“St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves”
Lesson 7: Text Dependent Question(s)
CLASS STARTER: The following text is from the ELA standard that we are focusing on today. Read it and put each sentence into your own words. What is this standard asking you to be able to do?
Sentence from Standard W.9.2 / In your words…Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly.
Write an informative/explanatory text through the effective selection of evidence and effective analysis of content.
Vocabulary from CLASS STARTER:
Convey: ______
Effective: ______
Evidence: ______
Analysis: ______
New York State Regents Examination in English Language Arts (Common Core)
Part 3 Rubric - Text Analysis
Criteria / 4Responses at this Level: / 3
Responses at this Level: / 2
Responses at this Level: / 1
Responses at this Level:
Content and Analysis: the extent to which the response conveys complex ideas and information clearly and accurately in order to respond to the task and support an analysis of the text / -introduce a well-reasoned central idea and a writing strategy that clearly establish the criteria for analysis
-demonstrate a thoughtful analysis of the author’s use of the writing strategy to develop the central idea / -introduce a clear central idea and a writing strategy that establish the criteria for analysis
-demonstrate an appropriate analysis of the author’s use of the writing strategy to develop the central idea / -introduce a central idea and/or a writing strategy
-demonstrate a superficial analysis of the author’s use of the writing strategy to develop the central idea / -introduce a confused or incomplete central idea or writing strategy
-demonstrate a minimal analysis of the author’s use of the writing strategy to develop the central idea
Command of Evidence: the extent to which the response presents evidence from the provided text to support analysis / -present ideas clearly and consistently, making effective use of specific and relevant evidence to support analysis / -present ideas sufficiently, making adequate use of relevant evidence to support analysis / -present ideas inconsistently, inadequately, and/or inaccurately in an attempt to support analysis, making use of some evidence that may be irrelevant / -present little or no evidence from the text
Coherence, Organization, and Style: the extent to which the response logically organizes complex ideas, concepts, and information using formal style and precise language / -exhibit logical organization of ideas and information to create a cohesive and coherent response
-establish and maintain a formal style, using precise language and sound structure / -exhibit acceptable organization of ideas and information to create a coherent response
-establish and maintain a formal style, using appropriate language and structure / -exhibit inconsistent organization of ideas and information, failing to create a coherent response
-lack a formal style, using language that is basic, inappropriate, or imprecise / -exhibit little organization of ideas and information
-use language that is predominantly incoherent, inappropriate, or copied directly from the task or text
-are minimal, making assessment unreliable
Control of Conventions:
the extent to which the response demonstrates command of conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling / -demonstrate control of the conventions with infrequent errors / -demonstrate partial control of conventions with occasional errors that do not hinder comprehension / -demonstrate emerging control of conventions with some errors that hinder comprehension / -demonstrate a lack of control of conventions with frequent errors that make comprehension difficult
-are minimal, making assessment of conventions unreliable
1)The rubric above will be used to evaluate your writing when you are responding to Regents writing tasks. We will take a close look at this rubric today.
- First, read the first two ROWS of the rubric (CONTENT & ANALYSIS and COMMAND OF EVIDENCE).
- As you are looking these rows over, put a STAR next to one important point in each box/category (all the way across).
2)Look back over the first ROW again (CONTENT & ANALYSIS) and answer the questions below:
- What did you annotate in this category?
- What are this category’s requirements? Paraphrase them into your own words:
- What differentiates a Level 4 response from a Level 3 response? (In other words, how is a 4 different from a 3 in this category?)
- Look back at your annotations for Level 3, 2, and 1 responses, what makes each one different from the others?
3)Look back over the second ROW again (COMMAND OF EVIDENCE) and answer the questions below:
- What did you annotate in this category?
- What are this category’s requirements? Paraphrase them into your own words:
- What differentiates a Level 4 response from a Level 3 response? (In other words, how is a 4 different from a 3 in this category?)
- Look back at your annotations for Level 3, 2, and 1 responses. What makes each one different from the others?
Practice Scoring:
1)Read over the model response to a question from a previous lesson about Stage 1.
2)Highlight/circle on the rubric (on the other side of this sheet) where the writer scored on the first two qualities (the first two rows).
3)Answer the questions that follow.
QUESTION: What is also part of Stage 1 that is not directly stated in the Stage 1 epigraph?
