Sacred Heart Parish “A Tithing Parish” Dover, New Jersey
Daily Scriptures &
February 7-14, 2016
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary TimeIs 6:1-2a,3-8; 1Cor 15:1-11; Lk 5: 1-11
5:00 pm (vigil): For the People
8:00 am Anna Visioli
10:00 am The Mizzoni Family
11:30 pm Nicholas Lukas
7:00 pm Priscilla A. Warner
Monday - St. Jerome Emiliani; St. Josephine Bakhita, Virgin
1 Kgs 8:1-7, 9-13; Mk 6:53-56
7:00 pm Renee Swayze
Tuesday 1 Kgs 8:22-23, 27-30; Mk 7:1-13
8:30 am Mary HolinkoAsh Wednesday Jl 2:12-18; 2 Cor 5:20—6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
8:30 am Andy Gall
12:00 n Services of Ashes
3:30 pm Services of Ashes
5:30 pm Services of Ashes
7:00 pm Mary Ellen Minahan
Thursday - Our Lady of Lourdes Dt 30:15-20; Lk 9:22-25
8:30 am Frank Puccio
Friday Is 58:1-9a; Mt 9:14-15
8:30 am Catherine A. Jugan
Is 58:9b-14; Lk 5:27-32
8:30 am Jennie Panetta
First Sunday of LentDt 26:4-10; Rom 10:8-13; Lk 4: 1-13
5:00 pm (vigil): Frank Saxton, Sr.
8:00 am William Edward
10:00 am For the People
11:30 pm Joseph McCusker
7:00 pm Tina Peña
Save the Date!! Saturday,February 20:
Morning Lenten Retreat
Here In Our Parish.
"God’s Mercy can take us
from Sinner to Saint!” / /
To all our visitors this weekend.
This Wednesday, February 10th, we begin the “Season of Lent.” As a reminder of our own mortality and the need for conversion and repentance to mark the beginning of this holy season, ashes will be blessed and distributed during the 8:30 am and 7:00 pm Masses and during services at 12:00 noon, 3:30 and 5:30 pm.
Welcome Home to Healing
Once again our parish will engage in a diocesan effort to encourage a return to the Sacrament of Reconciliation called Welcome Home.
Every parish in the diocese will ensure that at least one priest-confessor will be available every Monday in Lent to celebrate Reconciliation.
atholics in the Diocese of Paterson, especially those who have been away from the Church, are invited to experience God’s healing love and forgiveness through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Catholic churches in Morris, Sussex and Passaic Counties will be open for Confession every Monday beginning February 15h to March 14th from 7:00 PM-8:30 pm. Sacred Heart Parish will celebrate Reconciliation each Monday during our 7:00 pm Mass until 8:30 pm.
Stations of the Cross
On Fridays, during Lent, we will once again celebrate Stations of the Cross. Stations will be celebrated in English at 7:00 pm at Sacred Heart beginning Friday, February 12th .
You're invited to participate in CRS Rice Bowl!
Join our parish community—and nearly 14,000 Catholic communities across the United States—in a life-changing Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl. Pick up your family’s rice bowl from Sacred Heart this weekend, and don’t forget to download the CRS Rice Bowl app! Remember, what you give up for Lent changes lives.
Sight & Sound Theatres “Samson”
Mrs. Lydia Regelski, Our Bereavement Ministry Committee Chairman, is hosting a trip to the Sight & Sound Theatre in Lancaster PA on Friday, May 13. (Departing 10:45 am from the Rockaway Mass lot #36 &38.) The show begins at 2:45 pm. After the show, the bus will transport you to a wonderful dinner in PA at 6:00 pm. The cost of the trip is $120.00 per person (non-refundable). This includes: the bus; the show; meal and a tip for the bus driver. Money is due ASAP, but no later than March 1st due to seating arrangements. Seats are limited…first come, first served. Interested? Call Lydia at 973-328-7058. Please come and see another great show with us!
