1) Whenever members of a particular church have questions about the actions of the General Assembly, the session will invite those commissioners that attended that GA meeting and/or the Stated Clerk, Executive Presbyter, representatives from COM to a session meeting to discuss concerns regarding that GA action.
2) If the session indicates an inability to “actively concur or passively submit” to that GA action it is recommended that session call a congregational meeting for members to hear from a presbytery resolution team. --The resolution team will be formed from members of COM.
3) At that congregational meeting the presbytery resolution team shall be prepared to review the provisions of the Book of Order and this document with regard to dismissal or division.
4) At all meetings every good faith effort will be made to effect reconciliation in accordance with Scripture and the Book of Order.
5) Prior to any request for dismissal or division the session and the presbytery resolution team will engage in a period of up to six months of consultations that may include meeting(s) with the congregation.
6) Following that period up to six months, if it is determined that the congregation “wants to peacefully withdraw” from PCUSA or divide itself, the presbytery will moderate a congregational meeting that allows the congregation to vote whether to request such action.
a. Such a vote shall be by secret ballot.
b. Minutes of this meeting should indicate which members are present.
c. Quorum shall be 50% of members on the active roll.
d. A vote for dismissal shall be 2/3’s majority of those active members present and voting.
e. If there are no members that desire continued affiliation with PCUSA the presbytery decides what property is to be held in trust for PCUSA (G-4.0205)
7) The Presbytery shall work to facilitate an agreement regarding distribution of property between the group of members who wish to be dismissed and the group of members who will remain in the PCUSA. (Chapter 3 and 4 of the Book of Order)
8) The full body of Presbytery will receive the congregation’s request at its next meeting. The Presbytery will be asked to vote on the request, consider the recommendations of the Presbytery resolution team, and to make its own independent decision in every case.