May Monthly Meeting of KellsTown Council held on Monday, 18th May 2009, at Kells Civic Offices, Headfort Place, Kells

Presiding: Cllr. B. Collins

Present: Cllrs. P. Caffrey, B. Curran, S. Drew, A.O. Farrelly, C. Ferguson, T. Grimes,

B. Reilly, O. Sweeney

Also Present: Mr. B. McGrath, Town Manager, Mr. J. Flanagan, Town Clerk,

Mr. S. Carroll, A/Town Engineer, Ms. C. O’Reilly, A/Asst Staff Officer.


The minutes of the April monthly meeting, held on 20th April 2009, were confirmed on the proposal of Cllr. T. Grimes, seconded by Cllr. B. Reilly.


  • Letter from Kells & District Motor Cycle Racing Club Ltd. requesting the use of the Fair Green on Saturday, 17th July, in conjunction with the Club’s annual Road Races and the Kells to Kells Cross Border Initiative.

On the proposal of Cllr. T. Grimes, seconded by Cllr. O. Sweeney, it was agreed to grant the Club use of the area in question. It was also agreed that the Town Engineer would liaise with the Club in relation to traffic management plans and insurance.

  • Letter from the Minister for Transport in relation to the Council’s request to meet with the NRA.
  • Letter from NRA informing the Council that the NRA had a meeting with Kells Electoral Area members and representatives from Kells Town Council on 27th May.

Members were informed that the Cathaoirleach, together with officials, attended the meeting with the Kells Electoral Area members. The delegation made a strong case for Kells to be properly signed on completion of the M3. The Council’s disappointment on response to funding and refusal to meet the Town Council was made known to the Authority.

It was agreed that the incoming Council should take up the offer of a joint meeting with Kells Area members.

Monthly Reports

Mr. Pat Kinsella, Senior Executive Engineer, made a presentation on Kells waste water capacity. Members were informed that there was sufficient capacity to cater for all new developments currently in the planning system and also for any proposed developments which wereat active pre-planning stage. Water quality analysis had shown improvements in water quality in the River Blackwater in the past year. Works were currently ongoing on improvements to the existing system, including new outflow and storm holding tank. Members were also informed that the proposed new scheme was on line for 2013.

  • Cllr. Drew congratulated all those involved in the Fair Green project.
  • Cllr. Farrell raised the issue of potholes at the top of Carrick Street.
  • Cllr. Curran raised the issue of street cleaning and illegal dumping.

Manager’s Orders

The Manager’s Orders, as circulated, were noted.

To resolve to issue polling information cards to local electors in accordance with the Electoral Act 1992 (as amended)

The proposal was approved on the proposal of Cllr. S. Drew, seconded by Cllr. B. Reilly.

Other Business

  • Members were informed that Famine Commemoration would be held in the Peoples’ Park, Loyd, on Sunday, 31st May.
  • Cllr. C. Ferguson congratulated the pupils of KellsCommunitySchool who were travelling to Tanzania.
  • Cllr. Drew informed members that the contract for the Sunshine Community Childcare Centre had been signed and work would commence immediately after the summer break.
  • Cllr. Grimes congratulated the local rugby club and minor hurlers.
  • The Manager informed members that there were three preferred route options for link road between Carlanstown/Headfort Roads, the green route being the preferred option, which would be put on formal public display. This option allows access to all lands.
  • The Manager informed members that significant work was done on upgrading the Community House. A Part 8 would be going on display. Works should be in progress by the end of the year, which would include extension to rear and complete refurbishment of existing house. There would be a legal agreement with Trustees ensuring the continuation of community use. All community groups would be entitled to use the premises, and bookings would be made through Town Council offices.
  • Members were informed that the refurbishment of Council housing stock was on schedule and should be substantially complete by year end. The pedestrian path on Maudlin would be open by end June if not before.

Cllr. Curran enquired if external walls and footpaths and the possibility of providing a handrail at Willie Black Crescent could be included in the works. The Manager undertook to have same investigated.

  • The Manager informed members of An Post Heritage Cycle Tour taking place in July.

Cllr. Collins, Cathaoirleach, thanked his fellow Councillors, staff, Area Councillors and members of the media for all their help and assistance during the past year. He wished Cllrs. Caffrey and Farrelly, both of whom were retiring from the Council, well for the future and acknowledged their work during their time on the Council. All other members were associated with the Cathaoirleachs remarks. Both Cllr Caffrey and Cllr Farrelly suitably replied.

The Town Manager thanked all members for their work over the past five years and wished those contesting the forthcoming local elections the best of luck.

A vote of sympathy was passed with the family of the late:

Noel Grace, who served as a member of the Irish Army for forty five years

David Kennedy, brother-in-law of Cllr. B. Reilly.


Senator Tony Kett

This concluded the business of the meeting.

Signed: ______

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KellsTown Council, Kells Civic Offices, Headfort Place,, Kells, County Meath

Telephone: 046 9240076, Fax: 046 9249316, web: Email: