( 6 ) E a r l y V i c t o r i a n P o e t r y

(Lord Alfred Tennyson, Robert and Elizabeth Browning, Matthew Arnold and Pre-Raphaelites)

T h e Vi c t o r i a n P e r i o d

[See Topic 5]

T h e E a r l y Vi c t o r i a n P e r i o d

[See Topic 5]

T h e Vi c t o r i a n P o e t r y

C h a r a c t e r i st i c s :

-developed in the context of the novel

-experimented with long narrative poems: A. Tennyson’s Maud, E. Barrett-Browning’s Aurora Leigh, R. Browning’s The Ring and the Book, & oth.

-function: accord. to public expectation poets should be sages with sth to teach x but: older generation poets discomforted with the public role: A. Tennyson, R. Browning, and M. Arnold > younger generation poets distanced themselves from the public, embracing an identity as bohemian rebels

F o r m :

-experiments with character and perspective: R. Browning’s The Ring and the Book with the plot presented through 10 different perspectives

-dramatic monologue

-visual detail = use of detail to construct visual images repres. the poem’s dominant emotion  brings poets and painters close together

-sound = use of sound to convey meaning ‘where words would not’ (Arthur Hallam): the beautiful cadences of A. Tennyson and C. A. Swinburne x the roughness of R. Browning and G. M. Hopkins

Su b j e c t :

-heroic materials of the past: M. Arnold

-materials of the poet’s own age: E. Barrett-Browning

-< strongly infl. by the Romantics x but: lacked the confidence the Romantics felt in the power of the imagination

-> W. Wordworth’s “Lines Written a few miles above Tintern Abbey”, an address to his sister upon revisiting a landscape x M. Arnold’s “Resignation”, the same subject x but: his rocks and sky ‘seem to bear rather than rejoice’

-> J. Keats’s “Ode to a Nightingale” x T. Hardy’s “The Darkling Trush”, the nightingale becoming ‘an aged thrush, frail, gaunt, and small’

-Victorian reaction to the Romantic subjectivity:

(a)attenuated Romanticism = art pursued for its own sake: D. G. Rossetti, C. A. Swinburne, & oth.

(b)dramatic monologue = a lyric poem in the voice of a speaker ironically distinct from the poet, ‘lyric in expression’ x but: ‘dramatic in principle’ (R. Browning): R. Browning, A. Tennyson, & oth.

L o r d A l f r e d T e n n y so n ( 1 8 0 9 – 9 2 )

L i f e :

-appointed poet laureate in succession to W. Wordsworth (1850)

-awarded a peerage (1884)

W o r k :

-< admired Virgil (70BC – 19BC, = Publius Vergilius Maro, author of the epic Aeneid)

-< Thomas Carlyle (1795 – 1881, author of Sartor Resartus [1833] and Past and Present [1843])

-(a) a poet of the countryside

-(b) a poet of the past, esp. the classical past: Idylls of the King (1859)

-(c) author of poems on technological changes: confident in the evolutionary human progress x but: aware of the horrors of industrialism (slums, greed, etc.): “Locksley Hall” x but: “The Dawn”

-(d) author of ‘newspaper verse’ = his slow, ponderous, and brooding mind had no time to brood in the composition: “The Charge of the Light Brigade”

-> his lifetime: the most pop. of the poets x the Edwardian / Georgian period: repudiated x now: re-establ.

Early Period:

-= melancholic and self-absorptive

-employed hypnotic echoes, repetitions, and subtle lyricism

-embodied himself in characters and their moods, delineated objects vividly = linked states of mind to the scenery

-produced no ‘descriptive poetry’ x but: was ‘creating scenery’

-preocc.: death-like states, death = a releasing experience

-> “Mariana”, on a melancholy isolation through the consciousness of an abandoned woman

-> “The Kraken”, “The Ballad of Oriana”, “The Lady of Shalott”, “The Lotos-Eaters”, & oth.

