Element 12 – Return to Work
Title: RTW Assessment / Date of Issue:March 2008Approved by:Jack A.L. Rabbit / Review / Revise Date:March 2009
Location: all facilities
Caution: As the employer, youmust take appropriate steps to ensure the confidentiality of the information used in Case Management.
Ensure that the individual(s) responsible for case management have training and understanding of theconfidentiality and security of employee information as well as privacy principles (FIPPA[i]) as they relate to RTW.
Develop a process, method or tool to do continuous evaluation of the RTW program.
The RTW evaluation will identify gaps in the existing RTW program.This evaluation process also forms a component of the Return to Work procedure. (See forms and records).
Note: If a written RTW program is not established, determine where you need to start in the development of your RTW program.
The WSIB RTW Self- assessment Guide will be used to evaluate the RTW program.
Using the objectives from the RTW procedure (reduction in lost time duration, RTW hierarchy etc) the findings will be evaluated against the outcome of the RTW Program Assessment.
- The results of the self-assessment will generate an action plan (see Action plan – RTW Assessment)
- The assessment results will be shared with the workplace parties (management, JHSC, employees) using the internal network, within 2 weeks of completion. (team meetings, emails, bulletin posting in the workplace etc)
- The following people will receive specific training on how to use the WSIB RTW Self-assessment Guide. (You must identify who will conduct the evaluation and the specific training to do the evaluation. For example: JHSC or RTWcoordinator)
- Management is required to ensure that all employees know and understand how the RTW evaluation will be completed. (How will the effectiveness of the training be measured?) What types of methods will work best? Formal, informal, E-Learning etc
- Training records will be maintained.
The program will be evaluated and assessed on an annual basis. The assessment will take place in the first quarter of each year. An Action plan, detailing any gaps and/or opportunities for improvement will be developed and implemented within the calendar year.
Acknowledge success/Make Improvements:
Acknowledge and congratulate those who have contributed to the RTW Assessment. Make improvements to the program when non-compliance problems are identified.
Look for ways to implement continuous improvement in RTW. You can accomplish this
through performance appraisals, employee rewards, incentive programs and public recognition of
individual contributions to improved performance.
Finally, keep records demonstrating what successes were acknowledged and what improvements were made.
Example Acknowledging Success and Making Improvements:
Congratulate those completing the RTW Assessment and carrying out action items
Update RTW Assessment checklist and/or tool to ensure it is current
Revise assessment schedule and change if required
Train more people to do assessments
Forms / Records
The WSIB RTW Self-assessment guide will be used to document the RTW Evaluation. Other information that will need to be obtained and reviewed includes:
Account rate profile (WSIB source data)
Incentive summary reports (NEER, MAP,CAD 7)
Injury reports-total, type, cause, duration, department
Employee satisfaction survey(s)
RTW plans-At least 25 % reviewed
JHSC meeting minutes
RTW Policies and procedures
Important Reminder© 2007 WSIB 1
[i] FIPPA = Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act