Those Present: Mr N Evans (Chairman), Mr K Bundell, Mr S Hill, Mr R Kemp, Mrs L Newton and Mrs C Weaver.
In attendance: Ms C Gosling, Clerk, Mr P Mason, County Councillor, Mr L Ruffell & Mr R Humby, District Councillors.
Apologies: Mrs J Furby
Mrs Small had put in a request to the Parish Council to adopt the telephone box in Gordon Road. The late Mr Wright was dealing with this matter. The Clerk will make enquiries and respond to Mrs Small.
Mrs Small asked the Council to consider the level of input and financial funding in helping other community groups. The Clerk circulated a grant application form.
Mrs Small also raised concerns on the sight lines on the B3035 due to plants and shrubs from the pond.
None received.
Mr Bundell proposed to approve the minutes dated 19 August 2010, seconded by Mrs Weaver and all voted unanimously.
· 123 Land top of Kitnocks Hill (TPO)
It was agreed that the Council will reiterate their support.. Action – Mr Kemp to present a report for the next meeting.
· 159 Footpaths
Footpath 10 had two bridges and one of them was in a poor condition.
· 163 North of Whiteley
A forum meeting had not yet been arranged and the Council is waiting to hear further information.
Mr Mason had attended the County Council’s Full Council meeting where it was proposed to appoint a Police Commissioner.
The Blue Land Trust (formerly known as the Bobby Trust) associated with the emergency services had agreed provision towards the ‘Driver’s Course’ aimed at drivers who have been caught speeding between 36-39 mph.
HCC grants available - £5,000 maximum.
Mr Mason had attended the meeting at the Jubilee Hall regarding Sainsburys proposed supermarket. It was well attended by the public with residents for and against the proposals.
He reported that the County Council will be making cost savings and the Childrens’ Staff Service will face staffing cuts.
Members questions to Mr Mason:
· Chapel Lane – highway resurfacing. The surface was now in poor repair.
· Blocked Drains in Outlands Lane
· Crushed kerb drain outside of the Cricketers PH
· Overgrown plantation – pavement from the Church to Wangfield Lane/B3035.
Mr Ruffell had received correspondence on the pedestrian refuge on the A334 advising that there were complications on land requirements.
He is attending an English Language Course on 21 September 2010.
Mr Humby attended the Member Briefing on 8 September. Winchester City Council will be transformed with proposed cuts in staffing. He said that some roles will be shared within other departments and it was proposed to share services with other district authorities such as East Hants.
Following abolishment of the South East Plan there is a need to revalidate consultation for the Local Development Framework. The research from the regional strategy was still valid and will continue to be updated as things progress.
WCC is to start again with the housing assessment and will embrace a blueprint to assess community needs. Mr Humby said that Curdridge is listed as a grade 3. An officer will be allocated to assist with the process and he suggested that the Parish Council links together with the neighbouring parishes of Owslebury, Upham and Durley. The Parish Council will shortly be receiving an information pack which will give details on the process and community engagement.
170 / HCC – Notice of meeting River Hamble Harbour Board 10 September at 10am. Noted.171 / CPRE Parish Seminar 10 November 10-3.30. Noted.
172 / HALC – Annual Review 2010. Noted.
173 / HALC – AGM 23 October 2010 – two representatives invited. Mr Evans and Mr Kemp will attend.
174 / HALC – Summer Action Group – grants of up to £50k – meeting on 8 September Mailing 2010. Noted.
175 / Information Commissioner – Confirmation of changes to register entry. Noted.
176 / WCC – Travel and Subsistence allowance scheme for Parish Councils. Noted.
177 / WCC – Fieldfare Local Grants. Noted.
178 / WCC – Annual Sports Awards nominations submitted by 11 October 2010. Noted.
179 / Hampshire Parish Council Sector Conference 2011 – 23 March 2011. Noted.
180 / Community Action news update September 2010. Noted.
181 / Clerks and Councils direct. To be circulated to Members.
182 / HCC – Hampshire Now magazine – Autumn 10. Noted.
183 / Southern Water – quote for Cemetery £2,732.13. To be discussed under agenda item.
184 / Southern Water – quote for playing field £2,785.61. To be discussed under agenda item.
185 / Southern Water – quote for pond £1,724.70. To be discussed under agenda item.
186 / Network rail – Outlands Lane bridge – confirmation for a fence to be replaced with green barbed wire and supports painted green. It is hoped that Network Rail could reduce the size of the signage.
187 / Mrs Small – request to purchase BT phone box in Gordon Road. Noted.
188 / HALC – Local Council News Summer 2010. To be circulated to Members also available online.
189 / HCC – School admissions 2011. Noted.
190 / Ian Robinson – request for information on Neighbourhood Watch Schemes in Parish. Members gave details of co-ordinators to the Clerk to respond.
191 / NALC –Free learning seminar – Quality Councils – delivering services – 22 October 2010 – Thatcham. Noted.
192 / Botley and Curdridge Welfare Trust Meeting 29 September 2010. Mrs Weaver and Mrs Furby are nominated representatives.
193 / Amanda Hull – details on Small Grants scheme 2010. Noted.
194 / Stuart Reay – Allotment Project. Noted.
Stuart Reay had been appointed Chairman of the Curdridge and Curbridge Allotment Project. He is liaising with Ken Brown at WCC for obtaining a grant of approximately £25,000. He will provide an outline plan for approximately 15 plots. Mr Reay had been given the cost of the water supply and this will be included in the grant application. Mr Reay has asked the Council for a decision on rent charges per plot. Action – to be discussed at the next meeting.