Poems by Two Brothers (1827):

-in collab. with his brother

-> encouraged by a group of gifted Cambridge undergraduates = ‘The Apostles’, under the leadership of his friend Arthur Hallam (1811 – 33)

Mature Period:

-< the traumatic death of A. Hallam, and his consequential mourning, relig. uncertainties, and extensive study of science

-= no more simply debilitating melancholy x but: a desperate sense of exclusion by a private grieving, and a shift into the public realm

-the old mood of narcotic drowsiness balanced with:

(a)poems of urgent simplicity: “Break, break, break”

(b)poems of positive social direction: “Ulysses”, on the idea of progressive development; “Morte d’Arthur”, on a cyclic movement and historic renewal; & oth.

(c)poems of an implicit tribute to A. Hallam

The Princess: A Medley (1847):

-= a long narrative fantasy poem

-set in a medieval past x but: with a present-day prologue

-conc.: women’s higher education

-princess Ida experiments with a women’s college with all M excluded x but: repents of her Amazonian scheme to be united with the prince

In Memoriam A.H.H. (1850):

-= a long elegy, a tribute to A. Hallam as a friend and mentor

-conc.: our relation to God and to nature = both grief x belief in spiritual and physical evolution, exploration of doubts x assertion of faith, conflicting validities of the reasoning mind x feelings craving for present comfort, etc.

-incl. seasonal and calendar events suggesting the movement and measurement of time independent on the human grief

-> early vol.: under hostile criticism as ‘obscure’ or ‘affected’ x but: I.M.: won him full critical recognition and the post of poet laureate (1850)

-> remarkable not ‘because of the quality of its faith but because of the quality of its doubt’ (T[homas] S[tearns] Eliot)

Maud: and Other Poems (1855):

-> “Maud”, orig. subtitled “The Madness”, a long experimental monologue poem, a love-poem x but: opens starkly with the words ‘I hate’; incl. both an exalted passion x a sense of a breakdown = displays the bitterness and despair its alienated protagonist feels twd society

-> “The Charge of the Light Brigade”, a public utterance, vigorously combines a protest against and a celebration of the Crimean War (1854 – 56)

-> “Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington”, a public utterance

Later Period:

-= accentuated mannerism

-dignified blank verse difficult to describe commonplace objects while retaining poetical elevation

Idylls of the King (1859):

-= a large-scale epic

-< uses the body of the Arthurian legend [King Arthur and the knights of the Round Table: (I) the legend of Camelot = a doomed utopia of chivalric virtue, undone by the fatal flaws of Arthur and Lancelot, (II) the legend of the quests of various knights to achieve the Holy Grail = a Christian relic, (III) the motif of courtly love: Lancelot + Guinevere, Tristan and Iseuld, etc.]

-conc.: a vision of the rise and fall of civilisation

-Arthur’s court and its decay due to sexual betrayal = a paradigm for the failure of an ideal

-women = inspiration for men’s highest efforts x but: also their destruction

Enoch Arden and Other Poems (1864):

-in a cultivatedly artificial = ‘Parnassian’ language (Gerard Manley Hopkins)

-> “Enoch Arden”, a long blank verse narrative poem on the everyday life in a fishing village

R o b e r t B r o w n i n g ( 1 8 1 2 – 8 9 )

L i f e :

-= ‘Mrs Browning’s husband’ = during his marriage known for his wife rather than for himself

-< P. B. Shelley > temporary atheism and liberalism, and permanent ardent romanticism [see his marriage]

-married Elizabeth Barrett, a 6 years older semi-invalid guarded by her tyrannical father, and eloped with her to Ita.

