Strategies for Encouraging Appropriate Behaviors
How to give encouragement -
- Clear, Specific, & Clean: Describe the skill observed, without adding any references to past mistakes or wishes for future behavior.
- Sincere & Appropriate for Student’s Age: Give genuine response to the desired behavior that is appropriate for the situation and the individual
- Private: Know the student. Public feedback works for some, but embarrasses others. Tailor the feedback to student’s personality.
- Genuine: Use you own style to communicate sincere encouragement. Make it real for them, especially when working with older kids.
When to give encouragement –
- Contingent on Desired Behavior: The desired behavior must be observed before acknowledgement is provided.
- Immediate: Must immediately follow desired behaviors rather than be applied as a general motivator.
- Frequent During Acquisition: At a high enough rate to change/ maintain skills
What to encourage –
- Only rules & behaviors from our school matrix
Positive Performance Feedback
“Cat Tracks” Tickets
Cat Tracks Tickets are the school-wide tangible feedback system Adair County R-1 teachers & staff use to support learning.
Cat Tracks are utilized to:
- Teach new skills
- Reinforce (boost) previously learned skills
- Increase building awareness (teacher, staff, and students) of the expectations
“Cat Rings” Bracelets
Cat Rings Bracelets are used by the Elementary teachers & staff as a tangible feedback system to encourage students to use appropriate behaviors outside the classroom.
Cat Rings are utilized to:
- Teach new skills in non-classroom settings
- Reinforce the previously learned skills in non-classroom settings
- Increase building awareness (teacher, staff, and students) of the expectations
*Classrooms will be rewarded with a celebration as the classes reach increments of 100.
Other forms of feedback:
- Signs around the building
- Verbal and non-verbal regular, specific and positive feedback
- Skill review
- PBS newsletters
Please Remember:
Children are not born intrinsically motivated. This level of development is achieved as the child moves through the developmental cycle. As with academic progress, if the child misses the key milestones or components of learning there will be gaps in his or her achievement (social/emotional/behavioral, speech, motor and academic.)
As with all teaching, we start where the child indicates they need us to start. We provide the scaffolding they need to learn the skill, including independent utilization of the skill. Then we gradually remove the supportive structure.
Adair Co. R-I Elementary Recognition Matrix
Name / Resource / Description & Criteria / When & Where Presented / Information to Staff / Goal(s) / Celebrations / CoordinatorCat Tracks / Cat Track Ticket;
Prizes / When student is “caught” meeting expectation in the classroom, s/he receives a cat track.
Individual / Daily, as expectations are met; classroom.
Redeemed each Friday during lunch. / Staff handbook;
PBS Kickoff, August 16, 2010 / 750 weekly / Prizes from menu; Prizes from drawing / Mrs. Copelin
(Creates, houses, and distributes tracks)
Angela Meintz (Checks inventory levels and replenishes)
Cat Rings / Bracelets,
Classroom Containers, Prizes / When student or groups of students are “caught” meeting matrix expectations outside the classroom, s/he receives a Cat Ring.
Group / Daily, as expectations are met; outside the classroom.