The Stage 1 epigraph describes Stage 1 as being “fun and exciting,” but Stage 1 describes more than just fun and excitement, so it is not entirely accurate. According to the narrator, the pack is also confused and upset at times. The text describes the pack “running along the shore, tearing at our new jumpers in a plaid agitation. Our brothers stood on the deck, looking small and confused.” Words like agitation and confused are not described in the Stage 1 epigraph. The wolf pack also describes the human odors as “assaulting” their noses, which does not have the same positive meaning as “fun and exciting”***While you’re considering this answer, think about where the CLAIM, EVIDENCES, and INTERPRETATIONS are. Label them with C, E, and I.
1)Describe the qualities you notice in the response:
2)What evidence did the write use that was effective and specific?
Now, use the rubric on the other side of this page to score this answer. Highlight/circle specifically what requirements were met by this answer (score using the first two rows only).
Part 3 Rubric: Text Analysis
Criteria / 4Responses at this Level: / 3
Responses at this Level: / 2
Responses at this Level: / 1
Responses at this Level:
Content and Analysis: the extent to which the response conveys complex ideas and information clearly and accurately in order to respond to the task and support an analysis of the text / -introduce a well-reasoned central idea and a writing strategy that clearly establish the criteria for analysis
-demonstrate a thoughtful analysis of the author’s use of the writing strategy to develop the central idea / -introduce a clear central idea and a writing strategy that establish the criteria for analysis
-demonstrate an appropriate analysis of the author’s use of the writing strategy to develop the central idea / -introduce a central idea and/or a writing strategy
-demonstrate a superficial analysis of the author’s use of the writing strategy to develop the central idea / -introduce a confused or incomplete central idea or writing strategy
-demonstrate a minimal analysis of the author’s use of the writing strategy to develop the central idea
Command of Evidence: the extent to which the response presents evidence from the provided text to support analysis / -present ideas clearly and consistently, making effective use of specific and relevant evidence to support analysis / -present ideas sufficiently, making adequate use of relevant evidence to support analysis / -present ideas inconsistently, inadequately, and/or inaccurately in an attempt to support analysis, making use of some evidence that may be irrelevant / -present little or no evidence from the text
Coherence, Organization, and Style: the extent to which the response logically organizes complex ideas, concepts, and information using formal style and precise language / -exhibit logical organization of ideas and information to create a cohesive and coherent response
-establish and maintain a formal style, using precise language and sound structure / -exhibit acceptable organization of ideas and information to create a coherent response
-establish and maintain a formal style, using appropriate language and structure / -exhibit inconsistent organization of ideas and information, failing to create a coherent response
-lack a formal style, using language that is basic, inappropriate, or imprecise / -exhibit little organization of ideas and information
-use language that is predominantly incoherent, inappropriate, or copied directly from the task or text
-are minimal, making assessment unreliable
Control of Conventions:
the extent to which the response demonstrates command of conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling / -demonstrate control of the conventions with infrequent errors / -demonstrate partial control of conventions with occasional errors that do not hinder comprehension / -demonstrate emerging control of conventions with some errors that hinder comprehension / -demonstrate a lack of control of conventions with frequent errors that make comprehension difficult
-are minimal, making assessment of conventions unreliable
1)Review: What do the following annotation codes mean?
- = =
- * =
- ? =
- ! =
2)With your neighbor, reread the passage below. Use these annotation codes to mark the text as you read.
3)Answer the following questions with your partner:
- What are some changes that will happen in Stage 2 according to the Stage 2 epigraph?
- What is “disorienting” about looking at the shoes for the narrator and what could disorienting mean?
- What has “bewildered” the girls?
- What does the word bewilderedmean in this context?
4)On your own, read the passage below. Annotate as you read. Use all FOUR annotation codes.
5)Answer the following questions independently. Be prepared to share your answers with the whole class.
- Who or what is taunting the girls?
- What can you determine the word taunt means in this context?
- How do the parents (still in the forest) affect the girls?
- Why do the nuns perform a daily eradication?
- What does eradicatemean in this context?
- What two word parts do you see in the word bipedal?
- What can you determine bipedal means by looking at the word parts?
- Why is the word bipedal important to the girls’ development?
- How is Mirabella different from the other girls?
6)CLOSING QUESTION: How is the epigraph’s description of Stage 2 reflected in the experiences of the girls in this section of the text? Support your ideas with at least two pieces of EVIDENCE. Use at least TWO of the following words in your response: bewildering, disorienting, eradicate, bipedal.
7)When you are finished writing, flip back to the Part 3 Text Analysis Rubric to check your work. Did you include all the requirements for a Level 4 response? If not, go back to your answer and revise it.