AFCEA NOVA Special Activities VP – Rick Michael
2nd Annual AFCEA NOVA
Warfighter Support
Agencies IT Day
Chuck Corjay, Event Chairman
June 2, 2010 – Planning Committee Meeting
This will be the home page for the Combat Support IT Day Planning Committee. Please continue to come back to this page for documents, agendas, speaker updates, and other items relevant to the planning process.
I. Date & Location
A. Date: July 15, 2010 -- six weeks away
B. Location: Sheraton Premiere at Tysons Corner
II. Conference Name
A. Formerly: Combat Support IT Day
B. New: Warfighter Support Agencies IT Day
C. For Short: “Agencies IT Day”
D. Tag Line: Challenges & Needs – Solutions & Capabilities
III. Speakers & Program Committee
A. Program Description
AFCEA NOVA leads the way in focusing industry’s attention on IT capabilities that are important to the Department of Defense by presenting the 2nd Annual "Warfighter Support Agencies IT Day" (formerly named Combat Support IT Day). This event focuses on the Agencies and Commands who Support the Warfighter in their operational & business missions.
This one day conference presents an outstanding opportunity to hear from the key DOD organizations providing vital IT systems and capabilities to support to our Warfighting Services. The theme is “Warfighter IT Support – Challenges & Needs - Solutions & Capabilities” and the speakers will address their visions, requirements, challenges, strategies, and potential procurements.
Program highlights include:
“An Afternoon with DISA”
· Featured Luncheon Speaker – MGen Ronnie Hawkins, Vice Director, DISA
· Dynamic Presentation by Mr. Tony Montemarano, Component Acquisition Executive, DISA
· A Panel Discussion Featuring 4 New DISA Directors recently appointed and making their debut appearance at this event
o Ms. Paige Atkins – Director of the Strategic Planning and Information Directorate
o Mr. Henry Sienkiewicz – CIO
o Mr. Bruce Bennett – PEO-C2C
o Mr. Martin Gross – PEO-GES
Presentations from additional Organizations/Agencies invited include:
· Military Health System (MHS)
· Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)
· Business Transformation Agency (BTA)
· U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
· U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM)
· …And others to be announced shortly!
Why Should You Attend?
· If you are serving our nation in uniform or through civil service, this provides a unique opportunity for professional development - with access to senior leaders in Government and Industry.
· If you are in industry, or other organization supporting our military Agencies & Services, then this is one of the best events in the region to help you identify opportunities to grow your business in this market space.
· Together the agencies represented spend billions on a wide variety of IT services and products!!!
Mark your calendars for July 15th and register now at:
B. Target Speakers & Draft Program Schedule
8:00am-8:15am / Welcome, Presentation of the Colors
8:15am-9:00am / Opening Keynote
Gen. Keith P. Chilton
(or alt is VADM Mauney, Deputy Commander)
LtGen John M. Paxton
Director for Operations (J-3)
The Joint Staff
Lt. Gen. Eric E. Fiel, USAF
Incoming Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) / Invite letter sent (Sherry Embrey)
Invite letter sent (Ron Beckwith)
Invite letter sent (Gorman)
9:00am-9:30am / BG Brian J. Donahue, USA
JTF-GNO Speaker / Invite letter sent (Dave Sherrill)
? (Scarbalis)
9:30am-9:45am / Comfort Break
9:45am-10:15am / Mr. Charles Campbell
CIO, MHS / YES, CONFIRMED (Connie Zhong)
10:15am-10:45am / Mr. David Fisher
Defense Business Transformation Agency (BTA) / YES, CONFIRMED (Mike Kush)
10:45am-11:15am / Mr. Thomas Michelli
Director Enterprise Solutions
Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) / Should be a Yes; was named by his boss to be the DLA speaker (Chi-Lai Poon to call Rick Hyde)
11:15am-12:00pm / Networking Break & Turn Room for Lunch
12:00pm-1:30pm / Luncheon & Keynote
Gen. Keith P. Chilton, USSTRATCOM
LtGen John M. Paxton, J3, JCS
Lt. Gen. Eric E. Fiel, USSOCOM
Maj. Gen. Ronnie D. Hawkins
Vice Director, DISA / Invite letters sent (see above in Opening Keynote)
Tentatively Confirmed for Lunch (Kush)
1:30pm-2:00pm / Stand-up Dessert Reception & Clear Room for Lunch
2:00pm-2:30pm / Mr. Anthony “Tony” Montemarano
Component Acquisition Executive, DISA / YES, Confirmed (Kush)
2:30pm-4:00pm / DISA Panel
Ms. Paige Atkins - MODERATOR
Director of the Strategic Planning and Information Directorate
Henry Sienkiewicz
Bruce Bennett
Martin Gross
PEO-GES / Are these folks locked? Can we get them official invite letters? (Kush)
4:00pm-5:00pm / Closing Reception
C. Other Speakers we are chasing:
1. TRANSCOM - Regis Sullivan & Ted Koblick took responsibility for trying to find the right speaker (McNabb?), but Cyber-Log Mid-America 2010 is July 26-28 and might be competing with us. Would he come out to preview and advertise Cyber-Log?
