Professional Core Curriculum
Approved, CTE, January 12, 2009
Current Model / Compromise Model / Rationale /Total Credits: 28-32 / Total Credits: 28-32
XXXX 2123 (1) / YYYY 2123 (1) Early Experience for the Prospective Teacher / The total credit hours for professional studies are 28-32. Of those, 13-16 have program area prefixes and will be taught by program area faculty. This leaves only 15-16 contested hours that would be taught outside of a program area.
Most degree programs have a limit of 128 hours. If 42 of these hours are used for the foundations curriculum courses and 15-16 for the professional studies curriculum, then the program area has 70-71 in which to focus on their specialty area.
We need to reach consensus on how best to ensure consistency with NCATE/INTASC/DPI standards in these 15-16 credit hours.
XXXX 4323 (3) / YYYY 4323 (3) Methods in the specialty area (Some programs have different course #)
XXXX 4324 (9/10) / YYYY 4324 (9/10) Internship in the specialty area
XXXX 4325 (0,1,2) / YYYY 4325 Senior II Seminar (0/1/2)
13 - 16 s.h. / 13-16 s.h.
PSYC 3206/2201 / No longer required by DPI
EDUC 3002 (3) Introduction to Diversity
OR PSYC/SOCI course addressing NCATE definition of diversity and qualifying for FC:SO credit / By including an option (OR) program areas that are at or exceeding the 128 s.h. maximum could use Foundations Curriculum: Social Science credit to complete this requirement. These courses would provide all candidates in the unit with a foundational understanding of diversity on which programs then could build to explore specific issues of diversity in their fields.
EDUC 3200 (3) / EDUC 3200 (3) Introduction to American Education / This was not contested during the meeting.
EDUC 4400 (3) / EDUC 4400 (3) Foundations of School Learning, Motivation, and Assessment
OR PSYC 4305 - Educational Psych (3) / The concerns expressed about the content of this course duplicating the content of program area assessment and classroom management courses can be addressed by providing an option. This optional course would ensure that educational psychology was covered in all programs and that all candidates in the unit had a foundation in learning theory.
SPED 4010 (2) / SPED 4010 (2) Exceptional Students in the Regular Classroom
OR SPED 2000 (2) Introduction to Exceptional Children / SPED 4010 focuses on instructional strategies for exceptional children. Some programs already address therapeutic or adaptive needs of students in their specialty areas. These programs could eliminate the overlap by selecting SPED 2000 as an option while still ensuring all candidates in the unit have a foundation in special education.
EDTC 4001 (2) / EDTC 4001 (2) Instructional Technology or MATE 4001 for Mathematics education students only
Amended and approved, CTE 1-12-2009 / This course would ensure that all candidates have acquired access to the electronic evidence site, have received the same information about compiling and submitting their evidence, and have acquired the prerequisite technology skills for integrating technology in instruction and using technology for assessment purposes. Program areas would expand on this knowledge and these skills through specific applications in their specialty areas.
READ 3990 (2) or READ 5317 (3) / READ 3990 (2) Reading in the Content Area /READ 5317 (3) Reading in the Junior and Senior High School OR a CTE approved course
Amended and approved, CTE, 12-8-2008 / This was not contested during the meeting.
12-13 / 15-16
Total Credits: 28-32 / Total Credits: 28-32
OR 25-29 if use University Foundations Curriculum credit for diversity