PLL General Board Meeting
August 17, 2015 – Minutes
Call to order at 7:05PM
Reading of the Minutes – Josh Diak makes a motion to accept minutes. Aaron Cummings second. All in favor, none opposed. Motion passes.
Treasurer’s Report –Pearland Medical Center donated $30,000 and HEB donated $10,000 and bought $4,000 in shirts to sell in the Pearland Parkway store. Killen's donated almost 10% of their sales from Sunday as well as donating many items to the auction.
Maintenance Report –We are getting ready to put nets down the major and minor fields. We will be putting up a new 2015 All Star sign. Last year we had a problem with rain. Danny thanked the public for helping with picking up trash and helping to keep our park in good condition. One of our goals is to light up the pitching area. We will soon have more fields to play on in the near future. The maintenance department is going to come up with some rules regarding the batting cages. Signs will be going up that you must wear helmets in the batting cages. Speed bumps are there for a reason, please drive slow.
President’s Report –In 2015 we had a clean sweep in district with all four divisions. Our all star teams did extremely well and as everyone knows we have a team in Williamsport. Our registration from Spring was 1,245. We don't have enough fields to run and operate the number of games we need to play for this number of participants. We have made a push this year to try and acquire the softball fields at the back of the park. PGSA is moving to Centennial Park, so we will start a capital campaign to acquire these fields and create a 50/70 field.
Open Forum - Question was asked when the 50/70 field would be implemented and able to use. Rodney hopes it would be ready for Spring, but it may be a year out. It depends on softball and our ability to raise the funds. We would also like to have a new concession and new restrooms. Question was asked what was going to happen with the softball fields in the front. Rodney said that we have no control over that because we only control what we are leasing. Rodney suggested that you attend the Dad's Club meeting and ask these questions. Question was asked what the money being raised for All Star's goes to and where the leftover money goes. Rodney stated that we have implemented an All Star policy and explained the policy. Anything that is left aids in funding future teams. Question was asked that with all of the rain this year, have we thought about getting tarps. Rodney stated the problem with the tarps is the man power. Question was asked if there are any talks about using the Shadow Creek fields. Rodney stated that we were in discussions with the City until we started discussions with the Dad's Club about expanding on the softball fields. Danny stated that Shadow Creek only has 3 fields and we cannot run 600 kids on 3 fields.
Danny Rhodes makes a motion to adjourn regular meeting and Rodney appoints Nicole Sebok as Election Chair. GilAvalos seconds the motion. All in favor, none opposed. Motion passes. 7:48PM
President / Lee Grammier / Travis Cottle / Lee GrammierSr. VP / Travis Cottle
Lee Ann Dyment / Lee Grammier
Jamie Fletcher / Lee Ann Dyment
LL VP / Rodney Black / Danny Rhodes / Rodney Black
Treasurer / Jamie Fletcher / Joe Aguilar / Jamie Fletcher
Secretary / Racquel Wood
Josh Estes / Joel Navarro
Amy Silvey / Josh Estes
Player Agent / Racquel Wood
Mandy Ralsten / Lee Ann Dyment
Mandy Ralsten / Mandy Ralsten
Sr. Director / James Rawlinson / Dave Smith / James Rawlinson
Jr. Director / Dave Smith / Juan Huerta / Dave Smith
Major Director / Joe Aguilar / Danny Rhodes / Joe Aguilar
Minor Director / Joel Navarro / Lee Grammier / Joel Navarro
Pee Wee Director / Lloyd Laughlin / Jeff Long / Lloyd Laughlin
Coach Pitch Director / Jeff Long
Fred Demmon
Terry Schaffer / Lloyd Laughlin
Joe Sanchez
James Rawlinson / Fred Demmon
Tee Ball Director / Jeff Long
Terry Shaffer / Lloyd Laughlin
Jeff Rawlinson / Terry Shaffer
ITB Director / Jeff Long
Josh Diak / Terry Shaffer
Joe Sanchez / Josh Diak
Challenger Director / Juan Huerta / Aaron Cummings / Juan Huerta
Booster Director / Megan Diak / Lee Grammier / Megan Diak
Sponsor Director / Gil Avalos / Stephanie Moses / Gil Avalos
Purchasing Director / Joe Sanchez / Aaron Cummings / Joe Sanchez
Maint Director / Joe Dugas / Danny Rhodes / Joe Dugas
Maint Director / Greg Loberg / Danny Rhodes / Greg Loberg
Maint Director / Kyle Moses / Danny Rhodes / Kyle Moses
Scheduler / Aaron O'Donnley / Rodney Black / Aaron O'Donnley
Information Officer / Racquel Wood / Ben Sherrill / Racquel Wood
Concession Director / Reyna Benavides / Leslie Navarro / Reyna Benavides
Safety Director / Aaron Cummings / Stephanie Moses / Aaron Cummings