Energy Imbalance Service Market
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Attachment AE
Table of Contents
1.1 Definitions A
1.1 Definitions B
1.1 Definitions C
1.1 Definitions D
1.1 Definitions E
1.1 Definitions F
1.1 Definitions G
1.1 Definitions H
1.1 Definitions I
1.1 Definitions J
1.1 Definitions K
1.1 Definitions L
1.1 Definitions M
1.1 Definitions N
1.1 Definitions O
1.1 Definitions P
1.1 Definitions Q
1.1 Definitions R
1.1 Definitions S
1.1 Definitions T
1.1 Definitions U
1.1 Definitions V
1.1 Definitions W
1.1 Definitions XYZ
1.2Market Participant Obligations
1.2.1Service Agreement
1.2.2Application and Asset Registration
1.2.3Market Manipulation
1.2.4Resource Plans and Energy Schedules
1.2.5Ancillary Service Plans
1.2.6Resource Offer Curves
1.2.7Scheduling and Dispatch
1.2.8Energy Imbalance Service Settlement
1.2.9Calculation of Real-Time Demand Response from Variable Demand Response
1.2.10Aggregation of Controllable Load as a Resource
1.3Transmission Provider Obligations
1.3.1Market Protocols
1.3.2Scheduling and Dispatch
1.3.3Ancillary Service Plans
1.3.4Energy Imbalance Service Pricing
1.3.5Energy Imbalance Service Settlements
1.3.6EIS Market Participation Readiness
1.3.7Manage Inadvertent Interchange
1.3.8Self-Provision of Losses for Through and Out Transactions
2.Day-Ahead Period Activities
2.1Transmission Provider Forecast Information
2.2Resource Plan and Energy Schedule Submittal Requirements
2.2.1Market Participant’s Resource Plan
2.2.2Market Participant’s Energy Schedule
2.3Ancillary Service Plans
2.4Resource Plan and Ancillary Service Plan Evaluation
2.4.1Evaluation of Ancillary Service Plan
2.4.2Review and Assessment of Resource Plans
2.4.3Resubmission of Resource Plan or Ancillary Plan
2.5Resource Offers
2.6Inadvertent Payback Schedules
3.Hour-Ahead Period Activities
3.1Modifying Resource Plans, Ancillary Service Plans, and Offer Curves
3.2Hour-Ahead Resource Plan and Ancillary Service Plan Evaluation
4.Real-Time Period Activities
4.1Dispatch Process
4.2Reserve Sharing Schedules
4.3Coordination of Market Operations under TLR Conditions
4.4Calculation of Locational Imbalance Prices
4.5Locational Imbalance Price Corrections
4.6Violation Relaxation Limit Values
5.EIS Settlement Activities
5.1Calculation of EIS Market Settlement Quantities
5.2Energy Imbalance Service Charges/Credits
5.3Under-Scheduling Charges
5.4Over-Scheduling Charges
5.5Uninstructed Deviation Charges
5.6Revenue Neutrality
6.Release of Offer Curve Data
7.1Settlement Statements
7.3Invoice Disputes
7.4Interest on Unpaid Balances
7.5Customer Default
8.Confidentiality Provisions
8.1Restrictions on Confidential Information Provided to Receiving Party
8.1.1Procedures for Confidential Information
8.1.3Injunctive Relief and Specific Performance
8.1.4Market Participant Access and SPP Use of Confidential Information
8.1.5Required Disclosure
8.2Confidentiality Provisions Applicable to the Market Monitor Reporting to
the Board of Directors
8.3Disclosure to Commission
8.4Disclosure to Authorized Agencies
8.4.1Basic Requirements for Disclosure
8.4.2Schedule of Authorized Requestors
8.4.3Use of Confidential Information
8.4.4.Limited Oral Disclosure
8.4.5Information Requests
8.4.6Limited Discussion of Confidential Information Among
Authorized Requestors Sponsored By Different Authorized
8.4.7Breach of Non-Disclosure Obligations
8.5Preservation of Rights
9.Liabilities Relating to Balancing Function Agreement
9.1Limitation of Liability
9.2Limitations of Liability for Third Parties
Addendum 1 Violation Relaxation Limit Values (“VRLs”)
1. Introduction
This Attachment sets forth the scheduling and dispatching responsibilities of the Transmission Provider and Market Participants relating to the provision of Energy Imbalance Service and sets forth the operation, pricing and settlement of the market for Energy Imbalance Service “EIS”). This Attachment addresses the three time frames that are pertinent to the administration of the Energy Imbalance Service market: Day-Ahead Period, Hour-Ahead Period and Real-Time Period.
