Access to HE form
Request to Delete a Unit from Within the Open Awards Regional Programme
When to use this form
This form should be used to recommend that a unit currently in the Open Awards Regional Programme should be deleted and no longer available for use.
The deletion may be requested on the grounds that for example:
- The unit content is considered to be no longer current
- The unit is no longer appropriate in the module
- The unit has overlapping learning outcomes with another unit in the pathway
- The unit as it stands does not allow sufficiently for the differentiation in performance of learners
This will be considered as a minor change to the Regional Programme. However,all current users of the unit will be informed of the proposal and their views sought, before readers are consulted.
Instructions for the completion of this form
- Please complete one form for each unit to be considered for deletion.
- Please complete sections A and B
- Please do not complete section C
- Please return the completed form by e mail to
The Approval Process
The proposal will then be scrutinised by three readers with both Access to HE and curriculum expertise (one from an HEI, one provider and one moderator). Theircomments will be recorded on a copy of this form and the request, together with the readers’ comments, will be presented to the Open Awards Access to Higher Education Committee. The Committee will consider the request and may decide to;
- Approve the deletion of the unit
- Approve subject to conditions being met
- Not approve the deletion of the unit
The Committee will make recommendations to the Open Awards Board of Trustees, who will take the final decision.
Disclaimer: Final approval to delete units in the Open Awards Access to Higher Education Regional Programme will be made by the Open Awards Board. All providers will be notified of the outcomes, and if approved, all those who currently have the unit contained within one or more of their Diplomas will be required to submit a request for a Minor Change to their Diplomas In time for the next September start date.
Section A – Submitter Information
Name:(of person completing the form)
Role / Partner HEI
Event Facilitator
AVA Officer
Email Address
Telephone Number
Date of application
Section B – Information about the Proposed Unit to be deleted
Title and code of the unit / CodeLevel and Credit Value v
Pathway(s) containing the unit
Module(s):containing the unit
Graded / Ungraded: / Graded Ungraded
Academic / Developmental: / Academic Developmental
Rationale for the deletion of this unit
Please provide a rationale for the proposed deletion of this unit.Proposer’s Signature: / Date:
An electronic signature is acceptable if this report is received from a recognised email account.
Section C – Reader Instructions and Comments
Name of Reader:Organisation
The attached Unit has been suggested for deletion from the Open Awards Regional Access Programme. If approved, the Unit will no longer be available for use by all Open Awards approved providers.
Please read the unit carefully and the rationale provided
Please answer the questions that follow adding comments where appropriate.
Question / ResponseQ1.Do you agree with the rationale provided for the deletion of this unit / Yes No
If you have answered ‘No’ to question 1, please give details of your concerns.
Q2.Do you consider that if the unit is not deleted , it may require some textual or other changes / Yes No
If you have answered ‘yes’ to question 2, please give a reason or suggest what changes should be made to the unit, if it is to remain a valid unit ?
Additional Comments
Please use this space for any additional information and any general comments not already addressed.
Reader’s Signature: / Date:
An electronic signature is acceptable if this report is received from a recognised email account.
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