W o r k :


-= philos. + relig. ‘teacher’: resolved the doubts troubling M. Arnold and A. Tennyson

-God created an imperfect world, a perfect heaven, and an immortal human soul

-x but: aware of the existence of evil, preocc. with characters of murderers, sadistic husbands, and petty manipulators

-characters = connoisseurs (the Duke of “My Last Duchess”), artists, musicians, thinkers, and: manipulators

-characters of the past = bishops and painters of the Renaissance, physicians of the Rom. Empire, musicians of the 18th c. Ger. x but: problems of the present = problems of faith x doubt, good x evil, function of the artist in modern life, etc.


-= experiments with language and syntax: grotesque rhymes and jaw-breaking diction

-the incongruities of language = a humorous and appropriate counterpart to the imperfect world

-< John Donne (1572 – 1631, a Jacobean metaphysical poet) > often discordant style, unexpected juxtapositions, prosiness, and awareness of everyday realities x but: oth. Victorian poets, incl. A. Tennyson and D. G. Rossetti < J. Keats, J. Milton, E. Spenser, & oth. classical poets > elevated diction and subjects and pleasing liquidity of sound

-Victorian prose writers:


(b)the grotesque: “Holy-Cross Day” ( Dickens)

(c)psychological insights in devious ways in which our minds work, in the self-justifying contortions of the minds of sinners and criminals, and in the complexity of our motives: “The Bishop Orders His Tomb” ( George Eliot)

(d)‘subtlety’ and ‘tact of omission’ ( Henry James)

dramatic monologue poems:

-separates the speaker from the poet, makes difficult to discern the relationship of the poet x his speaker: “A Grammarian’s Funeral”, the central character = a hero or a fool?

-overhears characters in a self-revelatory, if scarcely truth-telling, soliloquy

-each character individual through his articulation, emphasis, pause, reiteration, and/or idiolect

-establ. a physical context through details, references, and objects

poems with an identified persona as narrator:

-conversational directness, familiarity btw the addresser x the addressee

“Pauline” (1833):

-= his 1st publ. poem

-< P. B. Shelley = the most personal poet

-> criticized for affliction with an ‘intense and morbid self-consciousness’

-resolved to avoid confessional writings

D r a m a :

Strafford (1836):

-= his 1st publ. play, a historical tragedy

-> all his plays failed

-resolved to write dramatic monologues to avoid explicit autobiog. through imaginary speakers, and to preserve the characters of drama

P o e t r y :

Dramatic Lyrics (1842):

-= his 1st coll. of dramatic monologue poems

Men and Women (1855):

-reflects his enjoyment in Ita. = picturesque landscapes, lively street scenes, and monuments from the past (esp. Renaissance past)

Dramatic Romances and Lyrics (1864)

Dramatis Personae (1864):

-> “Caliban upon Setebos”, one of his finest dramatic monologues, criticises Darwinism and natural (as opposed to supernatural) relig.

The Ring and the Book (1868 – 9):

-= his greatest single poem in 4 vol., the culmination of his experiment with the dramatic monologue

-< based on a legal record of a murder trial in the 17th c. Rome: a brutally sadistic husband accuses his young wife of adultery with a priest trying to rescue her from her husband’s tyranny, stabs her to death, and is executed

-employs a texture of voices: contrasts multiple points of view of participants and spectators, and opens up freshly complex vistas and new questions with each witness

-puts the reader in the role of an investigating magistrate probing the confessions and impressions

-> anticipates later novels such as Joseph Conrad’s Lord Jim (1900)

also wrote following poems of distinction:

“My Last Duchess”:

-= a dram. monologue

-the duke speaks of his dead wife

“Two in the Campagna”:

-< opens with a questioning voice reminiscent of J. Donne’s

-speaks of distinctness x not union, and agnosticism in love x not ideal convergence

“Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came”:

-= an elusive and suggestive Gothic poem

-medieval in setting, ominous and disturbing in its precise evocation of horror

-< the title from Edgar’s song in W. Shakespeare’s King Lear (1605)

E l i za b e t h B a r r e t t - B r o w n i n g ( 1 8 0 6 – 6 1 )

L i f e :

-unusually educated for a woman of her time: studied Lat., Gr., history, philos., and lit.

