Settlement Partner Report

We have been learning about Early English settlements in Social Studies, and it is time that you created your own fictional settlement with a partner. The year is 1630, so when you do your writing, make sure that the things that you include are appropriate for the time period. This means your settlers cannot have any modern technology! No cars, no internet, no television, no electricity.

The purpose of this project is to convince your teacher and classmates to settle in your made up settlement. There will be a written portion as well as an oral presentation to persuade the audience to move to the settlement.

Here are the three components required for your settlement report:

Visual Guideline

You need to have a visual for your presentation, outlining your settlements culture, location, trading goods, and reason for settlement. You need to explain in your visual why your settlement was created. Where you came from to settle and why you chose to leave your home. Your visual can be a poster, a pamphlet or brochure, or an artifact from this settlement.

You need to have a written report that you work on together.

Written Report Guideline:

A paragraph describing why you chose to create the settlement. Every settler who started a new settlement had a reason; explain your reason for settling.

A paragraph that includes what your biggest cash crop or trade good is. What is your settlement known for producing that you can trade with other settlements?

A third paragraph persuading the reader to move to your settlement. What protection can you provide settlers? What is your biggest selling point? Is it a good location for farming or is it better for trading? What things make your settlement stand out among all the rest?

Oral Presentation Guideline:

Your presentation should be no longer that 3 minutes. Both partners need to share the talking time equally. In your oral presentation you need to do the following:

Tell the name and location of your settlement.

Tell you reason for settlement and explain why you chose to settle in your location.

Persuade the audience to move to your settlement.

Explain your visual.

Remember this is a partner effort, so no one partner should be doing all the work. Share the responsibility, use your class time wisely, and have fun!!

Settlement Report Rubric

Report / Visual / Presentation / Participation
4- Student followed guidelines for report exactly. Student’s report has all three components for settlement. Few to no spelling/grammar errors in written report. / 4- Visual is neat and outlines the settlement’s culture, location, trading goods, and reason for settlement. / 4- Student participates in presentation. In the presentation, student outlines all key components listed in Oral Presentation Guideline.
Student makes eye contact with the audience and speaks clearly. / 4- Student shared the work with their partner. Student completed their half of the work, worked well with their partner, and demonstrated full understanding of the assignment.
3- Student somewhat followed guidelines for report. All three components are there, but not in paragraph form, or paragraph is too short/doesn’t have clear detail. Few grammar/spelling errors / 3- Visual has most components necessary. Outlines most of the key details required. / 3- Student participates in presentation. Most of the key components are addressed in presentation. Student often has eye contact with the audience. / 3- Student did some of the work. Worked fairly well with their partner and demonstrated some understanding of the assignment.
2- Student report has 1-2 paragraphs and describes with few details the components of the settlement. Grammar/spelling errors. / 2- Visual has some necessary components, but is missing pieces. / 2- Student minimally participates in presentation. Student sometimes gives eye contact and is sometimes clear in their speaking. Some key components are addressed. / 2- Student let partner do much of the work. Did not work very well with partner and demonstrated minimal understanding of the assignment.
1- Student did not follow guidelines. Many grammar/spelling errors. / 1- Visual is not neat, minimal effort is shown, does not have all key components. / 1- Student does not participate or participates very little. No eye contact given and difficult to understand. Few key components are addressed. / 1- Student let partner do the assignment and helped very little. Did not work well with partner and showed minimal understanding of the assignment.