President’s Staff Minutes 2-26-18
MCC President’s Staff Meeting
February 26, 2018
Present:Dr. Curt Freed (President); Katie Barron (Director of Communications & Marketing); Kent Bauer (VP of Student Success); Susan Clough (VP of Administration & Finance); Jane Fries (Assistant to the President); Kathy Frisbie (VP of Instruction); Derek Grubb (Director of Institutional Effectiveness); Kari Linker (Director of Development)
The meeting commenced at 10:35a.m. in Spruce 310.
1)Gala Results:Kari Linker expressed appreciation for everyone who helped with the MCC Foundation Gala, held February 23, 2018 at Ehrlich Toyota. Around 300 attended, plus 40 volunteers. Attendance was down by about 75, but the event grossed approximately $10,000 more than the previous year (over $73,000). The expenses and net income are still being calculated. Curt Freed noted that the event is “all about reducing barriers for students.”
2)Meeting with a philanthropic foundation: Curt Freed noted that he, Kari Linker, and Susan Clough met with a group of foundation trustees that has expressed interest in donating funds to MCC. The trustees inquired about the top funding needs at the College. A team from MCC will meet to define funding priorities and respond to the foundation.
3)Facility Master Plan:Susan Cloughannounced that the College will be updatingits campus masterplan. The last version was published in 2002-2003. Susan distributed a “planning matrix” handout illustrating who is responsible for providing content for the different components of the plan (i.e., MCC staff, Bennett Wagner Grody architects, or the civil engineer). The master plan process will include input from MCC staff, students, and the community, and will incorporate the College’s vision for future capital projects. MCC staff will begin work on the master plan in April 2018. When completed, it will be presented to the State Board for Community College and Occupational Education, and then to the Colorado Department of Higher Education for approval.
Curt Freed noted that the College is working on ideas for a STEM building that may include a planetarium. He shared that the planetarium would double as a theatre, and could draw children from across eastern Colorado for field trips as well as be a teaching resource forCollege classes.
Curt Freed also shared that architectural floor plans have been completed for renovating a potential building for a wine program. The property, located across Barlow Road from the College, is currently for sale. The floor plans are useful to help determine the price of remodeling the facility. Curt will be meeting with MCC Foundation Executive Board to discuss funding options. He noted that there seems to be excitement in the community about the potential new program. He also expressed that there is a need for sidewalks along Barlow Road.
Susan Clough shared that there will be some campus renovations between April and August 2018 to create more office space. The work will be donein phases by MCC staff and will affect some classroom spaces.
Kathy Frisbie shared that she contacted Pueblo Community College to learn more about their mobile weldinglab. The cost was approximately $700,000, plus $90,000 for the truck. Kari Linker will research mobile lab grants.
4)GETS and WPS phone service:Susan Clough noted that she will discuss the Government Telecommunications Service (GETS) and Wireless Priority Service (WPS) with MCC’s Emergency Response Team (ERT) at their next meeting. The service is provided through the Department of Homeland Security, and gives subscribers priority access to land line and cell phone services in the case of an emergency. Susan is unsure whether the service is available in rural areas, and will conduct more research.
Kent Bauer shared that CCCS has contracted with a new company, AppArmor, to provide MCC Alert services. They will be replacing Blackboard Connect. The new company will take over the services by July 1, 2018. He also noted that Landon Pirius at the System is working on aRequest for Proposal to find a company to facilitate non-emergency mass communication for CCCS colleges.
5)Parent Mailing:Katie Barron distributed copies of last year’s marketing letter to parents of high school students. President’s Staff affirmed the value of sending out a letter again this spring, but recommended that the process start earlier next year so the letter is ready to go out in early February. Curt Freed will work on revising the letter for this year’s mailing.
a)Kari Linker – no further updates
b)Katie Barron – Katie reported on a follow-up conversation she had with a CCCS staff member regarding their offer tocollaborate in promoting MCC online/CCCOnline classes. The marketing scope has been broadened to include MCC Global Classroom. Katie shared a marketing piece Trinidad State Junior College created via a similar partnership with CCCS. Curt Freed noted that he will be meeting with leadership from CCCOnline on April 4, and would like to wait until after then to make a decision on the matter.
Katie inquired about how the creation of a new Strategic Enrollment Management Committee will affect the role of the Integrated Marketing Committee. Curt Freed noted that the new group will be co-led by the Director of Access and Enrollment (once the position is filled) and the Dean of Concurrent Enrollment and Community Outreach. The exact role of the Committee is yet to be defined, but Curt envisions the groupproviding “guiding principles” to other College functions, such as marketing. He suggested moving forward with integrated marketing as is for the time being.
c)Kent Bauer: Kent reported that the search committee for the Director of Access and Enrollment will be conducting interviews soon. Interviews have been held for the Coordinator of Scholarships and Default Management position.
d)Derek Grubb: Derek is working on the summer online class schedule, the strategic plan, the interim HLC reports, and course evaluation revisions.
e)Susan Clough – Susan noted that the Crystal Apple Awards Banquet will beheld April 26, 2018. MCC will select two recipients this year, one to receive the regular Crystal Apple Award and the other to receive the “Making a Difference Award” (which rotates between the College and the RE-3 School District every other year). Nominationforms will be sent out soon.
f)Kathy Frisbie– Kathysharedthat the searches for a Precision Ag faculty member, an Ag Business faculty member, and Instructional Office Specialist are in various stages of completion.
g)Jane Fries: Jane reported that she has uploaded the employee emails to the ModernThink portal for The Great Colleges to Work For Survey. The surveys will start March 12.
7)Other: Curt Freed reported that he attended a “Legislative Coffee” meeting on February 26, and Senator Jerry Sonnenberg went on record as confirming he will vote for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) bill (HB1086).
8)Meeting Adjournment/Next Meeting: The meeting adjourned at12:19p.m. The next President’s Staff meeting is scheduled forMarch 12, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. in Spruce 310.
Jane Fries
Assistant to the President
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