The list of scientific specializations for postgraduate and doctoral candidacy at PermStateTechnical University
Postgraduate studies
Scientific specialization
- Differential equations
- Mechanics of a wrought solid
- Mechanics of liquid, gas and plasma
- Dynamics, durability of machines, devices and equipment
- Biomechanics
- Inorganic chemistry
- Ecology
- Science of materials (mechanical engineering)
- Theoretical engineering, driving gear and machinery
- Technology of mechanical engineering
- Technologies and equipment of machining and applied-physics processing
- Technologies and welding machines
- Heat engines
- Hydraulic machines, hydraulic pneumatic aggregates
- Mining machines
- Heat engines, electrical rocket engines and power installations of aircrafts
- Electromechanics and electrical devices
- Electrotechnical complexes and systems
- Elements and devices of computer engineering and control systems
- Industrial, workflow automation and management
- Social and business system administration
- Design automation systems (branches)
- Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program systems
- Physical metallurgy and metal heat working
- Foundry
- Powder metallurgy and composites
- Nonorganic substance technology
- Chemistry, fuel and special products technology
- Work and machinery of chemical technologies
- Chemical processing technology and equipment for timberbiomass; timber chemistry
- Building units, buildings and constructions
- Bases and foundations, underground constructions
- Heat supply, ventilation, air conditioning, gas supply and lighting
- Building materials and units
- Design and construction of roads, subways, airfields, bridges and vehicular traffic tunnels
- Construction method and construction organization
- Building mechanics
- Labour safety (branches)
- Fire safety and industrial safety
- Economics and nations economy administrations(in branches and fields: management theory of business system; macroeconomics; economics, organization and operation of business, branches, complexes; operation of innovations; regional economics; logistics; labour economics; economics of population and demography etc)
- Instrumental and toolmaking methods of economics
- Ontology and epistemology
- Aesthetics
- Science and engineering philosophy
- Social philosophy
- Religious studies, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of culture
- Science of language
- Theory and methods of education (foreign language)
- Theory and methods of professional education
- Hygiene
- Theory, methodology and history of sociology
- Economical sociology and demography
- Social structure, social institutes and processes
- Political institutes, ethnopolitical conflictology, national and political processes and technologies
- Paleontology and stratigraphy
- Geophysics, geophysical methods of mining exploration
- Geology, exploration and prospecting of combustible fossils
- Mining and operation of gas and oil fields
- Geomechanics, explosion demolition, mine aero- and gasdynamics and mining thermal physics
- Theoretical grounds of designing mine technical systems
- Geotechnologies (underground, open and structural)
- Geoecology