02 December 2015

Dear Governors

RE: Kick Ash Smokefree Policy

I am writing to all Schools in Central Bedfordshire to ensure they are signing up tothe Kick Ash Smokefree Programme currentlybeing implementedin order to reduce smoking prevalence of young people.

The Kick Ash Policy extends the Stop Smoking regulations to include the requirement that all enclosed public places are Smokefree and these policies are being implemented in all Schools across the county.

In order for the Kick Ash Policy to be effective there must be a wholeSchoolcommitment to implementing all aspects of this Policy. I have enclosed a Kick Ash Policy agreement form for you to sign andreturn.

Public Health in Central Bedfordshire are keen to support your organisation with advice and guidance, continuing to work alongside schools on the maintenance of the Kick Ash Policy guidelines. This includes a 6 monthly follow up contact to discuss the success of the implementation of this Policy.Schools can demonstrate their commitment to being smokefree by adding the Kick Ash Footprint on the School Website alongside the Policy.

I will be linking with Schools who have currently stated that they are not a Kick Ash Smokefree School on the Health in Education Baseline form, to ensure they demonstrate their commitment to the Policy.

There will be a follow up Directory of schools who are committed to the Tier 1 Kick Ash Smokefree Policy in the new year, let your School be one of these schools.

I am happy to help if you have any queries, or requireany further information on this Policy, or on the Kick Ash Programme. Please contact me on;-

0300 300 6669 or email me at

You can also visit for additional updates.

We wish you a very happy and Smokefree Christmas.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Aruna Sharma-Balls

Public Health Co-Ordinator

(Tobacco Control and Inequalities)

Public Health

Kick Ash Policy Agreement Return Slip

I confirm that I have read the enclosed Kick Ash Policy and agree to abide with the terms and conditions set on the Policy. The Kick Ash Footprint logo has been added alongside the Policy onto the School Website.

I confirm that I have read the enclosed Kick Ash Policy and do not wish to implement this Policy at this time.

I agree to receive 6 monthly follow up contact to ensure Policy continues to remain implemented on and around the premises from Public Health.

Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Position: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

School: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….




Date: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Please return Policy agreement to:

Aruna Sharma-Balls

Public Health

Unit 3, Doolittle Mill

Froghall Road


MK45 2NX

Or respond by email to .