-married R. Browning, eloped to Ita.: deeply involved in Ita. nationalist politics

W o r k :

-(a) early period: Romantic visionary narrative poetry

-(b) mature period = contemp. topics, esp. liberal causes of her day, treated with a fervent moral sensibility

-responded to the topical issues of history, tradition, and politics of the Ita. experiencing a painful evolution into a modern state x R. Browning’s retreat into historical perspectives

-(c) late period = the Risorgimento [= a movement to unify Ita. as a nation-state]

-> her lifetime: the most pop. woman poet x the modernists: criticised for the inappropriate didacticism and the rhetorical excess of Victorian poetry x now: re-establ.

The Seraphim and Other Poems (1838)

“The Cry of the Children” (1843):

-= a poem criticising the exploitation of children in coal mines and factories

-lit. = a tool of social protest and reform ( Harriet Beecher Stowe [1811 – 96])

Sonnets from the Portuguese (1850):

-< supposedly a transl. from the Portug. language x but: her orig. creation

-= a sequence of 44 love-sonnets written during the courtship

-records the stages of her love for R. Browning and her private emotional awakening

Casa Guidi Windows (1851):

-= a poetic sequence

-on contemp. issues: the Ita. political flux and its often contradictory nationalist aspirations

Aurora Leigh: A Poem in Nine Books (1857):

-= a blank verse ‘novel’ = with its crowded canvas and melodramatic plot closer to fiction than to poetry

-the 1st work in E by a woman writer with the F protagonist identical with the author = a ‘female Prelude’

-on the growth of a woman poet’s mind, her conflict as an artist x woman, and her self-liberation by the poetry releasing ‘elemental freedom’

-(a) a F artistic career: the artists = a young woman committed to a socially inclusive realist art, passionately interested in social questions, and longing for knowledge and freedom

-(b) a M philanthropic career: the cousin interested in A. as a helpmate in his liberal causes

-(c) digresses into oth. lives, repres. social issues conc. women from the feminist POV

-A. refuses a marriage proposal from her cousin to pursue a poetic career; rescues a fallen woman, they settle in Ita. and confront the chastened cousin

-concl.: visionary optimism

-B.: the present = a fit subject for epic poetry x oth. Victorian poets, incl. M. Arnold: the present = no actions heroic enough, and A. Tennyson: the Arthurian legend to repres. contemp. conc.

also wrote: a transl. of Aeschylus’s (525 BC – 456 BC) Prometheus Bound (1833)

M a t t h e w A r n o l d

[See also Topic 5]

P o e t r y :

-at his best as a poet of nature, his settings work to draw the meaning together: “Thyrsis”

-A.: his poems repres. the ‘movement of mind of the last quarter of a century’ = a sick individual in a sick society

-conc.: his own experiences of the loneliness as a lover, a longing for a serenity not to be found, despair in a universe with humanity’s role seeming incongruous ( Thomas Hardy): “Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse”

-aim of poetry: to bring joy and make life bearable

-dissatisfied with his poems (“Empedocles on Etna”), attempted to meet his own requirements x but: failed (“Sohrab and Rustum”, “Balder Dead”, & oth.) and abandoned poetry after 1860

-aesthetic demerits: excessive reliance on italics instead of on meter, frequent prosy flatness x or over-elaborated similes when attempting ‘the grand style’

The Strayed Reveler (1849):

-= his 1st coll.

also wrote following poems of distinction:

“Empedocles on Etna”:

-dissatisfied with it as too expressive of a ‘depression of mind’

“The Scholar Gypsy”:

-a joyful celebration of the freedoms of an Oxford student’s escape from routine:

(a)= a gypsy rejection of the consequences of the urban civilisation

(b)= a poet’s attempt to escape into an idealised history


-= an elegiac monody on the dead Arthur Hugh Clough (1819 – 61, poet)

