Lomax Junior High School Course Syllabus 2017-2018
Course Title: 7th Grade Science
Teacher Name:KirstiBostick
Teacher Conference Time: 3rd Period (10:03 –10:54)
School/Teacher Phone Number: 281-604-6735
Email Address:
Course Description and Expectation:
We are going to explore several different areas of science including Biology, Life Science (human body and cells) Earth Science (weathering, erosion and watershed) and Ecology. This course requires team work and participation. It will be hard work but rewarding and most importantly we are going to have FUN doing it!!!
Learning Objectives:
- The student will understand the nature of Science.
- The student will demonstrate an understanding of living systems and the environment.
- The student will demonstrate an understanding of the structure and properties of matter.
- The student will demonstrate an understanding of motion, forces and energy.
- The student will demonstrate an understanding of the Human Body.
Learning Outcomes: (When the student has completed the course, they will be able to…..)
- Implement the Scientific Method to design an investigation
- Understand the flow of energy and interdependence of organisms in an ecosystem.
- Describe physical and chemical properties of elements and introduction to the Periodic Table.
- Understand force, motion, and work.
- Understand factors impacting Earth Systems specifically Texas ecosystems.
- Identify components of our solar system.
- Describe relationships between organisms and their environment.
- Identify and understand structure and functions of cell components and living systems.
- Describe Physical, Chemical, and Energy Changes in Digestion.
- Identify function of Homeostasis in organisms.
- Identify and describe traits and genes.
- Understand genetic variations and adaptations of genes.
Course Expectations: (Throughout the school year, the student is expected to perform what tasks, duties….)
- Maintain consistent attendance (Science is hands on – must be present to participate)
- Display positive classroom behavior and be an active participant in class.
- Use planner to meet due dates and deadlines on time.
- Use a Scientific Journal for all note keeping and lab procedures.
- Give 110% all day every day!
Course Evaluation: (How will the student be graded throughout the school year?)
- Homework
- Core Common Assessments (Unit assessments)
- Science Journal
- Semester Exam and Final Exam
- Major Project: 1 in the Fall
Major Project Guidelines and Expectations:
Final Semester Project- will be assigned in December. Details and Guidelines will be sent home prior to starting the project. Parent signature on Project Guidelines will be required.
Important information about this course that will enable you to be successful:
- Grading Policy: We follow the LPISD grading policy
- Homework Policy: Usually only assigned if classwork was not completed in class.
- Tutorials: Mornings and Afternoons by Appointment
- We work hard in science and have high expectations to meet this year! We will meet them together!
School-Wide AVID Strategies:
We incorporate the WICOR strategy for higher student engagement.
- W – Writing
- I – Inquiry
- C – Collaboration
- O – Organization
- R – Reading to Learn
Parent Communication:
We use a variety of formats to communicate with parents.
- Parent Connect – grades and missing assignments
- Remind – text or email notification on upcoming events in class. All students and parents are encouraged to sign up.
- Teacher Webpage – class assignments, notes, links, and other resources
Online Curriculum Resources:
We utilize an online textbook and online interactives. Students use their district username and password for access.
- STEMscopes Online Textbook:
Lab Supply List:
We use these supplies on a daily basis.
- 2 Composition Notebook
- Pen or Pencil
- Colored Pencils
Additional Supplies:
- 1st Period –roll of paper towels
- 2nd Period – 1 bottle of glue or 2 glue sticks
- 4th Period – box of Kleenex
- 5th Period –Ream of white copy paper
- 6th Period – colored pencils
- 7th period – ream of colored copy paper
Remind Sign-Up Information:
- 7th Grade Pre-AP Science:
- For text message alerts: text @bostick7 to 81010
- For email message alerts: send an email to
- 7th Grade GT Science:
- For text message alerts: text @bostickgt to 81010
- For email message alerts: send an email to
For all state-approved courses, the State of Texas has developed the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) which define the guidelines under which La Porte ISD must develop the objectives for the course. These TEKS are cross-referenced to the LPISD curriculum objectives. In addition, LPISD objectives are also cross-referenced to the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) Standards of Performance.
The complete TEKS document, which was approved by the Texas State Board of Education, may be found on the internet at and is accessible to teachers, parents, and students.