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1.1 Definitions
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1.1 Definitions A
Adjusted Net Scheduled Interchange
Net Scheduled Interchange as adjusted for EIS Market dispatch instructions, reserve sharing schedules, and inadvertent interchange payback schedules.
Ancillary Service Plan
A plan submitted by a Market Participant with Schedule 3, Schedule 5 and Schedule 6 obligations to meet its next day obligations and current day obligations.
Asset Owner
An owner of any combination of:(1) registered physical assets (Resource, load, Import Interchange Transaction, Export Interchange Transaction, Through Interchange Transaction),(2) Transmission Congestion Rights or (3) any combination of financial assets (Virtual Energy Offer, Virtual Energy Bid, Financial Schedules) within the SPP Balancing Authority Area.
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1.1 Definitions B
Balancing Authority Area
As defined in the SPP Tariff.
Behind The Meter Generation
Behind The Meter Generation refers to a generation unit that is connected on the load side of a load Meter Settlement Location and is agreed to by the load Market Participant that is the registered owner of the Meter Settlement Location to serve all or part of its capacity, Energy or Ancillary Service needs.
A commitment to pay a specific maximum price for a quantity of Energy or TCRs such as a Demand Bid, Virtual Energy Bid an Export Interchange Transaction Bid and/or a TCR Bid.
Block Demand Response Resource
A Resource created to model demand reduction that is not dispatchable on a 5-minute basis, but can be committed and dispatched in hourly blocks to reduce the withdrawal of Energy from the transmission grid when directed by SPP.
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1.1Definitions C
Combined Cycle Resource
Need definition
Commercial Model
A representation of the attributes of and the relationships between Market Participants, Asset Owners, Resource and load assets and Pricing Nodes for use in the Energy and Operating Reserve Markets, and Transmission Congestion Rights Markets.
Commitment Instruction
An instruction issued by SPP to a Market Participant to either start-up or shut-down a specified Resource.
Commitment Status
A parameter submitted as part of a Resource Offer that specifies the option under which the Resource is to be committed.
Common Bus
A single bus to which two or more Resources that are owned by the same Asset Owner are connected in an electrically equivalent manner where such Resources may be treated as interchangeable for certain compliance monitoring purposes.
Confidential Information
As referenced within Attachments AE, AF and AG to this Tariff, information containing or revealing:
(a)Any confidential, proprietary, or commercially sensitive information, or information of a plan, specification, pattern, procedure, design, device, list, concept, policy or compilation relating to the present or planned business of a Market Participant that is conspicuously designated as Confidential Information in writing, on each page of the document, by Disclosing Party at the time the information is provided to Receiving Party, whether conveyed electronically, in writing, through inspection, or otherwise;
(b)Any confidential, proprietary, or commercially sensitive information, or information of a plan, specification, pattern,procedure, design, device, list, concept, policy or compilation relating to the present or planned business of a Market Participant that is provided orally and designated as Confidential Information, by Disclosing Party at the time the information is provided to Receiving Party;
(c)Any customer information designated by the customer as proprietary, unless the customer has authorized the release for public disclosure of such information;
(d)Any software, products of software or other vendor information that SPP is required to keep confidential under its agreements.
Confidential Information does not include Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (“CEII”) materials as designated by FERC, which must be obtained in accordance with FERC regulations.
Contingency Reserve
Resource capacity held in reserve for Resource contingencies which is the sum of Spinning Reserve and Supplemental Reserve.
Contingency Reserve Deployment Period
The time period specified in the SPP Criteria following the issuance of a reserve sharing event within which a Resource has to deploy Contingency Reserve.
Control Status
A parameter communicated electronically to SPP by a Market Participant at any time during an Operating Hour indicating a Resource’s ability to follow Setpoint Instructions.
Coordinated Flowgate
A flowgate defined within a joint operating agreement between the Transmission Provider and another transmission provider as being affected by the transmission of Energy on either party’s transmission system.
Current Operating Plan
SPP’s internal hourly Resource commitment schedule for the Operating Day resulting from the various Day-Ahead Market and Day-Ahead Reliability Unit Commitment processes and updated, as required, during the Intra-Day Reliability Unit Commitment process that is used as input into the Real-Time Balancing Market.
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1.2Definitions D
The time period starting at 0001 and ending at 2400 on the day prior to the Operating Day.
Day-Ahead Market
The financially binding market for Energy and Operating Reserve that is conducted on the day prior to the Operating Day.
Day-Ahead Period
The time period starting at 0700 and ending at 1530 Central Prevailing Time of the day prior to the Operating Day.