-the soul of the dead poet required to act as an inspirer and bringer of joy to the world

-nostalgia for an idealised past: reminiscences of the Gr. and Rom. pastoral tradition

“Dover Beach”

“The Forsaken Merman”

P r e - R a p h a e l i t e B r o t h e r h o o d

-= a group of young anti-establishment painters

-against the establ. academic style of painting in favour of the superior directness of expression, simplicity, and pure colours of the pre-Renaissance artists before Raphael (1483 – 1520, a painter and architect of the Florentine school in the Ita. High Renaissance)

-founded by D. G. Rossetti (1848)

-incl. the painters D. G. Rossetti, John Everett Millais, William Holman Hunt, F. G. Stephens (1828 – 1907), and James Collinson (1825 – 81), and the sculptor Thomas Woolner

-cultural heroes: Christ; G. Chaucer, W. Shakespeare, J. Keats, & oth.

-The Germ (4 issues in 1850) = their short-lived journal, an experimental amalgam of poetry, prose, and essay

D a n t e G a b r i e l R o sse t t i ( 1 8 2 8 – 8 2 )

-a painter and a poet of decorative and descriptive poetry = a poet in his painting and a painter in his poetry

-founded the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood (1848)

-fascinated with the F face and body, idealised women both sexually and spiritually: woman = a supreme mistress, an object of desire and worship

-painting: women with dreamy stares as if breathless from visions of heaven x but: parted lips and voluptuous curves suggest an earthly kind of ecstasy  combines spirituality + sensuality


(a)early poetry = in the less elaborate Pre-Raphaelite mode: “My Sister’s Sleep”

(b)mature poetry = in a stunning polysyllabic diction giving an effect of opulence and density to his lines

-R.: art should be conc. with the beautiful x not with the useful or didactic, ‘colour and meter’ should be superior to ‘all intellectual claims’

-> anticipated the later Aesthetic Movement of Walter Pater (1839 – 94), Oscar Wilde, & oth.

-< J. Keats and Dante

The House of Life (1870):

-= a sonnet sequence on the relationship of spirit and body in love

-Coventry Patmore’s (1823 – 96) The Angel in the House (1854 – 63), an adoring long poem idolising his wife in her domesticity

also wrote following poems of distinction:

“The Blessed Damozel”:

-= a fleshly x but: heavenly vision of a transfigured beloved from Dante’s Beatrice

-set in a heaven warm with physical bodies

“A Half-Way Pause”, “Autumn Idleness”, and “The Woodspurge”:

-= landscape poems of a striking intensity of vision

also wrote: The Early Italian Poets (1861), re-publ. as Dante and His Circle, a prose study of Dante

C h r i st i n a R o sse t t i ( 1 8 3 0 – 9 4 )

L i f e :

-daughter of an exiled Ita. patriot, younger sister of D. G. R.

-her father became a permanent invalid, the economic situation worsened, and her own health deteriorated  involved with the Anglo-Cath. movement within the Church of En.

-spent the rest of her life bound with strict relig. principles and with charitable work

W o r k :

(a)early poetry:

-in an escapist, dreamy, Tennysonian mode

(b)mature poetry:

-in a distinctive F voice

-genres: a pure lyric, narrative fable, ballad, and devotional verse

-her consciousness of gender criticises the conventional repres. of women in the Pre-Raphaelite art: “In An Artist’s Studio”, a sonnet

-combines sensuousness and relig. severity in ‘an aesthetics of renunciation’ = a poetry of negation, denials, and constraints

-reduces the self with a coy playfulness and sardonic wit x but: preserves for it a secret inner space: “Winter: My Secret”  Emily Dickinson (1830 – 86)

devotional poems:

-< George Herbert (1593 – 1633, a poet, orator, and priest in the Church of En.)

-> “Up-Hill”, a question-and-answer poem

-> “A Bruised Reed shall He not Break”, a dialogue poem