D. Other Possible Agencies from which we might recruit speakers:
1. DIA
2. JCS
3. ITA - Information Technology Army
5. NGA
10. GCSS Domain Joint
11. OUSD(P&R)
E. Other Possible Keynoters:
1. Teri Takai - Nominated for ASD(NII) / DoD CIO (not yet confirmed)
F. Keynoters that Declined:
1. Gen. James N. "Mad Dog" Mattis, USMC - Commander, U.S. Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM)
2. Hon. Ashton B. Carter, PhD - Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology & Logistics (AT&L)
3. Gen James E. Cartwright, USMC - Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) – Beckwith – Favorable response so far; we think he will be a Yes
4. Pollett, Commander, DISA
5. Lynn, Dep SecDef
G. Other Panels we put on hold for main program:
1. MHS/Health IT Panel
a. Maryann Rocky, PEO
b. 3 Program Directors
1) Infrastructure Sustainment
2) Virtual life records
3) Systems/Networks
2. COCOMS Panel
3. Functionals Panel or Panels
a. Log Panel
b. Medical Panel
c. Personnel Panel
d. Weather Agencies
4. Horizontal Markets Panel or Panels
a. Legacy
b. ERP
c. Mashups
H. Will we have any government representation/Agency staff on our planning committee? Should we?
I. Review Speaker Invite/Correspondence Process
IV. Committee Membership
A. This year we will have a focus on filling ALL Subcommittee Chair slots, to bring along new leadership and to ensure we have full coverage for the event. We will need leadership in each of the areas below.
B. Review Volunteer Management & RSVP process – Kelly Edington
C. Event Chairman: Chuck Corjay, Director, AFCEA NOVA & Sr VP, CACI
D. Who are the “Honorary” Committee Co-chairs?
E. Who else should be here that knows BD at these Agencies backwards & forwards?
V. Program Subcommittee
A. Chair & Members - - Mike Adams*, Bruce Bohn*, Carolyn Eichler, Mike Kush, Dave Scarbalis, Tom Catudal, Connie Zhong, Sherry Embrey, Don Carmichael, Ron Beckwith
B. Deadlines for program description, and speaker suggested talking points?
C. Add to the Speaker Logistics and Guidance Letter:
1. Ask the speakers to give us a slide at the end that details others in their command that attendees can call/contact to follow up
2. Ask the speakers to give us a slide at the end that details the THREE issues/concerns that keep most keep them up at night