202 POND
A definitive area of the pond had now been agreed and 3 signed copies have been given to the Clerk for registration. The Chairman expressed his appreciation to Mr Kemp and Mrs Newton in resolving this matter.
Mr Bundell reported that he had received quotes for the removal of the spoil on the Glebe Field. A local trader quoted £380 to remove it to a landfill site. A local farmer had agreed a price of £150 to recycle the soil. All agreed for Mr Bundell to ask the farmer to remove the soil.
The Chairman reported that Mr Hambrook was working on a plan for the planting at the Cemetery.
Members commented on the expense of the water quotes received for the above properties. It was agreed not to pursue the water quote for the cemetery as water is available at the churchyard and only minimum amounts of water are required for the site.
Allotment Recreation had been passed to Mr Reay. Mrs Newton had concerns that the Council was reliant on the home owner adjacent to the pond to assist the Council when the water levels were low. It was agreed to keep the matter under review.
A small committee meeting had taken place on 11 September to discuss the Parish Plan and community engagement. The Clerk had received some dates from Mr Lincoln, WCC to come to the Parish and hold a public meeting.
Improvements on community engagement were discussed and it was suggested to look at other Parishes processes and learn from them. Mr Hill explained that other Parishes had focused on the questionnaire phase before launching into their preparation of Parish Plans. He advised that these were available online to view at Shawford and Compton.
It was agreed to discuss Parish Council notice boards and the website at the next meeting.
Members noted income received to date £15,728. Spend to date against Precept £10,363 remaining balance £7,637.
No applications had been received. It was agreed to look at grant applications on a quarterly basis in line with the budget report.
Mr Bundell proposed to approve the Finance report dated 16 September 2010, Mr Evans seconded and all agreed. Members noted cheque signing.
The Clerk had made enquiries to the Reading Rooms regarding availability to change the meeting day from Thursday to Wednesday. The availability of a room would not be until 8pm and Members decided that this was too late.
Mr Bundell proposed to keep the Parish Council meetings on the third Thursday of the month with a commencement time of 7pm. Mr Evans seconded and all voted unanimously. Action - The Clerk will confirm the dates with the Reading Rooms and circulated dates for 2011 to all Members.
It was suggested to hold interim Planning Meetings to discuss planning applications and decisions received due to the volume of applications currently being received for the Parish. This would also accommodate the 21 day consultation period imposed by WCC. Meetings would be cancelled if there was insufficient business to be discussed. Action – The Clerk to liaise with the Reading Rooms on room availability. To be added to the next Agenda to nominate Planning Committee Members.
Two signatories were required for this account. It was agreed that the signatories would be Mr Evans and Mr Bundell with endorsement of the Clerk, Ms Gosling.
211 Ms Newton – Raised the issue of dog fouling on the Reading Rooms Recreation Ground. Action – Clerk to investigate bylaws covering all properties owned by the Parish Council and Reading Rooms.
212 Ms Newton – Suggested a disclaimer sign be erected in the car park at the Allotment Recreation Field. Action – Clerk to obtain a quote for a sign.
213 Mr Kemp – Suggested that the Council should monitor the trees screening the Silverlake site currently owned by Freemans. It is thought that there maybe a pending transfer of ownership and the trees could be under threat – all agreed to monitor.
214 Mr Bundell - A horse had been left to graze in the Glebe Field. The field gate had also been damaged by persons attempting to steal it. He was liaising with the Police over this matter. Mr Miller had repaired the gate on the Council’s behalf. Mr Bundell confirmed with the Clerk that a reduction in grazing rent would be in order.
215 Mr Evans – Parish News – a note of appreciation to be sent to Mr Ball and Mrs Bellchambers for their distribution of the Parish News. It was agreed that Members should send articles to the Clerk. Action – Clerk to prepare a page for insertion into the Parish News and circulate to Members.
Members discussed the following planning applications received:
10/01956/FUL Green Close, Wangfield Lane, Curdridge
Extension to the time limit for implementing planning permission 05/02060/FUL – Single storey rear extension
Mr & Mrs P Hill
Delegated – 22/9/10
No objection
10/01925/FUL Edgehill Manor, Outlands Lane, Curdridge
Proposed conservatory
Mr R Kattenhorn
Delegated – 23/9/10
No objection
10/02139/FUL Applewood, Chapel Lane, Curdridge
Single and two storey side extension
Mr M Teague
Delegated – 24/9/10
No objection
10/01984/FUL The Coach House, Curdridge Lane, Curdridge
First floor rear extension
Mr K Stallard
Delegated – 4/10/10
No objection
10/02103/FUL Oakwood, Curdridge Lane, Curdridge
Change of agricultural land to residential garden
Mr & Mrs P Galloway
Delegated – 4/10/10
No objection
10/02218/FUL Hamsworth Farm, Botley Road, Curbridge
Alterations and extensions including link to double garage and freestanding greenhouse.
Mr P Clayton
Delegated – 11/10/10
No objection
No decisions had been received.
Ms Newton proposed, Mrs Weaver seconded to pass a resolution to exclude the press and public from the meeting by reasons of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. All voted in favour.
Members discussed enforcement issues.
This was all the business and the meeting closed at 10.05 pm.
Signed ……………………………………………. Chairman