Becoming A Friend…………..

What we do

The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust strives to provide a world-class service, which has been developed and continues to evolve for the care, information and education of sufferers, their families, and anyone needing support with an ectopic or other early pregnancy complication. Our professional team, manage our dedicated helpline and website including forums, which are open to both the public and professionals who need our assistance.

We work together with the leading specialists and researchers in the field to bring the latest information and research to the widest audience, thus allowing women to have the knowledge to make the best choice possible for them.

Our small professional staff,are supported by a team of dedicated volunteers and medical advisors. The organisation receives no government funding,we rely on the generosity of people like you. By becoming a Friend you will enable us to not only maintain our services but also to continue to expand and progress our areas of expertise.

What can you do to help?

We are asking you to partner us by becoming a Friend this will allow us to provide clear precise information for all our users. It will also enable us to continue to develop our services including education and research and to assist us with our work of providing support to women, their partners and families and to the medical professions who provide the often urgent medical care required by women,at what is often the most traumatic time of their lives.

Our category of Friends and their gifts are shown below, by agreeing to become a Friend you will allow us to maintain and grow our educational, helpline and website services to everyone in need of information when dealing with ectopic and early pregnancy complications.

Friend£ 5 per month

Silver Friend£ 10 per month

Gold Friend£ 25 per month

Platinum Friend£ 50 per month

Premier Friend£100 per month

Our 2012-2020 strategy includes important and exciting plans for the expansion of our services to both the public and medical professionals. If you would like to hear more about the organisation or dedicated services please contact us at .

We’ll make a real difference

with the money you give

I wish to become a Friend of The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust


Please put a cross in the relevant box to show the level of Friend you wish to become

Friend £5 Silver Friend £10 Gold Friend £25 Platinum Friend £50 Premier Friend £100

Other Amount (please specify) £……………………

Standing Order Form

(Please print out andreturn this form to EPT, PO Box 485, Potter Bar, EN6 8FE)

Title:………………………………. Full Name:…………………………………………………………………………………………………


……………………………………..Post Code:……………………………Email:……………………………………………………………..

Telephone Home:…………………………………………………………..Mobile:……………………………………………………………

To the Manager of (your bank/building society branch address):……………………………………………………………………………………


Name(s) of Account Holder(s):………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Please pay the Ectopic Pregnancy Trust c/o CAF Bank Ltd, 25 Kings Hill Avenue, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent, ME19 4JQ

Account No. 00010059 Sort Code 40-52-40

Friend £5 Silver Friend £10 Gold Friend £25 Platinum Friend £50 Premier Friend £100

Or my preferred amount of £ …………………………..monthly/annually

From Account Number…………………………………Bank Sort Code…………………….Starting On…………………………………………

Signature …………………………………………………………………..Date…………………………………………………………………….

Gift Aid

Make your support worth even more at no extra cost to you!

Gift Aid Declaration Receipt

Iwish the Ectopic Pregnancy Trust to treat all donations I have made in the past 4 years andall future gifts of money that I make from the date of this declaration asGift Aid donations.This entitles the Ectopic Pregnancy Trust to an extra 25% without costingyou a penny more. You must pay an amount of Income Tax and/orCapital Gains Tax at least equal to the tax that the Ectopic Pregnancy Trust reclaims on yourdonation in the tax year.

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The Ectopic Pregnancy Trust

2nd Floor, Golden Jubilee Wing,

King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill

London SE5 9RS

T: 020 7733 2653



Registered Char ity No. 1071811

Ectopic Preagnancy Trust @TheEPT

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