“God’s Plan for Giving.....Tithing A Way of Life”
Collection total for January 31, 2016
Last Year’s total at this time:
This Week in Our Parish February
TUESDAY – February 9
11:30 am Leisure Club Meeting–Rectory
7:30 pm Baptism Prep. – Rectory Basement
WEDNESDAY – February 10
Ash Wednesday – Check Mass Schedule
6:00 pm Adult Choir - Church
FRIDAY – February 12
6:00 pm Youth Valentine’s Day – Parish Center
SATURDAY –February 13
9:00 am Confessions – Church
SUNDAY – February 14
8:45 am Religious Ed. – School
Parish & Community Bulletin Board:
Baptism Prep. Class
The great sacrament of Baptism makes us a child of God, welcomes us into the Kingdom of Heaven and enables us to avoid evil, among other things. What a great gift. In order to partake of this Sacrament a parent must be a parishioner and attend a preparation class. Class is offered once a month and registration is required to take the class. Please call the office at 973-366-0060 or Alice McKeever at 973-663-0201 or e-mail to register.
On the First Friday of each month, from 6:00 to 7:00 pm, the Youth Group will be hold an hour Adoration, Praise and Worship session in Church. Our next “Adoration” will be held Friday, March 4th at 6:00 pm. Please join us! The Sacred Heart Youth Ministry meetings are held every Friday at 6:00 pm in the Youth Recreational Center.
MORE ON OUR HOLY DOOR (continued from last week)
So, once again, Pope Francis wants us to be aware that, as we are walking IN through Our HOLY DOOR, we are entering in to a new chapter of our spiritual lives. The PHYSICAL act of entering in is to remind us of a SPIRITUAL entering in. Something is about to change!! Our dear Holy Father wants us to think about this deeply during the Jubilee Year of Mercy. He wants us to SHOW mercy, BE mercy, DO mercy, and maybe the hardest thing of all for some of us — to ACCEPT mercy. What he is asking us to do may take a lot of courage. Any kind of change, but especially the spiritual kind, takes an act of the will, a “putting-aside” if you will, of pride and embarrassment, resentment and anger. This week, ask Him to help you know how. More on this next week!
“Rediscover Jesus!”
This Christmas our Parishioners received a copy of Matthew Kelly’s Rediscover Jesus. We still have a few copies left. Did you get your copy yet? Please contact Genevieve Kowalski at or call her at 973-663-8463 to obtain your own.
First Reading: Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8
Isaiah recounts the awe he felt the first time he saw the Lord, who was surrounded by angels. He began to feel despair because he was a man of unclean lips, until an angel touched an ember to his lips and pronounced them clean. The Lord asked who he should send forth, to which Isaiah replied, "Here I am, send me!"
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Paul reminds the Corinthians that Christ died for us to free us from our sins. He encourages them to remember the importance of Jesus' death and resurrection. He admits that he initially failed to believe, and therefore was very grateful to be called an apostle and preach in the name of Christ.
Gospel: Luke 5:1-11
Luke tells of Jesus preaching to a crowd, then joining Peter who was about to end a fruitless day of fishing. He told Peter to lower his net back in, and a great number of fish were caught. Upon seeing this, Peter and his companions, James and John, immediately abandoned their nets to follow Jesus.
Lenten Regulations
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. The following fasting and abstinence regulations are observed:
·  Abstinence from meat is observed on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all the Fridays of Lent by all Catholics 14 years of age and older.
·  Fasting is observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday by all Catholics who are 18 years of age but not yet 59 years of age. Those bound by this rule may take only one full meal. Two smaller meals are permitted as necessary to maintain strength according to one's needs, but eating solid foods between meals is not permitted.
·  The special Paschal fast and abstinence are observed on Good Friday and, where possible, on Holy Saturday. On these days, Christians prepare themselves by these disciplines in anticipation of the renewal of their baptismal commitment on Easter.
Failure to observe individual days of penance is not considered serious, but failure to observe any penitential days at all or a substantial number of such days must be considered serious. During Lent, the Church encourages attendance at daily Mass, self-imposed times of fasting, and generosity to local, national, and worldwide programs of sharing.
Friday, February 19, at 8:00 p.m., the Franciscan Mystery Players will present their moving version of “The Way of the Cross” at St. Clement Church 154 Mt. Pleasant Avenue, Rockaway Township, NJ.
