The 68th ICAT
International Smart Actuator Symposium
Oct 6 & 7, 2015 Days Inn Penn State, State College, PA
Symposium Registration Form
Registrant Information
Phone: / Fax:
Registration Details
Industry attendees who are invited to attend this symposium are considered guest members and are charged a registration fee. These invitees may attend a maximum of two ICAT meetings before being required to join the ICAT Consortium. ICAT members are not charged a registration fee, according to the guideline stated below. Note: Registration includes two breakfasts & lunches, banquet and all refreshment breaks. Guests joining the attendees for meals are required to pay the guest fees as noted below. The farewell party dinner is on Uchino’s courtesy (all are invited).
q / ICAT Company Member (Registration fee waived for first two attendees; other attendees must pay the fee.)q / Invited Speaker, or ICAT Faculty Member (Circle one; registration fee waived.)
q / $350.00 – Early Registration Fee, Guest Member, received by September 28th
q / $400.00 – Late Registration Fee, Guest Member, received after September 28th
q / $100.00 – Early Registration Fee, Graduate Student, or Postdoc, received by September 28th
q / $200.00 – Late Registration Fee, Graduate Student, or Postdoc, received after September 28th
q / For planning purposes, please indicate the meals you will be attending and any dietary concerns.
q Lunch, Oct 6
q Banquet, Oct 6
q Lunch, Oct 7 / q Regular / q Vegetarian / q Special Needs: ______
q / Guest Meals: A guest will be accompanying me to the following meals. (Note: Fees for meals must be pre-paid.)
q Lunch, Oct 6 ($20)
q Banquet, Oct 6 ($50)
q Lunch, Oct 7 ($20) / q Regular / q Vegetarian / q Special Needs: ______
q / Farewell Party in Uchino’s Residence, Oct 7 from 17:30 (Early Registration is definitely required for Uchino’s wife preparation.)
Method of Payment
Your payment by check or cash must accompany this registration form.
q Total amount due (payable in U.S. Dollars): ______q Payment by Check; payable to “Penn State”. (Payment by credit card is no longer available.)
q Payment by IDCC for Penn State employees and researchers. Please list the Budget & Fund that should be charged for the registration.
Please mail, scan, or fax Registration Form and Payment to:
Donna Lucas, ICAT Coordinator
The Pennsylvania State University, Materials Research Institute
N-320 Millennium Science Complex, University Park, PA 16802, USA
Fax: (814) 865-7173 Phone: (814) 865-1656 E-mail: