TOSSUPS – Kentucky/USFSWORD BOWL/PENN BOWL 2006 (UTC/Penn/Oklahoma/Drake)

Questions by Seth Kendall (Kentucky) and Chip Breedlove (South Florida) with special guest editor Stephen Taylor (Macon State)

1.(USF) Since 1959 they've been protected by an organization whose motto "Bietan jarrai" refers to the two figures in their symbol, a snake and an axe. Saint Francis Xavier and Maurice Ravel belonged to this ethnic group, whose worldview was explored in a book by Mark Kurlansky. The basin of the River Ebro and the region of Aquitaine are deeply influenced by this Euskara-speaking people, who dominate the city of Bilbao. FTP, the ETA seeks to create an independent socialist state for what people of unknown origin who inhabit the western edge of the Pyrenees on the coast of the Bay of Biscay?


2.The lead character of this novel finds herself in a compromising position when she tarries too long on a boat ride with her cousin’s fiancée, leading to a scandal which causes her banishment from St. Ogg and further estrangement with her brother. The estrangement ends when she rescues that brother from drowning, only to have them both die when the boat capsizes near Dorlcote, the title property. Such are the misadventures which befall Phillip Wakem, Stephen Guest, and Tom and Maggie Tolliver in, for 10 points, what novel by George Eliot?

Answer:The Mill on The Floss

3.We are told that she is the daughter of Terah, and she was apparently good looking enough that she narrowly escaped becoming a part of the harem of an Egyptian pharoah and, later of one of king Abimelech. She also could be cruel, as when she twice ordered her maidservant and her husband's first son into the desert to die, but she did seem to have a sense of humor, dissolving into laughter when told she would bear a child at he age of ninety-nine. FTP name this Biblical woman, who would name that child "She laughed", or Isaac, when she bore him to her husband Abraham.


4.(USF) Its magnitude is given by the J operator applied to a wave function and it is quantized in units of h bar. It is usually divided into two parts, one of which is equal to the position operator crossed with the momentum operator, while the other, denoted S, is intrinsic to the particle. Try not to think of a whirling figure-skater as you name, for 10 points, this physical quantity with orbital and spin components.

Answer:Angular Momentum
5.A successful commander in the Lake Van area during World War I who enjoyed less success opposing Allenby’s advance at Megiddo, he parleyed his successes at Sakarya and Dumlupinar against the Greeks to win a favorable peace in the Treaty of Lausanne. As president of his country he banned the fez, introduced the Western Alphanet, and encouraged the wearing of Western clothing in the nation he had helped separate from the former Ottoman Empire. FTP name this general and statesman once known as Mustafa Kemal, better known by an honorific meaning “father of the Turks”.

Answer:Ataturk (accept “Mustafa Kemal” before “Mustafa” is read)

6.A series of reports on the nation’s Congressional Districts was reduced to 434 to decry California’s 50th district and its “betrayal” of Randy Cunningham, while a “Campaign Against Humbuggery” effected support for the crusade againt “Happy Holidays” launched by Bill O’Reilly, whom the host of this show refers to as “Papa Bear”. A “grippy” show whose host won a gravitas-off with Stone Phillips on its first night with such features as “The WØRD” and “Un-American news”, this is, for 10 points, what show on Comedy Central hosted by an alumnus of the Daily Show which mocks/honors Right-Wing pundits?

Answer:The Colbert Report (prompt on “Colbert”, which is pronounced Coal-bare; it’s French, BITCH).

7.Relying upon a trick pulled a year earlier against the same opponent, the winning general at this battle ordered three-fifths of his men to move to the enemy’s right to cross a ford left undefended while the rest under Baron Wilhelm von Knyphausen demonstrated on the left near Chadd’s Ford, distracting forces under Nathanael Greene and Anthony Wayne and preventing them from sending aid to John Sullivan. Fought on September 11th, 1777 in Southern Pennsylvania, for 10 points name this battle in which William Howe used the same strategy of Long Island and again wholly outgeneralled George Washington.

Answer:Brandywine Creek
8.Proposed in 1935, their name in essence comes from Werner von Heisenberg. Among the scientists who have won renown for discovering them are Leon Ledermann, who recovered from the “Oops Leon” debacle to discover the upsilon, Samuel Ting and Burton Richter, who simultaneously discovered the J/psi, and Cecil Powell, whose discovery of the pion led to a Nobel Prize for himself and for the postulator of the particle. For 10 points name this particle usually defined as integral-spin hadrons composed of one quark and one anti-quark, first suggested by Yukawa Hideki.


9.Encouraged in his poetic efforts by Gabriela Mistral, he served as a diplomat in Burma which led to his writing of Residence on Earth and also in Spain, where he gave aid to refugees from Franco, inspiring him to write Spain in the Heart. Later inspired by a visit to Peru to write The Heights of Machu Picchu, he may be best remembered for an early collection of just over twenty poems written in 1924. For 10 points name this man born Naftali Reyes, who is perhaps most known for Twenty Love Poems anda Song of Despair.