Day-Ahead Reliability Unit Commitment(“Day-Ahead RUC”)
The process performed by SPP following the close of the Day-Ahead Market and prior to the Operating Day to assess Resource and Operating Reserve adequacy for the Operating Day, commit and/or de-commit Resources as necessary, and communicate commitment or de-commitment of Resources to the appropriate Market Participants as necessary.
Demand Bid
A proposal by a Market Participant associated with a physical load to purchase a fixed or price sensitive-amount of Energy at a specified location and period of time in the Day-Ahead Market.
Demand Bid Curve
A Price Sensitive Demand Bid specified as MW, $/MWh, with up to 10 price/quantity pairs, slope or block option, that will clear only if the price at the Load Settlement Location is less than or equal to the specified curve price within the specified start and stop time submitted for the applicable Operating Day with the highest MW quantity submitted in the Demand Bid Curve representing the maximum MW amount that can be cleared.
Demand Curve
A series of quantity/price points used to set Operating Reserve Market Clearing Prices when there is a supply shortage of Operating Reserve and to set LMPs when there is shortage of capacity to meet Energy requirements.
Demand Response Load
A registered load identified in the registration of a Dispatchable Demand Response Resource or a Block Demand Response Resource.
Demand Response Resource
A Dispatchable Demand Response Resource or a Block Demand Response Resource.
Disclose or Disclosure
To, directly or indirectly, disclose, reveal, distribute, report, publish, or transfer Confidential Information to any entity other than to the Disclosing Party which provided the Confidential Information.
Dispatch Interval
The interval for which the Transmission Provider issues Dispatch Instructions for Energy and clears Operating Reserve in the Real-Time Balancing Market. The Dispatch Interval is currently 5 minutes.
Dispatch Instruction
The communicated Resource target Energy MW output level at the end of the Dispatch Interval.
Dispatch Status
A parameter submitted as part of a Resource Offer that specifies the option under which the Resource is to be dispatched once the Resource has been committed and becomes a Synchronized Resource.
Dispatchable Demand Response Resource
A Resource created to model demand reduction associated with controllable load or a behind-the-meter generator that is dispatchable on a 5-minute basis and can reduce the withdrawal of Energy from the transmission grid when directed by SPP.
Dispatchable Maximum Limit
A Resource’s economic maximum output selected by Market Participant for each Operating Hour, as identified in the Resource Plan, reduced by the sum of the Megawatt amounts of Schedule 3, Schedule 5 and Schedule 6 Service assigned to that Resource, as identified in the Ancillary Services Plan. For a Self-Dispatched Resource, the Dispatchable Maximum Limit equals the sum of all the schedules sourcing from that Resource.
Dispatchable Minimum Limit
A Resource’s economic minimum output selected by Market Participant for each Operating Hour, as identified in the Resource Plan, increased by the Megawatt amount of Schedule 3 Service assigned to that Resource, as identified in the Ancillary Services Plan. For a Self-Dispatched Resource, the Dispatchable Minimum Limit equals the sum of the schedules sourcing from that Resource.
Dispatchable Resource
A Resource for which an Energy Offer Curve has been submitted and that is available for dispatch SPP on a Dispatch Interval Basis.
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1.3Definitions E
Electrical Node
A physical node represented in the Network Model where electrical equipment and components are connected.
As defined as Emergency Condition in the SPP Tariff.
An amount of electricity that is Bid or Offered, produced, purchased, consumed, sold or transmitted over a period of time, which is measured or calculated in Megawatt hours (“MWh”).
Energy and Operating Reserve Markets
The Day-Ahead Market and Real-Time Balancing Market.
Energy Imbalance Service
The Ancillary Service defined under Schedule 4 to this Tariff.
Energy Imbalance Service Charge/Credit
A Market Participant’s hourly charges and credits associated with its Imbalance Energy at a Settlement Location.
Energy Imbalance Service Uplift Charge/Credit
A Market Participant’s hourly charge associated with an EIS Market revenue shortfall that is created when the total of all Energy Imbalance Service Credits is greater than the total of all Energy Imbalance Service Charges in an hour or a Market Participant’s hourly credit associated with an EIS Market revenue excess that is created when the total of all Energy Imbalance Service Charges is greater than the total of all Energy Imbalance Service Credits in an hour.
Energy Imbalance Service Uplift Obligation
An hourly value in Megawatts per hour calculated by the Transmission Provider for each Market Participant that is utilized by the Transmission Provider to determine each Market Participant’s Energy Imbalance Service Uplift Charge/Credit.
Energy Obligation Deficiency
A condition created, either at the Market Participant level or Balancing Authority level, when the sum of applicable Resource Maximum Economic Limits in an hour is less than the applicable load forecast as adjusted for third party schedules in that hour.