The Mystery Play is not a “play” in the common sense, but is in fact a prayerful experience that uses special lighting, a stirring soundtrack, pantomime actions and inspirational narration to portray the Stations of the Cross in a manner that invites each viewer to contemplate the meaning of the Passion, and how it relates to their life today.
The group is comprised of 15 teens and 9 adult advisors from several parishes in the Paterson Diocese.
Adults and teens are encouraged to attend this special Lenten experience. We suggest you arrive 15 minutes early. A free will offering will be taken. (For info 973-366-7095) / Weekly Reflections
“HIS WORD TODAY” by Rev. William J. Reilly
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 7, 2016
“When he had finished speaking he said to Simon, ‘Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch.’ Simon answered, ‘Master we have been hard at it all night long and have caught nothing, but if you say so, I will lower the nets.’ Upon doing this they caught such a great number of fish that their nets were at the breaking point…Simon Peter fell at the knees of Jesus saying, ‘Leave me Lord, I am a sinful man.’”
Great timing. Lent begins this week, a time of repentance, renewal and new hope. Pope Francis has placed special emphasis for us, providing us with ‘Messengers of Mercy’ for reconciliation.
The Bishop of Rome invites us to walk with Jesus. What better time, than the season of Lent. We do not wish to walk alone, so, take a moment to go fishing, to invite someone else, one or two persons, to join in the Lenten journey with us. It may be a person who has grown weak in the practice of the faith, someone who has experienced hurts in the church, or is suffering from sickness or lack of hope.
The nets we have are prayer, sacrifice and good works. We are the ones reaching, extending ourselves, so that others may come to know the mercy of God. The Pope described himself as a sinner. I too, can utter the words of Peter, not to leave me, but to walk and support me.
Youth ministry News
12 Valentine’s Day Celebration- Gym 6:00 – 9:00 pm
19 Sports- Gym 6:00 – 9:00 pm
26 Laser Tag in Gym- ALL Ages and Friends Welcomed!
6 Adoration @6:00pm- Church, followed by Lenten Retreat in Gym
13 Minute to Win It Challenge- Gym 6:00 – 9:00 pm
20 Hockey- Gym 6:00 – 9:00 pm
27 Church Cleaning w/ Pizza- Church 6:00 – 9:00 pm
Music Notes
Choir Practice has once again begun. New members are always encouraged and welcome to join the choir! New voices really lend to the total sound. Youth choir meets on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm and Adult Choir at 7:00 pm. Join us, won’t you?
The God of Mercy: A Biblical Understanding of Mercy in the Old and New Testament
What is the biblical understanding of wrath, anger and mercy and how do we reconcile the idea of God’s wrath along with his infinite mercy for his children? Allan Wright, presenter.
Madison, Monday and Tuesday, February 8 and 9 from 10:00-11:30 a.m.
Men After His Heart
A basic course in spirituality for men. Self-contained sessions will explore spiritual themes important to men and their growth in faith. Fr. Paul Manning, presenter.
Madison, Tuesday, February 9 from 7:30-9:00 p.m.
How to Build a Couples’ Ministry
Building a couples’ ministry is easier than you think. Join Mike and Faith Rose for practical insights on how to organically build relationships with couples, especially the newly married.
Madison, Wednesday, February 17 from 6:00-9:00 p.m.
New Parishioners
Sacred Heart Parish welcomes new parishioners to register at any time. Registration forms can be found on the heaters of the church or you may feel free to stop by the parish offices from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm, Monday to Friday. Questions? You can reach the parish secretary, Patty Hyle @ 973-366-0060. (Registration forms are also available on our website
Due to the deaths of so many long time parishioners, who have had many masses offered for their souls,we have had to open our 2017 Mass Book early. However, this year we will be permitted 2 intentions at each Mass in 2017. Please come in now to make your donation and reserve your 2017 Masses.
The Church in Central & Eastern Europe
Next week, we will take up the Collection for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. This collection supports Catholic organization that provide affordable shelter and training for seminarians in a region that still struggles from the effects of Soviet rule. By providing pastoral care, catechesis, and funding for building renovations, your donations help restore the church and build the future in the region. Please give generously to next week’s collection. Visit