Answer:Pablo Neruda

10.(USF) John Ruskin was overwhelmed by the vast series of paintings this artist did for the Scuola di San Rocco from 1565 to 1587. He appears to have been unpopular because he was unscrupulous in procuring commissions. The Madonna dell'Orto contains pictures like Presentation of the Virgin, Golden Calf, and Last Judgment, all marked by flickering light, contorted figures, and irrational spatial elements. FTP, name the most successful Venetian painter in the generation after Titian's death, originally called Jacopo Robusti.

Answer:Tintoretto[accept Jacopo Robusti before it’s said]

11.This period ended with a mass extinction, though nowhere near as catastrophic as the so-called Great Dying which began it. Its life forms included holdovers who survived the extinctions like the cephalopod Ammonites, cycads, conifers, and gingkos, and Termonospondyl amphibians, and it was during this period that cynodont therapsids eventually evolved into the first true mammals. Occurring between 245 to 202 million years ago, it was named by geologist Friedrich von Alberti for the sequence of Bunter red, Muschelkalk white, and Keuper black shale rock strata prevalent in southern Germany. FTP name this period which followed the Permian and was succeeded by the Jurassic.


12.(USF) He was a member of the 2000 U.S. Olympic Team, but withdrew when a knee injury suffered against Sacramento forced him to miss his club's final four regular season games and all four playoff games. This player awkwardly dubbed "Big Fundamental" won the 1996 John Wooden Award, and later became the NBA's first back-to-back regular season MVP since Michael Jordan. FTP name this 6'11" native of St Croix who scored 31 points and grabbed 15 rebounds in San Antonio's 101-95 game five victory eliminating Phoenix.
Tim Duncan

13.(USF) This son of a London tallow-chandler worked as a hosiery merchant, and then for Robert Harley on the sly. In an early work hepretended to share the prejudices of the Anglican church towards Nonconformists. He attacked beliefs in racial or national superiority in the satiric poem The True-born Englishman, but is more famous for longer works like Captain Singleton, Colonel Jack, and 1724's Roxana. FTP, name this author of The Shortest Way with the Dissenters, The Journal of the Plague Year, Moll Flanders, and Robinson Crusoe.
Answer:Daniel Defoe
14.According to some legends the son of a peacock tamer, this man rose to prominence by helping Alexander the Great, and though he was forced to repel an invasion by Seleucus I the two later became friends. Frequently mentioned in Macedonian records under the name Sandrocottus, he consolidated his hold over much of western India with the help of his chief advisor Kautilya. FTP name this man, the father of Bindusara and founder of the Mauryan dynasty.

Answer:Chandragupta Maurya

15.(USF) The folia of this structure consist of interposed nuclei found between fastigial and dentate nuclei. The floculonodular lobe connects to the vestibularnucleus to control balance and eye movement. The vermis goes to the fastigial nucleus to control proximal muscles. Its cortex is made up of input climbing and mossy fibers, stellate and basket inhibition cells, Golgi feedback cells, and small granule cells making up the parallel fibers of the surface. Arranged into the molecular, granular, and Purkinje layers, this is, FTP, what older region of the brain found behind the pons that coordinates motor movement?

16.His more recent works like Aspects of Love and Whistle Down the Wind met a so-so reception, just like a 1984 feature about trains which featured performers zooming around on rollerblades. In 1965, he met Tim Rice and dropped out of Oxford, and their 1968 collaboration was filmed in 1999 with Donny Osmond as the star. FTP, name this composer of Starlight Express and two musicals based upon Biblical stories, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and Jesus Christ Superstar

Answer:Andrew Lloyd Webber [prompt on just Webber or Andrew Webber]

17.(USF) QUOTE:"The day will come when our silence will be more powerful than the voices you are throttling today,"END QUOTE. Such were the last words of August Spies. Medical evidence showed that most of the injuries suffered by the police on Randolph between Halsted and Des Plaines were caused by their own bullets. Louis Lingg probably suffered when he lit a stick of dynamite in his mouth, and the full pardons issued by John Altgeld on June 26, 1893 did his political career irreparable harm. FTP, name the May Day, 1886 event where someone threw a bomb that killed twelve people.
Haymarket square riot

18.(USF) Mircea Eliade published the standard work on this vocation in 1951. The most famous one was first encountered in 1960 at a bus station in Nogales, Arizona. Participants in this ancient pan-cultural religious tradition are found among the indigenous peoples of Siberia, Japan, Borneo, and North America. The word comes from the Tungusko-Manchurianfor "he who knows." FTP, name these gifted individuals like Don Juan Matus who, through out-of-body experiences and other forms of ecstasy, are believed to heal the sick, predict the future, and escort dead souls to some other world.

