Present: Councillors Crookshank Rutherford (Vice Chair), Mrs Best, Hall, Harris, Rowland and Wright.

Also in attendance: Sarah Codling (Clerk), Bob Standley (County Councillor), 3 members of the public.

1.  To receive apologies and reason for absence.

Apologies were received from Councillors Crookshank, Mrs Howell (holiday), Mrs Hutchings (work) and Mrs Kinley. Apologies were accepted.

2.  To receive declarations of interests on items on the Agenda.


3.  To approve the Minutes of the meeting 18 March 2015 as a true record.

The minutes of the meeting held 18 March 2015 were signed as a true and accurate record.

4.  To determine matters arising from the previous Minutes for updating and noting.

Cllr Wright has just received the information regarding the allotments. A meeting will be arranged to discuss the water supply and skip. Action: DW.

5.  Public Forum – time limit 10 minutes.


6.  To receive Police Report.

Cllr Mrs Best advised that there have been a lot of break ins around Groombridge over Easter. The Clerk is to ask the PCSO for more information. Action: Clerk.

7.  To receive reports of County and District Councillors.


The budget is approximately £5m down on the third quarter. It is anticipated to be in line by the end of the year.


The Council election is coming up. Registration closes 20 April 2015. The deadline for postal and proxy votes is 5pm, 21 April 2015. Registration can be online but postal and proxy votes must be submitted to Wealden.

8.  Chairman’s Announcements & Correspondence for noting.


9.  Highways, Transport & Lighting Matters.

9.1  To receive update following SLR meeting.

·  Highways are proposing to move the VAS sign next to The Lodge, on the other side of the road. The Parish Council believes that the proposal will go to consultation for all service providers and residents to comment.

·  Highways are reviewing traffic calming outside the Memorial Hall but it is not known what form it will take.

·  The Clerk is to contact the Highways Steward to set a date for the site meeting at Fairview Lane. Action: Clerk.

·  Residents have raised a query about the fingerpost sign at Down Lane. Following the repair the sign looks to be approximately 2ft shorter. The Clerk is to ensure they replaced like for like. Action: Clerk.

·  An enquiry has been made by Mr Keen of Frant Post Office. He has asked about signage on the main road. Cllr Rutherford is to speak to Mr Keen to establish what he requires. Action: WR.

10.  Planning Matters

10.1  To approve the Minutes of the planning meeting 30 March 2015 as a true record.

The minutes of the meeting held 30 March 2015 were signed as a true and accurate record.

10.2  To make recommendations about Planning Applications received.

·  WD/2015/0706/F – Whippers In Cottage, Eridge Park, Bunny Lane, Frant TN3 9HA

Erection of an oak framed detached garage on site of previous garage.

The Parish Council supports this application.

·  A request has been received for the Parish Council to send a representative to the Parish Panel meetings at Wealden. Cllr Mrs Best agreed to attend, with the Clerk attending if Cllr Mrs Best is not available. Action: VB/Clerk.

·  Cllr Crookshank has spoken to the Cricket Club regarding errant cricket balls damaging local properties. The Clerk is to ask for a written update. Action: Clerk.

·  Cllr Hall advised that some fields have been sold along the Wadhurst Road. There appears to be a lot of activity with old lorry chassis in the wood. Cllr Rutherford is to investigate and contact Wealden. Action: WR.

·  Councillors noted that the mobile home, off Tangier Lane, is still in situ. The Clerk is to ask Cllr Mrs Howell for an update regarding the enforcement. Action: Clerk.

To note applications granted, refused or withdrawn by Wealden District Council:

·  WD/2015/0281/F – Fir Tree Cottage, Tangier Lane, Tunbridge Wells TN3 9HE – Two bay cart lodge/log store with shingle drive – Approved.

11.  Finance

11.1  To approve accounts payable.


Payee Name Transaction Detail Chq Ref Amount

Glasdon / Litter Bin / 776 / 266.02
East Sussex County Council / Grounds Maintenance / 777 / 989.96
Treework / Frant Green / 778 / 828.00
East Sussex ALC Ltd / Subscription - ESALC + NALC / 779 / 423.89
Advance Consulting Limited / Website / 780 / 240.00
Sarah Codling / Salary + mileage, April 2015 / 781 / 709.54
North Wealden Community Transport Partnership Limited / Wealdlink, April – June 2015 / 782 / 65.75
TOTAL / 3,457.41

The Clerk advised that the website should be finished in the next couple of weeks. Cllr Wright mentioned that funding may be available through the Lottery Fund. The Clerk is to review. Action: Clerk.

11.2  To approve Internal Auditor

Councillors agreed that the Auditor should be changed every 5 years. However, this would be the 4th year of employing the services of Mr Doug Williamson. Councillors approved the appointment of Mr Williamson.

12.  Frant Green

12.1  To review action regarding protecting the Greens from erosion.

The registration of the Green has to be completed in stages. An up to date survey needs to be completed in order to register the title. Cripps, the solicitors, have got quotes and will go with the cheapest. However, the Parish Council would be liable to pay for the survey.

When the registration is being completed the value of the land is to be stated. The Parish Council advised there would not be a value as it cannot be developed.

12.2  To review action regarding parking on Frant Green.

No further update.

12.3  To discuss quote to repair posts on Frant Green.

A quote for £230 + VAT has been received to repair the posts on Frant Green. The quote was agreed, subject to the Clerk ensuring that the posts are replaced on a like for like basis. Action: Clerk.

13.  To discuss land by the Police House, Frant which has been fenced in.

Cllr Crookshank is advising on this matter. The person responsible will have to change in May when Cllr Crookshank steps down from office.

Councillors advised that it appears more waste is being dumped on the site.

The piece of land is to be added to the survey being completed for Frant Green.

14.  To discuss the Annual Parish Meeting, 21 May 2015.

The Clerk is arranging speakers. Katy Bourne, Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex has been invited. Other speakers could be Hospice in the Weald, RSPB or the Folly. The Clerk is to advise village organisations of the meeting and invite them to have a stall to advertise their club or society.

The meeting is to be publicised via flyers which will be distributed to parishioners and some to be put in local shops. Cllr Mrs Kinley is to be asked about the Parish News distribution list to help with sending our flyers. Action: Clerk.

Cllr Rutherford is to organise the wine and glasses. Action: WR.

15.  Correspondence for noting.


16.  Urgent issues at the discretion of the Chairman for noting or inclusion on future agenda.

·  As the nominations for Frant Parish are uncontested, there will not be an election. Therefore, the Clerk is to advertise the vacancies. There will be 2 vacancies in Bells Yew Green ward and 1 in Frant ward.

·  The Clerk is to liaise with Cllr Mrs Hutchings about proceeding with the Speedwatch Group. Action: Clerk. Cllr Harris advised he is happy to be part of the group but not to lead it.

·  Cllr Rutherford thanked Cllr Harris for all his work during his time as Councillor. Cllr Harris has had great success with both the Parish Plan and with Highways for Little Bayham.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8:30pm.

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Signed...... Date......