Demonstrates Competency in Science
Grade 3
Learning Standards / Performance Indicators / Possible Evidence1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th
Characteristics of Science
Understands the nature of scientific inquiry.
(S3CS8) / Practices safety procedures.
Uses tools to observe and measure.
Conducts experiments or collects specimens.
Uses sketches, drawings, or models to represent scientific data. / Practices safety procedures.
Uses tools to observe and measure.
Conducts experiments or collects specimens.
Uses sketches, drawings, or models to represent scientific data. / Practices safety procedures.
Uses tools to observe and measure.
Conducts experiments or collects specimens.
Uses sketches, drawings, or models to represent scientific data. / Practices safety procedures.
Uses tools to observe and measure.
Conducts experiments or collects specimens.
Uses sketches, drawings, or models to represent scientific data. / Observation
Lab Journal
Ticket out the door
Uses and analyzes data accurately
(S3CS2) / Keeps records of investigations and does not alter records later.
Organizes data in graphs, charts, and diagrams.
Makes conclusions based on data or research. / Keeps records of investigations and does not alter records later.
Organizes data in graphs, charts, and diagrams.
Makes conclusions based on data or research. / Keeps records of investigations and does not alter records later.
Organizes data in graphs, charts, and diagrams.
Makes conclusions based on data or research. / Keeps records of investigations and does not alter records later.
Organizes data in graphs, charts, and diagrams.
Makes conclusions based on data or research. / Observation
Lab Journal
Ticket out the door
Earth Science
Explains the attributes of rocks and soil
(S3E1) / N/A / Explains the relationship between rocks and minerals.
Describes, observes, measures, and tests different rocks, minerals, and soils.
Compares/contrasts different top soils.
Observes and researches how wind and water change rocks and soil over time. / N/A / N/A / * Unit Assessment (Unit Lesson 18)
* Dear Mr. Farmer Performance Assessment (ongoing throughout unit; completed Lesson 14)
* Erosion Project (Unit Lesson17)
Soil Comparison Lab Data (Unit Lesson 2)
“Rock or Mineral” Candy Sort Questions (Unit Lesson 8)
Minerals Quiz (Unit Lesson 12)
Shake, Rattle, and Roll Erosion Lab Data and Responses (Unit Lesson 15)
What Caused the Change? Erosion Worksheet (Unit Lesson 17)
Explains how fossils are evidence of organisms that lived long ago
(S3E2) / N/A / Explains how scientists use fossils as evidence of organisms that lived long ago.
Observes fossils and makes visual representations (models, drawings, etc).
Recognizes patterns between fossils and the organisms from which they came.
Defends the use of fossils as evidence of past organisms.
Compares/contrasts different types of fossils.
Writes clear step-by- step instructions for how a fossil is formed.
Discusses why there are more of some types of fossils than others. / N/A / N/A / * Unit Assessment (Unit Lesson 8)
* “Forming Fossils Performance Task” Create models of fossils using plaster or clay and explain how a fossil is formed on “Forming Fossils” Worksheet (Unit Lessons 3 & 4)
* Shell Story Worksheet (Unit Lesson 6)
Fossil Observations Lab Data Chart (Unit Lesson 2)
Fossil Observations Match (Unit Lesson 5)
Fossil Match Worksheet
(Unit Lesson 5)
Fossil Family Match Worksheet (Unit Lesson 5)
Fossil Parfait-Fossil Finds Assessment Questions (Unit Lesson 7)
Physical Science
Explains how heat is produced and the effects of heating and cooling
(S3P1) / Identifies the sun as the original source of our heat energy.
Demonstrates three ways heat can be produced (burning, rubbing, or mixing chemicals).
Understands that insulation affects the amount of heat energy transferred between hot and cold objects.
Investigates how an object’s properties affect the way the sun’s energy is transferred.
Demonstrates that energy can be transferred between objects.
Uses thermometers to measure heat energy.
Investigates how heat energy can cause changes in states of matter. / N/A / N/A / N/A / *Unit Assessment (Unit Lesson 17)
* “Keep an Ice Cube” Observations and Plans (Unit Lesson 12)
* Dressing Daisy/David Performance Task (Unit Lesson 15)
Measuring Temperature Worksheet (Unit Lesson 3)
“Can You Feel Temperature?” Assessment Questions (Unit Lesson 4)
Friction Centers Observation Sheet (Unit Lesson 5)
“Melt A Cube” Observations and Plans (Unit Lesson 7)
“Heat is Moving” Worksheet (Unit Lesson 7)
“Heat Energy Moves” Spoons Activity (Unit Lesson 8)
Sort (Unit Lesson 13)
Conductor/Insulator Scavenger Hunt (Unit Lesson 12—Homework)
Heat and Color Experiment Chart and Questions (Unit Lesson 14)
Student Responses during “Heat Jeopardy” Review Game (Unit Lesson 16)
Heat/Energy Quiz (Unit Additional Resource)
“Hot Words” Vocabulary Worksheet (Unit Additional Resource)
GRASPS Framework Activity (Design an energy efficient home.)
