Minutes of Glassary Primary School EGM

Thursday 29th September 2016

Present: Maxine Rowe, HelenMcCuaig, Claire McCuaig, Yvonne Angus, Karen Thompson, Roslyn Smith, Stephen Ryan, Daniel Griffiths, Fiona Helbert, Claire Harris, Lesley Boyle

Apologies: LynseyMcCuaig, Pamela Booth

Item Discussed / Action by
It was explained by Maxine Rowe the reason for the meeting in that a Chair and Secretary needed to be elected to Glassary Parent Council. / n/a
Fiona Helbert to stand as Chairperson for the rest of this school year (daughter is in P7), voted by Lesley Boyle and seconded by Roslyn Smith. / n/a
Claire McCuaig to stand as Secretary, voted by Fiona Helbert, seconded by Helen McCuaig. / n/a
Upcoming parent council events discussed:
Halloween Disco - to be held on Friday 28th October 2016 for the school children. Volunteers will be required to help set up after school and to be present at disco. Tuck shop to be organised. Flyers to be created, details and requests to be put on Facebook in due course.
Race Night – to be held in the Horseshoe Pub, Kilmichael in late November 2016. This is to be provided by the Lochgilphead Round Table and all funds raised by the Parent Council from this event will go towards future school trips and other worthy causes that will benefit the children of Glassary Primary. Further details will be sent out in due course. We hope as many people as possible will be able to attend.
Christmas Hamper raffle – ideas discussed, local businesses to be approached for possible donations, donations from parents/families will also be requested. Further detail will be put on Facebook page/circulated in due course. Possibly 2 or 3 hampers of various sizes/contents will be created.
Printed raffle tickets to be looked into and costs obtained.
Christmas Cards - the children will start working on designing their own Christmas cards very soon. An order form will be sent out to all parents shortly to allow Christmas cards to be pre-ordered.
Surplus of mixed packs of Christmas cards from last year to be placed for sale in the Horseshoe Pub and other locations. If anyone would like to buy some please let the school know. Some parent council members have kindly offered to take some packs to sell in work places etc.
100 Club Tickets – these will be sold again towards the end of the year. There is a waiting list for tickets. Anticipated that some people who bought multiples last year may not buy as many this year and these can then go to people on waiting list.
Football Tickets – Yvonne Angus still has tickets for parent council to sell. Suggested that some are taken to Race Night. Tickets taken by some members to sell as listed below:
Claire Harris – 5 tickets, Fiona Helbert – 4 tickets, Karen Thompson – 1 ticket, Daniel Griffiths – 1 ticket, Roslyn Smith – 1 ticket / FH
Maxine requested that funds raised by parent council be counted and verified before being given to school for short time safe keeping prior to be banked.
It was discussed that this would done at all times and where possible kept with parent council members prior to being banked and school would only be asked to hold funds in emergency circumstances.
It was decided that a good supply of money bags would be obtained and forms to be created for recording amounts raised at events. / LB/YA
Last of this year’s 100 Club funds of £126.00 counted by Yvonne Angus and verified by Lesley Boyle. These will be held by Yvonne and passed to LynseyMcCuaig for banking as soon as possible. / YA/LMcC
As discussed at last meeting school garden is becoming increasingly overgrown and concerns have been raised by some residents regarding blocked view when coming in and out of village by car. Maxine has now spoken with Christophe who has cleared some areas and will do one more round of maintenance before the end of the year.
Daniel Griffiths advised the leekbed can now be weeded and this can be undertaken by the school children at the earliest opportunity.
Daniel will also have a look and then advise parent council what bushes/plants can be and should be cut back and also what plants could be removed and replaced to help with visibility for drivers.
Parent council can then arrange for some garden maintenance to be undertaken as quickly as possible, plenty of parents and residents are happy to lend a hand.
Noted that a yearly top up of bark chips is required.
Also noted the Council undertake some weed spraying at certain times of year. / MR
Maxine Rowe has asked that a small picket fence be put around some of the garden areas to create a visual boundary for the children for safety reasons. Daniel Griffiths has kindly agreed to price up supplies and labour costs.
Parent Council will provide funds towards this but depending on cost Lachlan Miller application might also be made. / DG
Access administrator rights for Parent Council Facebook page to be given to Claire McCuaig. / YA
Date for next Parent Council to be agreed by members via Facebook in due course. / FH