Note: this sample report does not include the financial information on uncompensated care and employee/resident benefits but the total for community service is listed. This report is to be used as a guideline to develop your own report.
I.Mission of UniversityVillage
II A Brief History of UniversityVillage
III. Policy Statement –Social Accountability Program
IV. Statement of Purpose – Social Accountability Program
V.F.Y. 2005/2006 Narrative and Summary of Contributions by UV
VI.Summary of Financial Benefits to the Community
VII.Community Support for UniversityVillage
I. Mission of UniversityVillage Retirement Community
It is our Mission that all who enter our Retirement Community feel the Love, Strength and Blessing of a Safe, Happy, Healthy, ChristianHome.
II.A Brief History of UniversityVillage
UniversityVillage opened in September, 1970. The idea for University Village began to take shape in the late 1960’s. Oral Roberts had a vision of a retirement “community” where residents could enjoy their later years in an environment that provided the opportunity to learn and grow in an atmosphere of caring professionals, friendship, and spiritual wellbeing. In this carefully planned community, older adults could maintain their independence, secure in the knowledge that their changing health and physical needs would always be accommodated.
In 1998, UniversityVillage began recording the good things that happenat UniversityVillage as part of the HHS Social Accountability Program.
The Community Relations department has the task of identifying and recording ways in which UniversityVillage serves the community besides the obvious nursing care and housing for the elderly. As the program has evolved, we have identified other programs that could be implemented to better serve the greater community, as well as our residents and staff.
UniversityVillage employees are our most important resource and, therefore, we value their contributions to the community also.
III.Policy Statement - Social Accountability Program
It is the policy of UniversityVillage, in accordance with our Mission to provide a comprehensive continuum of residential and health care services for the elderly. Furthermore, special attention is paid to our employees, as members of that larger community, and to the programs, services, and benefits available to them. The facts in this report will also reinforce our organization’s commitment to the broader community. It is also our intent to demonstrate a strong commitmentto building and expanding community health improvement in Long Term Care. More importantly, we also believe it is “the right thing to do.” Social accountability strengthens the bonds we share with the communities we serve.
IV.Statement of Purpose – Social Accountability Program
As a not-for-profit retirement community, we are concerned about the increasing incidence of national and regional legislative mandates, as well as challenges regarding the ability to demonstrate community benefit and justify tax-exempt status. Conducting a community benefit inventory helps not-for-profits quantify and document their community benefit activities, therefore justifying their tax-exempt status.The following report outlines the benefits provided to the community by UniversityVillage during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2006
V.Fiscal Year 2005/2006 Narrative of Contributions byUniversity VillageRetirementCenter
Oklahoma Association of Homes and Services for the Aging (OKAHSA)
UniversityVillageis an active member of OKAHSA, which represents the majority of non-profit senior living communities all across the state. OKAHSA primarily focuses on advocacy, networking, and education to improve the quality of services offered to Oklahoma’s elderly. Administrative staff have collectively volunteeredmany hours, serving on the OKAHSA Board of Directors, various other committees, and giving presentations.
Community Leadership
UniversityVillagestaff continue to be very active in leadership roles in local, state, and national organizations. Among the various memberships and boards are the Oklahoma State Regulatory Board for Long Term Care Administrators, Meals on Wheels, Tulsa Interagency Council, Rotary Club, Tulsa Area United Way, OSU Gerontology Institute Advisory Board, 81st Street Alliance, Tulsa and Creek County Senior Development Foundation, Junior Achievement in the Tulsa Public Schools,and the Oklahoma Association of Homes and Services for the Aging.
UniversityVillageHealthCenter Clinical/Internship Site
During Fiscal Year 2005-06 University Village served as a clinical site for TTC Nursing students, the “In His Image” Family Medicine Residency, and TTC CNA Nursing Programs. UV also assisted ORU with their Pastoral Care Internships. Between these groups UV hosted approximately 60 students and provided over 3,174 hours of clinical and practicum experience.
Community Screenings, Clinics, Health Education, and Health Fairs
UniversityVillage promotes wellness in aging through community support groups; self-help exercise classes, health education classes, caregiver training, and the Annual Senior Fitness Day at Tulsa Jewish.
Serving as an Active Community Member
UniversityVillage participates as a partner in other not-for-profit organizations throughout the year, with cash, food, and in-kind donations. Examples of these community programs are: the AARP Driver Safety Program, the Arthritis Walk, Broken Arrow Senior Health Fair, local fire department Thanksgiving dinner, meeting space for community groups and associations serving seniors, holiday turkeys to John 3:16 Mission, election precinct site, microwave donations to a North Side Senior Nutrition Site, donations of no longer needed supplies and equipment.
Resident Family Support
UniversityVillage has a resident Chaplain who provides religious services, individual counseling, regular hospital visits, memorial services for families and friends, and pastoral care bereavement groups.
VI.Summary of Financial Benefits to the Community
- Estimated Value of UV Contributions to the Community:
Benefits for Broader Community
Community Services$333,020
- Discounted Services to Residents:
Subsidized Services
Unpaid Costs of Medicaid
Other Write-Off Total Uncompensated Care
- Elective Benefits to Employees:
UV Employee Health Insurance Benefit Expense
UV Employee Pension Benefit Expense
UV Life Insurance Benefits
UV Wishfund Grants
Total Elective Benefits to Employees
More than 114 of UV’s staff members are Tulsa residents. Each year, our organization pays approximately $3.5 million in wages and benefits to employees living in Tulsa.
D.Other employee services:
1. UniversityVillage has a travel/education benefit so that employees can gain better job skills through training. UV provides tuition reimbursement,recertification, administrator licenses, and offsite training opportunities, as well as professional development programs on campus. There is also an emergency fund available to qualified employees, and holiday food baskets.
2. Employee counseling, worksite health promotion, discounted housing opportunities on campus, discounted meals, language skills, and a resale shop are also available.
VII.Community Support for UniversityVillage
A.Volunteer Support:
UniversityVillage is building an exceptionally active volunteer program that helps demonstrate the tremendous community support for the facility. There also are resident volunteers and employees who provide services to the residents.
Information compiled by Charlotte Boyd in cooperation with the University Village Administrative Staff