AP U.S. History
Unit I Syllabus—Colonization: Period I 1491-1607
Reading: The American Pageant, Chapters 1-2 (up to page 28)
Essential Questions: These must be in complete sentences and include specific factual information in your answers. Responses should be no less than 5 sentences.
Identity / How did the identities of colonizing and indigenous American societies changes as a result of contact in the Americas?Work, Exchange, and Technology / How did the Columbian Exchange—the mutual transfer of material goods, commodities, animals, and diseases—affect interaction between Europeans and natives and among indigenous peoples in North America?
Peopling / How did different groups settle in the Americas (before contact) and how and why did the move to and within the Americas (after contact)?
Politics and Power / How did Spain’s early entry into colonization in the Caribbean, Mexico, and South America shape European and American developments in this period?
America in the World / How did European attempts to dominate the Americas shape relationships between Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans?
Environment and Geography / How did pre-contact populations of North relate to their environments? How did contact with Europeans and Africans change these relations in North America?
Ideas, Beliefs, and Cultures / How did cultural contact challenge the religious and other values systems of peoples from the Americas, Africa, and Europe?
Vocabulary: Define and write each word in a complex/content-specific sentence.
1. Adaption
2. Continuity
3. Interactions
4. Culminate
5. indigenous
Tentative Test Dates: September 3-4 DUE DATES: A Day: Terms 4-10 due 8/26, Terms 11-18 due 8/28; Essential Questions and Vocab Due 9/3-- B Day: Terms 4-10 de 8/27, Terms 11-18 due 8/31; Essential Questions and Vocab Due 9/4
Key Terms: Identify and analyze the historical significance of each of the following:
1. Christopher Columbus
2. Columbian Exchange
3. Spanish conquistadors
4. Treaty of Tordesillas
5. Francisco Pizarro
6. Incan Empire
7. Encomienda
8. Ponce de Leon
9. Hernando de Soto
10. Francisco Coronado
11. Hernan Cortes
12. Aztec Empire
13. Mestizos
14. Bartolommeo de la Casas
15. Pedro Menendez
16. Jean Ribualt
17. Roanoke
18. Spanish Armada
Required Nightly Reading
A Day Reading
Mon 8/24 pg. 4-10 (1)
Tues 8/25 pg. 11-16 (1)
Wed 8/26 pg. 17-24 (1)
Thurs 8/27 pg. 25-28 (2)
B Day Reading
Tues 8/25 pg. 4-10 (1)
Wed 8/26 pg. 11-16 (1)
Thurs 8/27 pg. 17-24 (1)
Fri, Sat, Sun 8/28-8/30 pg. 25-28 (2)