Associated Student Body
1499 N. State St., Rm. 1114, San Jacinto, CA 92583 (951) 487-6752 Ext. 1520
28237 La Piedra Rd., Rm. 1018A, Menifee, CA 92584 (951) 672-6752 Ext. 2225
Minutes for Regular Meeting
Monday, February 02, 2009
The Associated Student Body of Mt. San Jacinto College met via video conferencing, commencing at 11:00 A.M. on Monday, Februrary 02, 2009 in room 130-MVC, and Room 1111-SJC.
I. Opening of Meeting
A. Call to Order (11:08am)
B. Roll Call
1. Executive Branch
President –Tara Reynen
Vice President –Sarah Welton
Secretary –
Treasurer – Andrew Ames
Public Relations Officer –Heather Elam (MVC)
Public Relations Officer – Chia Hinchliff (SJC)
2. Legislative Branch
Senator (SJC) – Malakai Unland
Senator (MVC) –
Senator (MVC) –
Senator (MVC) – Edgar Montoya
Senator (MVC) –
Senator (SJC) –
3. Judicial Branch
Chief Justice – Vacant
4. Board Representative
Student Trustee (SJC)-Francisco Alvarado
5. ASB Advisors
JoAnna Quejada, Dean of Student Services
Donna Wilder, ASB Advisor, Outreach Coordinator
6. Members at Large
C. Review and Approval of ASB Meeting Agenda-No Review Motion- Seconded
E. Review and Approval of ASB Meeting Minutes-Tabled until next meeting Motion- Seconded-
II. Information Items
A. Executive Officers’ Reports
1. President Tara:
i. Discussed the Welcome Back BBQ-Tara Tues (MVC), Sarah Thurs (SJC.)
ii. Discussed ASB Retreat at Disneyland Feb 12th-13th
2. Vice President Sara:
i. Discussed club participation in Welcome Back BBQ/Club Rush
B. Senators’ Reports
C. Justices’ Reports
D. Student Trustee’s Report
E. ASB Advisors’ Reports
1. JoAnna Quejada:
i. Reports on a Leadership project being conducted by ASB Advisor Nikki Shaper, from San Bernardino Valley College. Requests ASB board participation.
2. Advisor- Donna Wilder:
i. Discussed Vendor Discount Program Documents
ii. Retreat Contract and Costs
3. Visitors:
- Gus Trujillo
- Mary Alice Wellshon
- Samantha Martinez
- Judy Zulfiqar
iii. Public Comment
This time is reserved for members of the public to address the Associated Student Body on issues not already appearing on the agenda. A limit of 5 minutes per speaker and 20 minutes per topic shall be enforced.
Judy Zulfiqar- RKR Media, certified MSJC vendor
- Update on advertising
- What is ASB looking for?
- Brochures, Flyers, Banners.
iv. Discussion Items
A. Welcome Back BBQ-Only 1 meal per sticker for discount.
B. ASB Retreat-February 12th-13th.
C. Race for Humanity-Will be discussed at retreat.
v. Action Items [Block vote] Motion-Malakai Seconded-Edgar
A. PTK Blood Drive
B. ASB Expenditures
1. Approval of $4800for Welcome Back BBQ (800 students x $6.00/ea) to Ron Gugliemana, caterer.
vi. Adjournment 12:05am Motion-Edgar Seconded-Malakai
Additional information or available background material regarding any item on the agenda may be obtained by contacting the ASB Office at (951) 487-3380 prior to the meeting.
MSJC Associated Student Body meetings are open and minutes recorded per The Brown Act of California. Minutes shall be subject to inspection by members of the public in accordance with The Brown Act.
The next scheduled meeting will be Monday February 3, 2009 commencing at 11 A.M. via video conferencing.