Prizes awarded as classes reach increments of 100 / Staff handbook;
PBS Kickoff, August 16, 2010
Class progress will be graphed in Elementary Hallway / 100% of classes will earn at least 3 award parties / 100- 15 m of extra recess
200- 15 m classroom free time
300- 30 m of Board Games
400- 30 m of SSR
500- 30 m Computer Time in Library
600- Popcorn/Movie Party
700- Ice Cream Party
800- PJ Day
900- Pizza Party
1, 000- Whole Class Lunch Outside
(Count starts over at Semester) / Mrs. Copelin
(Graph class progress in hallway)
Angela Meintz
(Distribute Cat Rings to teachers)
Paw Award / Classroom Attendance percentage,
Classroom Paw print & individual reward for students / Class with the highest attendance percentage for the month
Group / Monthly
Intercom Announcement by Mrs. Copelin / Staff handbook;
PBS Kickoff, August 16, 2010;
Certificates presented to staff sent home in folders & paw print outside classroom doorway / Every class earn at least once / 20 minutes of extra recess for students & extra break for classroom teacher / Mrs. Copelin
Homework Heroes / Charting System for classroom teachers,
No Homework Passes / When a student turns in 100% of completed homework for the month
Individual / Monthly; teacher will present “No Homework Passes” in classroom on the last day of the month / Staff handbook;
PBS Kickoff, August 16, 2010;
Teachers will report % of student participation to Mrs. Copelin & Mrs. Copelin will post outside classroom doors / 80% of students / 2 one subject No Homework Passes used at the discretion of the student / Classroom Teachers (track student participation)
Mrs. Copelin (post classroom percentages)
Angela Meintz (distribute “No homework Passes” to staff)
Purr-fect Attendance Award / Perfect attendance data reports from Lumen
Perfect attendance ribbons
Time for Computers / Student has missed no days of school for the quarter
Individual / Quarterly
Assembly / Staff handbook;
PBS Kickoff, August 16, 2010;
List of students qualified in mailboxes / 90% of student body / Individual Perfect Attendance ribbon & & 20 minutes of computer free time / Mrs. Copelin & Brenda Tuttle
Referral Free! / SWIS Data reports,
Money for transportation & field trip / Student has received no referral for the school year
Individual / Presented at the conclusion of the year
Assembly / Staff handbook;
PBS Kickoff, August 16, 2010;
List of students qualified in mailboxes / 80% of Student body / Students will be presented with a certificate & a field trip will be planned to a local establishment / Mrs. Copelin & Angela Meintz
Homework Champion / Charting System for classroom teachers,
PBS T-Shirts / When a student turns in 100% of completed homework for the school year / Presented at the conclusion of the year
Assembly / Staff handbook;
PBS Kickoff, August 16, 2010;
Teachers will report student participation to Mrs. Copelin / 80% of students / Students will receive a PBS T-Shirt / Classroom Teachers (track student participation)
Mrs. Copelin (combine student lists)
Angela Meintz (order T-Shirts)
Yearly Perfect Attendance / Perfect attendance data reports from Lumen
Perfect Attendance Pin & Certificate / Student has missed no days of school for the entire year
Individual / Presented at the conclusion of the year
Assembly / Staff handbook;
PBS Kickoff, August 16, 2010;
List of students qualified in mailboxes / 90% of student body / Individual Perfect Attendance Pin & Certificate / Mrs. Copelin & Brenda Tuttle
PBS Honor Roll / Attendance reports,
SWIS Referral data,
Homework data
Money for field trip & transportation / Student has perfect attendance for the year, received no referrals, & has turned in 100% of homework all year
Individual / Presented at the conclusion of the year
Assembly / Staff Handbook; PBS Kickoff, August 16, 2010 / 25% of student body / Field trip to Worlds of Fun, etc. / Mrs. Copelin & Angela Meintz, (compile information & determine eligible students)
“Cat Tracks” Elementary Menu
1 Track
/ Pencil or pencil top eraser1 Track / Drawing Chance
3 Tracks / Bring small animal or doll to school
3 Tracks / Read a book to a class or special friend
3 Tracks / Treasure Chest Toy
3 Tracks / Bouncy Ball
5 Tracks / Bonus points any subject
5 Tracks / Strike buy back
5 Tracks / Candy (sucker/small candy bar)
5 Tracks / Bring something for show and tell
10 Tracks / Bonus points any subject
10 Tracks / Fast food coupon
10 Tracks / Hat Day
10 Tracks / 15 minute computer time
10 Tracks / PBS Chair
15 Tracks / Skip to the front of the lunch line
15 Tracks / Free Book
15 Tracks / Free admission to a school sport event
15 Tracks / Lunch at picnic table
20 Tracks / T-shirt
20 Tracks / Homework pass one subject in advance
20 Tracks / Salad bar
Adair Co. R-I High School Recognition Matrix
Name / Resource / Description & Criteria / When & Where Presented / Information to Staff / Goal(s) / Celebrations / CoordinatorCat Tracks / Cat Track Ticket;
Prizes / When student is “caught” meeting expectation, s/he receives a cat track.
Individual / Daily, as expectations are met; any location.
