ORGANIZATIONAL INFORMATIONGrant contact name: / Title:
Phone: / Email:
Applicant organization name:
Street: / City, State, Zip:
Year founded: / Federal EIN (if applicable):
Organization’s total operating budget:
Brief mission statement or description of organization:
What status best describes the applicant?: (choose one)
☐ Registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit ☐ Municipal entity ☐ Church or religious group ☐ Other
If you selected “other” and are using a fiscal sponsor, please complete the following lines:
Provide the name of the organization serving as fiscal sponsor:
Verify that a signed Fiscal Sponsor Agreement is included with this application: ☐ Included
Proposed project name:
Purpose statement of proposed project: (Provide a one-sentence description of what the project will accomplish, how, and why.)
Project start date (mm/dd/yyyy): / Project end date (mm/dd/yyyy):
Projected number of Reno County residents to benefit from project:
Estimated total cost of project:
Total dollars committed to date:
Grant amount requested:
Please clearly address the following questions and attempt to keep the whole project narrative limited to one page. Note that your answers may be used in publications.
Project Overview
Provide a summary of the proposed project, including the activities it will involve.
Why is your organization best suited to lead this project?
Describe the demonstrable need for this project andhow your organization is in a key position to meet that need.
Tell us about existing community support for this project.
Explain how you know that 2018 in the right time for this project and that people are likely to participate when they are invited.
What type of connections are you hoping to achieve with this project?
Make It Greater Grants should connect people to each other and/or to the environment around them to increase social capital and community pride.
What will change as a result of this project?
Describe the change you wish to see in the people and places involved in this project, as well as the impact it will have on the larger community.
List all expenses and funding/income sources for the entire project. Include the amount you are requesting from the Hutchinson Community Foundation as Requested (R).
Project Expenses / Amount(round to nearest whole dollar) / Funding Sources / Confirmed, Requested, or Proposed (C, R, P)
TotalCost of Project(must match amount on page one)
Please provide a narrative of project expenses/funding sources which may require additional explanation.
If the proposed project cannot be fully funded, can the project still be completed? Explain.
Will the activities continue beyond the proposed period of the grant? If so, how will the work be sustained?
Full Name / Role on Board / Term on Board / Occupation/Work / PhoneBOARD OF DIRECTORS
List the applicant organization’s Board of Directors, their affiliations, terms, and phone numbers. If the applicant organization instead has a steering committee, please list those members (minimum of three) who are responsible for the success of this proposed project.
Organizations applying with a fiscal sponsorship should sign this line only. The signed Fiscal Sponsor Agreement serves as the Executive Director and Board of Directors approval.
(Print) Grant Contact (Signature)Grant Contact Date
All 501(c)(3) nonprofits, municipalities, and churches or religious organizations should sign the following two lines. With these signatures, the Board of Directors of the Applicant Organization has approved the submission of this grant proposal.
(Print) Executive Director/Authorizing Official (Signature) Executive Director/Authorizing Official Date
(Print) Board Chairperson (Signature) Board Chairperson Date
Submit 10 printed, paper-clipped and signed copies by noon on Friday, March 9, 2018.
Hutchinson Community Foundation, 1 North Main Street, Suite 501, PO Box 298, Hutchinson, KS 67504-0298
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