2017 Club Booking Form (10 or more vehicles only)
Individual spaces are available on the day
Duxford Spring Car Show: Sunday 30 April
Duxford Summer MotorFest: Sunday 27 August
Before completing this participation form pleaseread the rules and regulationslisted below and circulate to every member attending.
Admission Prices
Adult admission price £12.60 per person
Child admission price £6.30 per person
Club Name
Organiser Name
Email Address
Telephone Number
Postal Address
Vehicle Makes
Number of vehicles we will allocate a pitch based on these numbers
Preferred parking zone: Please indicate a first and second choice Red/Blue/Green on the map
All clubs are invited to display a banner with their name clearly indicated. Please tick boxes to indicate if you will be bringing any of the below:
You will needThird Party Public Liability Insurance to the minimum value of £5 million sent with this application form.
Trailer unit
Rules and Regulations:
- All drivers and vehicles are to be appropriately licensed and insured
- Vehicles must obey the speed limit of 5mph on site
- Vehicle movement is prohibited once on site and parked up by marshals
- Any request or instruction from IWM staff must be complied with in all circumstances
- No raffles, draws, lotteries or charity collections can be made on the IWM Duxford site
- No dogs are allowed on site - this is a Civil Aviation Authority safety precaution for all live airfields
- No barbeques or gas appliances are allowed on site
- Driving competitions are not permitted
- We do not allow overnight parking or camping
- It is against the law to smoke in any buildings at the museum
- Vehicle owners that are aware of leaks on their vehicles must bring pans to avoid contamination of the grass and hard-standing areas
- Clubs will need to fill out a separate Trader Application Form if they wish to sell any items
- Visitors who wish to film or take photographs for commercial use must get permission from
IWM Duxfordprior to the event
For further details please call the Commercial Team on 01223 499 307
- Clubs must hold Third Party Public Liability Insurance to the minimum value of £5 million if they wish to bring along a gazebo/ banner or trailer unit. This will need to be sent to IWM Duxford two weeks before the event, failure to do so will result in the structure being taken down
- Please take all waste home or deposit it in our wheelie bins
- IWM Duxford reserves the right to request a club/ member to leave the premises at any time
Please return by email to; Subject line ‘Car Shows 2017’
Post; The Commercial Team IWM Duxford, Duxford Airfield, Cambridgeshire, CB22 4QR