Redeemed each Friday during Activity Period. / Staff handbook;
PBS Kickoff, August 16, 2010 / 750 weekly / Prizes from menu; Prizes from drawing / Stephanie Somers
(Creates, houses, and distributes tracks)
Julie Howe (Checks inventory levels and replenishes)
Party / Tardy Binder; Prizes / Class w/lowest % of tardies receives a party
Group / Monthly
Assembly / Staff handbook;
PBS Kickoff, August 16, 2010 / 95% attendance / Parties which include
ice cream, pizza, watermelon, other food; hat day; p.j./slipper day; “recess”/play time; Nat’l Guard rock wall, etc.; Leave campus for lunch—bus to Kirksville, etc. / Julie Howe and Stephanie Somers
Individual No Tardy Party / Tardy Binder; Prizes / Individuals w/zero tardies
Individual / Quarterly
Assembly / Staff handbook;
PBS Kickoff, August 16, 2010 / 95% of student body / Parties which include
ice cream, pizza, watermelon, other food; hat day; p.j./slipper day; “recess”/play time; Nat’l Guard rock wall, etc. ; Leave campus for lunch—bus to Kirksville, etc. / Julie Howe and Stephanie Somers
No PASSing Zone / PASS Binder; Prizes / No PASSes for semester
Individual / Semester
Assembly / Staff handbook;
PBS Kickoff, August 16, 2010 / 90% of student body / Parties which include
ice cream, pizza, watermelon, other food; hat day; p.j./slipper day; “recess”/play time; Nat’l Guard rock wall, etc. ; Leave campus for lunch—bus to Kirksville, etc. / Carroll Walker
Renaissance / Ren. Cards; Incentive packet; / Gold-3.0 G.P.A.; No referrals; 95% attendance; At least 1 extra-curricular
Red-25% G.P.A. increase; No referrals; 95% attendance / Semester
Assembly / Staff handbook;
PBS Kickoff, August 16, 2010 / 90% of student body / Gold-Pizza/volleyball party
Gold and Red—incentive packets / Renaissance Committee
PBS Honor Roll / PASS Binder, Tardy Binder, SWIS / Zero PASSes, Tardies, Referrals for all four quarters / Yearly
Assembly / Staff handbook;
PBS Kickoff, August 16, 2010 / 25% of student body / Field Trip to Worlds of Fun, etc. / Julie Howe Stephanie Somers
Carroll Walker
“Cat Tracks” High School Menu
1 / Pencil/Pen3 / Military Ball
3 / HatDayPass
3 / Free pass to game
3 / Serve in cafeteria for the elementary 1 time
5 / Redbox coupon
5 / Military lanyard
5 / Candy
5 / 5 point bonus card
5 / Positive phone call home from 1 teacher
5 / Free soda/Powerade coupon
5 / PBS chair for class period
5 / Eat lunch at picnic tables
10 / Fast food coupon
10 / 10 point bonus card
10 / Listen to I-pod for 1 class period coupon
10 / Skip to the front of the lunch line coupon
10 / Hat
10 / Coupon to read a book/play on the computer to 1 class period
10 / Eat lunch with 2 friends in the EPN room
10 / Reserved parking spot for the day
10 / Plan lunch menu for a designated day
20 / T-shirt
20 / $10 gift card
20 / Sleep in pass (arrive to school by 9:00)
20 / Early out pass, miss last period
20 / CD/Movie/Book
Adair Co. R-I Teacher Recognition Matrix
Name / Resource / Description & Criteria / When & Where Presented / Information to Staff / Goal(s) / Celebrations / CoordinatorStaff Tracks / Staff Track Ticket;
Prizes / When a staff member is “caught” meeting staff expectation, s/he receives a staff track.
Expectations of staff include:
teaching PBS lessons; using PBS-related language; handing out Cat Tracks, etc.
Individual / Daily, as expectations are met; any location. Any staff member may present any other staff member with a track. / Staff handbook;
PBS Kickoff, August 16, 2010 / 50 weekly / Prizes from menu; Prizes from drawing
Prizes will include items such as “extra planning period for the day” or “reserved parking spot,” as well as tangible items.
Staff members are invited to bring any “white elephant” items to contribute to the prize inventory. / Stephanie Somers
(Creates, houses, and distributes tracks)
Julie Howe (Checks prize inventory levels and replenishes)