D. Speaker Introductions?
VI. Speaker Escorts
A. Chair & Members - Bruce Bohn*,
B. Updating Speaker Escort feedback in the Speaker Management System (SPMS)?
VII. Small Business Subcommittee
A. Chair & Members?: Bernie Corjay*, Dennis Lucey, Dave Scarbalis, Ted Koblick, Maxim Volodin, Greg Kipper, Chi-Lai Poon
B. Additional members of the Small Business Subcommittee?
C. Parallel Plenary in the morning?
1. BTA – Keith Seaman
2. Dave working on speakers from DLA & DTRA
3. John Shay out of Wennergren's office - for SOA, Netcentricity, Scalability
4. Medical panel
D. Town-hall style Round Tables in afternoon or Reverse IT Day?
1. Focus: SOA (now Mashups)
2. Focus: Cloud computing
E. Deadlines for small business program & advertising?
VIII. Sponsorship Subcommittee
A. Chair & Members?: Linda Baldwin*, Steve Bolster, Chi-Lai Poon, Kea Banks, Vinay Raman
B. Prices stay same?
C. Sponsor Recruitment – Start with Last Year’s List
D. Who else should we approach? -- Company Names & Contact Names
IX. Media Relations / Press, Publicity & Outreach Subcommittee
A. Chair & Members – Lisa Newell*
B. Need press release
C. Press follow-up phone calls to drum up coverage in advance of the event
D. Press monitoring & check-in onsite
E. Press packets?
F. Press follow-up & monitoring coverage
G. Do we have the potential to do a marketing swap with any orgs?
H. Should we reach out to other tech organizations in the region? NVTC, DC Tech Council, Tech Council of MD, ITAA, IAC, etc?
I. Examine which marketing streams worked from recent AF, Army & Naval IT Days
J. Do more of what worked
K. If no major problems, stay the course with what we've been doing
L. Need marketing/communications team for Army IT Day to tie in with the Marketing Committee for AFCEA NOVA
M. Continue our agreement with AFCEA Intl? If so, put MOU in place again, & get full range of assistance – Website, emails, ad/article in SIGNAL, etc.
N. Continue to employ successful relationships with channel/marketing partners (Business Intel orgs like INPUT, FedSources, other Nonprofits & Media Outlets like FCW).
X. Logistics, Floor Operations & Volunteer Management Subcommittee
A. Chair & Members - Alexi Bustillo*, Tom Catudal (Color Guard, Chaplain, Singer), Chi-Lai Poon & Brian Halstead (AV managers)
B. Bag-stuffing Party
C. Color Guard
D. Band/Chorus
E. Flags
F. Video
G. Chaplain
H. Singer
I. Volunteers
1. Floor Mics – need 6 people on the floor with mics
2. Person to sit with AV guy
3. Assistance getting people in and out of the Ballroom
4. Clocks on the monitors in the break area to help get folks in
J. Photographer
K. Master of Ceremonies – Chuck
L. Countdown Clocks in Lobby?
M. Countdown Flash Cards for Speakers, to be sure they are stayin on-time
XI. VIP Invites Subcommittee
A. Chair & Members - Chuck Corjay*, Tom Catudal, Mike Kush, Ron Beckwith
B. Plan for inviting non-speaking VIPs?
XII. Exhibits Subcommittee
A. Chair & Members – Greg Gorman*
B. Plan for recruiting exhibiting commands?
C. What’s the plan for getting the word out, since we won’t have a “Champion” CIO like for the other IT Days?
XIII. Suits in Seats Subcommittee (Recruiting more Government Participation)
A. Chair & Members – Ron Zich*
B. Need suits in seats team for CSIT Day to tie in with the Government Affairs Committee for AFCEA NOVA
C. Plan for recruiting reps from different offices/commands to then recruit officers and enlisted to attend?
XIV. Wounded Warriors Subcommittee
A. Chair & Members?
B. Problems & Lessons Learned from AF, Army & Naval IT Days?
C. Plan for collecting Wounded Warrior donations?
XV. Survey
A. How well did our first two attempts go at Air Force & Army?
B. What lessons did we learn? What would we do differently?
C. Were there any results of the first two surveys that are valuable to share with the group?
XVI. Pricing Levels
A. Pricing Levels stay same as other IT Days?
B. $295 early-bird industry / $35 govt
C. $350 late industry / $45 govt
D. $395 onsite industry / $55 govt
XVII. Next Meeting -- ??
- Adjourn