These are not in order – so for now, here’s a little help reading these.
This is from Cincinnati Channel 12 TV (a CBS affiliate) news website, at 11:06 PM on November 2, 2010. Notice that Condit is at 2% of the vote, with 79% of the precincts reporting. This followed the time period from roughly 9 PM to 11 PM where local 12 news showed 55% of the precincts reporting, and Condit with 15,000+ votes, representing roughly 18% of the vote.
Now – 21 minutes later (see bottom left corner of screen shot) the same local TV 12 website shows 99% of the precincts reporting, and the Condit vote at 35, 579, representing 17% of the vote. Note that the Democrat, Mr. Justin Coussoule is in 3rd place with 7,000 less votes than Condit. This is in sync with what was shown all night, from roughly 9 PM to roughly 11 PM on all media sources, both on air TV and websites, that reported on all four candidates in the John Boehner race.
Here is the NATIONAL ABC News website (see words in top blue line on top of website; is also visible in the address bar if you have enough magnification. This screen shot is from 11:37 PM est– and shows 99% of the precincts reporting – please note that the Condit vote is at 35,579, representing 17% of the vote, while Democrat Coussoule is in 3rd place with 29,485 votes, representing 15% of the vote. Please note that the national ABC website screen shot on this page – matches exactly with the local Channel 12 news (a CBS affiliate) screen shot on page 2. Please look at the bottom of this page 3 for an explanation of the two screen shots on page 4.
The screen shots on page 4 are BOTH from ABC News national website. One is at 12:20 AM est – showing the Condit vote total at 36,202 votes, representing 18% of the vote. Notice that the top screen shot on page four – shows 100% of the precincts reporting, so this is a FINAL count. But 46 minutes later, the same ABC News national website has a NEW “final count”, showing the Condit vote at 3,494 votes, or 2% of the vote, or last place. Note that the Democratic candidate, Mr. Coussoule, now has 66,473 votes, or 30% of the vote count. Math will show that about 32,800 votes were subtracted from the Condit total in the 2nd “final count” – and the same amount, + 53 more votes – were added to the Democrat’s total. It is shown in the HBO documentary,Hacking Democracy, starring computer votefraud investigator Bev Harris – that this type of last minute falsification can be done by the votefraud syndicate behind the major TV networks and the 4 major computer “vote-counting” companies – as easily as you and I highlight and then fix a typo or a misspelled word in one of our word documents. This was also demonstrated on CNBC by Bev Harris to former Democratic Governor and Presidential candidate Howard Dean in, I believe, 2005. The YouTube is here: Howard Dean’s final comment is not on point – there is most of the time a paper trail (paper ballots) – but the local Board of Elections snatches the ballots from the people at closing time on election night – and impounds them behind police guard for 21 days or so – plenty of time for ballots to be switched to make the election night results “come true.”
See Page 6 for commentary on the screen shots on this page, page 5.
Please note that on page 5 above we have also the exact two “final results” on the local Channel 12 WKRC TV website. (Remember, Channel 12 in Cincinnati, Ohio is a CBS affiliate – so obviously CBS news national and ABC News national are getting their results from the exact same source.
Please note that the local TV 12 screen shots are 23 minutes apart – the “final” showing the Condit count at 36,202 was captured at 12:28 AM est, November 3, 2010– and the “final” showing the Condit vote count at 3,494 – was captured at 12:51 AM– again – only 23 minutes later. (!!!!)
The explanation for the exact same discrepancies at ABC and CBS are that the local county election officials either give total access to the computer vote count during election night to National Election Pool (NEP), which is jointly owned by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX and AP Wire. This treasonous and slippery company was called “Voter News Service (VNS)” from about 1988 to 2003. The name was changed in 2003 because of the fraudulent and treasonous activity that this company was caught in being involved in during the 2000 Presidential Election. Bill O’Reilly of FOX news apologized on air for going with the VNS projections on election night 2000. (But nothing has changed, and O’Reilly has not reported on the truth about US “elections.” Lou Dobbs did a lot of reporting on this subject of computerized elections on CNN, and ran into so much opposition from his bosses, that he decided to quit before they fired him.)
The 5 Big TV networks and AP wire service cooperate hand in glove with Diebold, Hart, Sequoia, and Election Systems and Software (ES & S) to perpetrate the computerized “election” fraud on the American people (with the full cooperation of the National Republican and Democratic party leadership, which over the last 22 years, and even earlier, have cajoled, threatened, bribed or incentivized the local Democratic and Republican Party leadership in each county in about 99% of our 3141 counties in the USA to hand over the vote “count” to these four sinister computer “vote-counting” companies. Therefore, the major MEDIA, neck deep in the treason, will never report on what is going on, with the exceptions of a few minor reports here and there, which are probably initiated by an honest person in the news team. These minor reports, many of which are on YouTube – are treated as unimportant “novelty” stories by the big media. The drug rehab problems of Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan are given much more time on the major media – to distract the American people from the takeover of the country and the world that is being accomplished by this computerized votescam.
As Ricki Ricardo might say: “Somebody has a lot of ‘splainin’ to do.”
(See the blue box on the right hand side of the home page at – especially the youtube video linked in that blue box, and the thirteen articles which follow it. Then you will understand what the big newsmedia, the four sinister computer companies they hire to “count the vote” each election day, and the leadership of the Democratic and Republican parties – are hiding from you and America. You will also find what we must do about it so restore our country.)