsfrom Molly. Let her know if you are working on a USGS project. Have the direct supervisor sign off before starting any training. Work with the student to complete any training needed and give written “proof” of training to Katherine for student employee file.
Emergency Notification Form. Get copy from Molly, have student complete and leavewith Molly for files.
Other Items
Training for Entering Time. Have student go to the For Student section of the Office of Student Employment web page. Mollyapproves payroll hours every Monday at 9 am for the preceding week. It may take up to 24 hours for the time you entered to show up for Molly to approve. If hours are not entered in a timely manner, student may not get paid. If you are in a remote location, hours can be called in or emailed to Molly and she can input and approve.
Payroll Schedule. Pay checks are issued every other Friday. Check the Office of Student Employment website for the schedule.
USGS Volunteer Service Agreement (If working or volunteering on USGS projects or driving USGS vehicles). Get from Molly or Katherine. Employee completes and leavesoriginal with Katherine for student employee file.
Driving Vehicles
See Facilities Management, Motor Pool web page:
Employee readAPL11-B: Motor Vehicle Use & Regulations. Download from website above or get from Katherine or Rena.
University Student Vehicle Driver Information and Agreement Form - In-State or Out-of-State. Download from website above or get from Katherine. Employee fills out form, provides copy of license if needed and leaves with Katherine for processing with Motor Pool. If out-of-state license, account number is needed as there is a fee associated with this service.
USGS Vehicle Use. In addition to having the Agreement Form above, must receive training through DOI learn, and read and sign vehicle use policy. See Rena or Katherine for details.
Temporary Employees
Work with Rena to determine correct Job Classification and Wage. Rena will need an account number to complete the form.
Total hourly rate = wage + $0.75/hr HR fee + ~ 8% COLT benefits (not on the $0.75 fee)
Temporary Employee Appointment Form. Rena generates, employee signs, PI signs, Rena processes.
Supplemental Application Form for Positions that Require Driving. (Required for temporary employees only). Employee fills out and submits with Appointment form. DMV checks will be done for each applicant. Requires account number for billing and takes 7-10 days to complete.
I-9, W4, W4-ME, Direct Deposit Form. Employee can print from Human Resources web page or get from Rena. Employee must take directly to Human Resourcesand fill out I-9 in person.
Training for Entering Time. Get from Rena. Rena approves payroll hours every Monday at 9 am for the preceding week.
Safety Worksheet. Get Safety Training Worksheet Questions from Katherine. Let her know if you are working on a USGS project to be sure you receive the correct list. Have the direct supervisor sign off before starting any training. Work with the student to complete anytraining needed and give written “proof” of training to Katherine for student employee file.