Academic Services
SAI Targeted Assistance Action Plan 2012-2013
Essential Question: How do we revolutionize the way we teach, lead and learn for 21st century success?
School Name: Cecil Gray Middle School
Funding Amount: $36,750
- Please describe how you plan to use the extended learning allocation assigned to your school. (Be sure to include what you will do for the retained and struggling students and your Level 1 and 2 in Reading and Mathematics.)
C2 Ready Desired Outcomes
- How will it increase proficiency rates on FCAT 2.0 Reading and Math?
Throughout the year extended learning time will be provided for homework and additional tutoringbefore, during and after schoolthrough theLearning Center and Academic Wednesday. Counselors will assist in the identification of students (Tier 2) and provide on-going progress monitoring. In the math classrooms, teachers will provide Differentiated Instruction included but not limited to: CPS clickers, PENDA, and RtI strategies for those struggling students. In addition, PENDA will be used in the Learning Centerand Academic Wednesday. E2020is an online credit recovery program that will be used to support students who are failing or have been retained.SAI funds will provide class libraries for Math, Reading and Language Arts classrooms (leveled reading.)
- How will it increase proficiency rates on Algebra 1 and Geometry EOCs?
Learning Center and Academic Wednesday is available to all Algebra 1 students along with tutoring before and during homeroom.
- How will it close the achievement gap and increase AMO (Annual Measurable Objectives) percentages for all subgroups?
Language development tutoringwill be provided for ELL studentsin the Learning Center.
- Based on your data who is your target population? Students who scored at Level 1 and 2 in Math and students who scored level 1 and 2 in Reading – Grades 6-8. Students requiring Tier 2 interventions- Grades 6-8.
- When will this service be offered? (Before, during, after school or Saturday)
Before school 8:45 to 9:05, during school – 9:05 to 9:44 and after school on Wednesdays 3:30 to 5:30.
- How often will the service be offered? Daily for the Learning Center and on Wednesdays for Academic Wednesday throughout the school year. E2020 will be offered throughout the school year and in the summer for students who have failed.
- What personnel will be needed?
2 Teachers for Academic Wednesday (Math, Reading)
1 Teacher for E2020 Recovery Program
1 Teacher and 1 Clerical Summer Recovery Program (E2020)
- What transportation will be needed? None
- What curriculum materials will be needed? The following curriculum materials are needed: Read 180, PENDA, E2020, Common Core Instructional Materials (Differentiated Instruction strategies, RtI intervention strategies…), REV it up Vocabulary, WOW I’m a Writer, AR Books, classroom libraries (math, language arts, reading and enrichment) and instructional supplies.
- How will you measure the results? Benchmark assessments, PENDA, AR, Write Score- Language Arts and Science. Progress monitoring for Tier 2 interventions,student grades and teacher feedback. Guidance counselors willcollaborate with teachers to identify the students in need of servicesand develop an action plan with on-going progress monitoring.
Approved: ______
Note: Return to the Director of Curriculum () , who must approve this form before you begin your program, by 9/28/2012