19.(USF) He was savaged in a 2002 biography by Roger Lewis, who described his 3rd Symphony as being `Elgar with bongo bongo drums'. This former instructor at Brunei's Sultan Omar Ali Saifudden College found himself in hot water when he reviewed the novel Inside Mr Enderby, written pseudonymously by himself. He wrote two biographies, You've Had Your Time and Little Wilson and Big God, and devised an ur-language for the film Quest for Fire. His biggest commercial success was a novel about the first subject of the Ludovico Technique. FTP, name this prolific polymath who also wrote Earthly Powers and A Clockwork Orange.
Anthony Burgess
20.(USF) He studied thermodynamics under Carl von Linde, and in the 1880s he worked as a refrigerator engineer in Munich. Two years before his 1913 drowning, he declared that his namesake invention could be fed with vegetable oils. That device was a 10-foot iron cylinder with a flywheel at its base, which was designed to enable independent craftsmen and artisans to compete with expensive, fuel-wasting steam engines. FTP name this man who published the paper "The Theory and Construction of a Rational Heat Engine," which described an engine in which air is compressed by a piston to a very high pressure, causing a high temperature that ignites injected fuel without the need for a spark plug.
Answer:Rudolf Diesel

21.Part of Livorno province, the islet has an area of 6 square miles and is mountainous, with peaks as high as 2,116 ft. It features a state-owned hunting preserve and contains the ruins of a 13th-century monastery abandoned in 1553 after its destruction by pirates, though presumably the Spada family were not among the monks. FTP name this Mediterranean island on which an unjustly accused Edmond Dantes found a fortune and a title in a work by Alexandre Dumas, pere.

Answer:Monte Cristo

22.(USF) This number is Randy Moss's new number for the Raiders, the number of inches in a biblical cubit, and the atomic number of Argon. It's the number of players on a team in Australian Rules Football, and the # of holes on most golf courses. FTP, give this number which Alice Cooper called the age that one finds onself "in the middle without any plans/a boy, yet a man".
23.Humiliated by the defeat of one of his armies at the Battle of the Golden Spurs at Courtrai, he personally led the army which ultimately broke the Flemish rebellion at Mons of Hainault, and his close association with Clement V led both to the Pope’s relocation of the Papal Seat to Avignon and, later, to the Pope’s looking the other way when this man liquidated the Knights Templars. FTP name this French monarch, whose good looks earned him the sobriquet "The Fair".

Answer:Phillip IV (accept “Phillip the Fair” before the last clue)

BONI – Kentucky/USFSWORD BOWL/PENN BOWL 2006 (UTC/Penn/Oklahoma/Drake)

Questions by Seth Kendall (Kentucky) and Chip Breedlove (South Florida) with special guest editor Stephen Taylor (Macon State)

1.(USF) Who would Jesus bomb? Answer the following questions about the alleged "Axis of Evil" FTSNOP
For 5 points, all or nothing, dare to pronounce the names of the unholy trinity of nations Bush blasted in a 2002 speech.
Answer:Iran-Iraq-North Korea
For 5 points, name the eccentric and allegedly “ronery” head of state of North Korea

Answer:Kim Jong Il
For 10 points, name either the Supreme Leader or the President of Iran.

Answer: either of Supreme Leader Ali Hoseini-Khamenei, Ayatollah, or President Mahmud Ahmadinejad
For 10 points, name either the current Prime Minister or the current President of the one we’ve invaded so far, Iraq.

Answer: either of Ibrahim al-Jaafari, P.M., or Jalal Talabani, President.

2.Given a short list of his lesser-known works, identify their American author for 10 points each; if you need better-known works, you only get 5.

1. 10: Summer and Smoke; Orpheus Descending; The Rose Tattoo

5: The Glass Menagerie

Answer:Tennessee Williams

2. 10: The Stoic; The Titan; The Genius

5: An American Tragedy; Sister Carrie

Answer:Theodore Dreiser

3. 10: It Can’t Happen Here (his last novel), and Mantrap, which was made into a movie starring Clara Bow.

5: Dodsworth, Babbitt, Main Street, Elmer Gantry

Answer:Sinclair Lewis

3.FTPE identify the following hormones which play a large role in the well-being of women.

1. Though traces of it may be found in men, usually around puberty and with an undetermined function, this hormone is most often associated with women, affecting the ovaries, vagina, and mammary glands and regulating the endometrium.


2. Like estrogen, this hormone affects the endometrium. Produced by the corpus luteum and by the placenta when eggs have been fertilized, the amount of this hormone controls the onset of menstruation.


3. One of the two gonadatrophic hormones produced by the pituitary gland, this hormone is also found in men, where it promotes the tubules of the testes and differentiation of the sperm. In women, however, it is required for monthly ovulation and aids the development of the small egg-containing vesicle from which it gets its name.

Answer:Follicle Stimulating Hormone

4.The Gospel of Luke lists some of the most interesting parables told by Jesus. FTPE:

1. In response to the Pharisees, known for their love of money, Jesus tells the story of this man, found in Chapter 16 of the King James Version. A beggar at the house of the rich man, he later goes to heaven while the rich man goes to hell, where his request to have his thirst quenched by a drop of water from the finger of the beggar he had once scorned is not granted by Abraham. Name this man, who is not to be confused with a reanimated brother of Martha.