THEME: Household energy services and sustainable energy in municipalities
Date: 19 -20October 2016
Venue: Waterfront Hotel & Spa, 40 Mahatma Gandhi Road, Point Waterfront, Durban
Meeting objectives:
- To provide municipal partners with updated information and latest research on national and local policy and local work underway relating to sustainable energy development;
- To provide municipal partners with support tools and materials;
- To provide an opportunity to network and build links amongst municipal partners and between local government and relevant stakeholders;
Main topics to be discussed:
- Energy Access and the status of urban household energy poverty,
- Low income household energy policy and strategy: national and municipal
- Alternative technologies, implementation models and delivery mechanisms, including:
- Micro biogas digestion
- Low income household PV
- Ceilings
- Alternative combinations: hot boxes, ceilings, solar lamps, gas cooking
- How to provide energy services over the longer term in a sustainable manner: considering new, developmental approaches and an update on the work of the National Treasury Urban Energy Working Group and related initiatives
- Side features and updates including: introduction to global initiatives (C40, COM-Africa); introduction to the SACN ESCOs website; introduction to the ICLEI building efficiency accelerator
Who should attend?
Urban energy representatives of municipalities and provinces, electricity departments, local economic development departments, human settlements, relevant national department officials.
Time / Item / Speaker or facilitatorDAY 1: Wednesday 19th October
09:30-10:00 / Registration, coffee and tea
10:00-10:15 / Welcome, introductions and programme overview / SEA, SALGA, SACN
Energy access and household energy service delivery in municipalities: status, policy, technologies, models for implementation and mechanisms for service delivery
Theme: What are the household energy challenges in 2016 and approaches to systematically addressing these issues
10.15 – 10.30 / Energy poverty documentary / SEA
10.30 – 11.00 / DOE: Overview of FBE, FBAE and an Update on the proposed Household Energy Strategy; institutional update on off-grid alternative energy programme / DOE (tbc)
11.15 – 11.45 / Household energy poverty status quo: research from Gauteng (and incl Thembalihle) and Polokwane household energy surveys (2015) / Yachika Reddy, Hlengiwe Radebe (SEA)
11.45 – 12.30 / City of Johannesburg and City of Cape Town: Developing a Low Income Household Energy Strategy – some elements,key programmes, approaches and concepts / COJ (tbc)
Kimenthrie Pillay (CCT)
12.30 – 13:30 - LUNCH
Theme: Some implementation approaches and alternative energy development innovations being explored in our cities and towns
13.30 – 14.15 / Polokwane: alternative energy technologies – hotbox and solar lights – and community development rollout model / Hlengiwe Radebe (SEA)/ Dennis Mokoala (PM)
14.15 – 15.00 / Rooftop PV and micro utility models: inputs from iShack, Stellenbosch; and!Kheis / David Hees
(Sustainability Institute, Stellenbosch University)
!Kheis (tbc)
15.00 – 15.45 / Discussion led by an input from Green Cape on implementation concepts and potential financing models / Facilitated discussion
16.00 – 17.30 / Introduction to Durban Solar Strategy and Site visit: uShack Marine World eThekwini rooftop PV project / Magash Naidoo (eThekwini Energy Office)
DAY 2: Thursday 20 October
08:00 – 08:15 / New introductions, recap day 1, programme overview
08.15 – 08.40 / Dashboard: RE/EE Strategy: planning and monitoring of integration of sustainable energy and climate response into municipal planning / Aurelie (SALGA)
08.40 – 09.20 / COP preparation underway (feedback) and overview of global climate city initiatives / ICLEI
GIZ-SAGENReview of best practise solar water heatingimplementation by local government and pilot project NMBMM
09.20 – 11.00 / Overview of the best practice SWH implementation review findings;
Overview of the NMBMM pilot project / Marlett Balmer and Nomathamsanqa Mote (SANEDI-GIZ)
11:00 – 11:30: TEA
11.30 – 12.00 / National update on the SWH subsidy programme / DOE (tbc)
12.00 – 12.30 / Taking Solar Water Heating forward: facilitated discussion
12.30 – 13:15 - LUNCH
13:15 – 14.00: parallel sessions
13.15 – 14.00 / Session A: SANEDI updates from Working for Energy programme and micro biogas digestion technology work underway / David Mahuma
13.15 – 14.00 / Session B:
- SACN Esco website and EPC online tool – an introduction
- A quick introduction to the SALGA-GIZ REIPPP and Local Economic Development publication
Sustainable Energy service provision
14.00 – 14.30 / Feedback from the National Treasury Urban Energy Working Group, the Metro Energy Group and initial IPP discussions / Task Team
14.30 – 16.00 / Linking the energy access and low income services to the municipal energy business model discussions - an introduction and discussion on new approaches:
-Pursuing margins not revenue
-Managing load and keeping residential peak demand down
-Exploring the tools at hand and tools still required to effectively delivery energy services for all into the future / Paul Vermeulen (City Power)
And facilitated discussion
Wrap up and closure