Explains how magnets affect other magnets and common objects
(S3P2) / Demonstrates that magnets attract objects that contain iron or steel.
Understands that magnets have two poles and are strongest at their poles.
Understands attraction and repulsion (that opposite poles attract and like poles repel).
Understands that different magnets may have different strengths.
Explains ways magnets are used in everyday lives. / N/A / N/A / N/A / * Magnet Unit Assessment (Unit Lesson 11)
* Superhero writing assignment (Unit Lesson 11)
GRASPS Framework Activity (Create an object that moves or works through use of magnetism.)
“What will a Magnet Attract?” Data and Conclusions (Unit Lesson 3)
“Making Magnets” Data and Conclusions (Unit Lesson 4)
“How Are Magnets Made?” Cloze Passage (Unit Lesson 4)
“Through it All” Data and Conclusions (Unit Lesson 6)
“Face to Face” Data and Conclusions (Unit Lesson 8)
“Floating Magnets” Data and Conclusions (Unit Lesson 8)
“Magnetic Tug of War” Data and Conclusions (Unit Lesson 8)
“Magnets at Home” Scavenger Hunt (Unit Lesson 9)
Informational Writing Prompt: “What I’ve Learned about Magnets”
Life Science
Explains the habitats of different organisms and the dependence of organisms on their habitats
(S3L1) / N/A / N/A / Differentiates between habitats of Georgia & the organisms (plant and animal) that live there.
Identifies adaptations of green plants in different regions of Georgia.
Identify adaptations of animals in different regions of Georgia.
Explains what will happen to an organism if its habitat is changed. / N/A / * Unit Assessment (Unit Lesson 19)
* Georgia Plant/Animal Sort (Unit Lesson 18)
* GRASPS Framework Activity (In class, create a zoo that showcases plants and animals from different regions of Georgia and describe their adaptations tat allow them to thrive in each region.)
* At school, make murals/models of Georgia habitats & the organisms that live there. Use research as needed to assist with project.Georgia Habitats Scrapbook and Journal Entries (ongoing throughout unit)
Piedmont and Mountains Habitat Quiz (Unit Lesson 7)
Coastal Plains and Okefenokee Swamp Quiz (Unit Lesson 10)
Turtle T-Chart (Unit Lesson 13)
Coastal/Beach and Atlantic Ocean Habitats Quiz (Unit Lesson 14)
“Oh Deer!” Summary Questions (Lesson 17)
Additional Assessment Activities:
Have students identify plants and/or animals found on school grounds and around their homes.
Have students write an original picture book set in a particular Georgia habitat, including examples of plants and animals throughout their story.
Have students create a picture book about a character who travels to Georgia’s different habitat regions and describes the plant and animal life there. (Model after Yumion books by Pam Alexander.)
Compose a comic strip about Georgia animal habitats. Students could illustrate animals from a particular habitat and have the animals explain to animals from a different habitat why they are not adapted for survival in their habitat.
Create posters for the Georgia “Give Wildlife a Chance” poster contest.
Research and write a report about an endangered species in Georgia.
Explains the effects of pollution and humans on the environment
(S3L2) / N/A / N/A / Recognizes examples of land, air, and water pollution.
Explains the effects of pollution, such as littering, to the habitats of plants/animals.
Compares and contrasts effects of pollution on plants and animals.
Explains effects of pollution on local community.
Identifies ways to protect the environment including conservation of resources, reducing amount of waste, reusing materials, and recycling. / N/A / * Unit Assessment (Unit Lesson 14)
* Write persuasive or editorial letters to local newspapers to explain the dangers of pollution or the importance of conservation and recycling. (Unit Lesson 14)
* Design posters to promote recycling or conservation to be displayed at your school or at local businesses. (Unit Lesson 14)Litter Walk Sort (Unit Lesson 2)
“Causes and Effects of Pollution” Worksheet (Unit Lesson 3)
Design and conduct a class recycling project, conservation project, or other service learning initiative. (Ongoing throughout unit)
“Litter I.Q. Game” Assessment Questions (Unit Lesson 5)
“Water We Doing About Litter?” Worksheet (Unit Lesson 8)
Make a “Pollution Police” booklet for drivers to explain harmful effect of air pollution and suggestions for limiting pollution. (Unit Lesson 13)
“Poor Pollution Preventors” Picture Observations (Unit Lesson 14)
Create picket posters displaying harmful effects of pollution or suggestions for preventing pollution for a “Pollution Prevention Parade.” Have students picket near a roadway adjacent to your school or during your school’s car rider line. (Unit Lesson 14)
* denotes common assessments that should be used by all 3rd grade teachers