Energy Obligation Excess
A condition created, either at the Market Participant level or Balancing Authority level, when the sum of applicable Resource Minimum Economic Limits in an hour is greater than the applicable load forecast as adjusted for third party schedules in that hour.
Energy Offer Curve
A set of price/quantity pairs that represents the offer to provide Energy from a Resource. The Energy Offer Curve consists of MW, $/MWh, and up to 10 price/quantity pairs, slope or block option, monotonically non-decreasing.
Energy Schedule
A set of hourly Energy injection and withdrawal values, in Megawatts per hour, submitted by Market Participants, at valid sources and sinks.
Export Interchange Transaction
A Market Participant schedule for exporting Energy out of the SPP Balancing Authority Area.
Export Interchange Transaction Bid
A proposal by a Market Participant to purchase a fixed or price-sensitive amount of Energy in the Day-Ahead Market or a fixed amount of Energy in the Real-Time Balancing Market for delivery outside of the SPP Balancing Authority Area at a specified External Interface and period of time.
External Interface
A Settlement Location representing a physical interconnection point (s) between the SPP Balancing Authority Area and an external Balancing Authority Area.
External Resource
A Resource, other than a Designated Resource, located outside of the SPP Market Footprint that is included in an SPP Integrated Marketplace Balancing Authority through an External Resource Pseudo-Tie.
External Resource Pseudo-Tie
A non-physical electrical interconnection point between balancing authorities, whereby all or a portion of an External Resource is electronically moved from one Balancing Authority to another Balancing Authority that is in the SPP Market Footprint. Energy delivered from an External Resource to the sink in the SPP Market Footprint is treated as a Balancing Authority interchange from the source Balancing Authority to the sink Balancing Authority.
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1.1Definitions H
Hour-Ahead Period
The time period following the close of the Day-Ahead Period and ending thirty minutes before the Operating Hour.
Hourly Uninstructed ResourceDeviation (“Hourly URD”)
The average of the absolute value of a Resource’s Uninstructed ResourceDeviation for an Operating Hour.
A Settlement Location consisting of an aggregation of Price Nodes developed for financialand trading purposes.
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Imbalance Energy
The amount of Energy Imbalance Service in Megawatts per hour that is provided or consumed by a Market Participant at a Settlement Location in an hour.
Import Interchange Transaction
A Market Participant schedule for importing Energy into the SPP Balancing Authority Area.
Import Interchange Transaction Offer
A proposal by a Market Participant to purchase a fixed or price-sensitive amount of Energy in the Day-Ahead Market or a fixed amount of Energy in the Real-Time Balancing Market for delivery into the SPP Balancing Authority Area at a specified External Interface and period of time.
Interchange Transaction
Any Energy transaction that is crossing the boundary of the SPP Balancing Authority Area and requires checkout with one or more external Balancing Authority Areas. This includes any Import Interchange Transaction, Export Interchange Transaction and/or Through Interchange Transaction.
Intermittent Resource
A Resource that meets all of the following criteria: a) the fuel source can not be stored, b) the output of the Resource is by nature weather-driven, and c) it has limited capabilities to be dispatched and to respond to changes in system demand and transmission security constraints.
Intra-Day Reliability Unit Commitment(“Intra-Day RUC”)
The process performed by SPP following the completion of the Day-Ahead Reliability Unit Commitment process and throughout the Operating Day to assess Resource and Operating Reserve adequacy for the Operating Day, commit and/or de-commit Resources as necessary, and communicate commitment or de-commitment of Resources to the appropriate Market Participants as necessary.
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1.1 Definitions J
Jointly Owned Resource
A Resourcethat is owned by more than one Asset Owner.
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1.1 Definitions L
Locational Marginal Price(“LMP”)
The MarketClearing Price for Energy at a given Price Node which is equivalent to the marginal cost of serving demand at thePrice Node while meeting SPP Operating Reserve requirements.
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1.1 Definitions M
Manual Dispatch Instruction
A dispatchinstruction created outside of the normal RTBM SCED Dispatch Instruction solution to address a system reliability condition that could not be resolved by the RTBM SCED.
Market Clearing Price(“MCP”)
The price used for settlements of an Operating Reserve product in each Reserve Zone. A separate price is calculated for Regulation-Up, Regulation-Down, Spinning Reserve and Supplemental Reserve.
Market Flow
The aggregateMegawatt flow on a Coordinated Flowgate or a Reciprocal Coordinated Flowgate caused by Energy Schedules for Native Load, intra Balancing Authority Area Energy Schedules, inter Balancing Authority Area Energy Schedules that are sourced at Dispatchable Resources or load Settlement Locations and Energy Imbalance Service.