Approved date: / Business Board, 19 April 2016
Owner: / Head of Central Services
For release under Freedom of Information? / Yes
Supporting procedures also in policy library: / · Business Travel & Expenses Procedures
· Training Travel & Expenses Policy & Procedures
· Chief Officer Car Scheme Policy
· Police Regulations 2003, Regulation 34 Annex U & Regulation 35 Annex V
· Police Staff Terms and Conditions
· Dual Workplace guidance
Contact for advice: / Central Services Department – Travel Desk Facility
Review date: / May 2019
What is the potential impact in relation to the General Duty of this proposal on each of the protected groups below?
Protectedcharacteristics / Positive Impact
Does the proposal: / Negative Impact (provide details and mitigating actions taken or proposed) / No
Eliminate unlawful discrimination
(provide details) / Advance equality of opportunity
(provide details) / Foster good relations
(provide details) / Other positive impact (provide details)
Age / This policy will apply to all employees no matter what age the claimant is therefore eliminating all unlawful discrimination / As all employees will be treated for their individual needs and expenses and travel will we open to all then equality of opportunity will be open to all
Disability / Reasonable adjustment will be applied for those officers and staff that require it, e.g. provision of automatic car when required. This will eliminate unlawful discrimination / Reasonable adjustment will be applied for those officers and staff that require it, e.g. provision of automatic car when require therefore advancing equality of opportunity / Reasonable adjustment will be applied for those officers and staff that require it, e.g. provision of automatic car when required therefore fostering good relations
Sex / This policy will apply to all employees no matter what sex the claimant is therefore eliminating all unlawful discrimination.
Females are more likely to have caring responsibilities which may impact on travel arrangement. If possible adjustments would be made to accommodate requirements / As all employees will be treated for their individual needs and expenses and travel will we open to all then equality of opportunity will be open to all / As the policy will be applied to all staff and officers and officers this will foster good relations
Sexual orientation / No impact identified / No impact identified / No impact identified
Gender reassignment / No impact identified / No impact identified / No impact identified
Marriage and civil partnership / No impact identified / No impact identified / No impact identified
Pregnancy and maternity / Adjustments would be considered and different forms of transport maybe sourced dependent on need / Adjustments would be considered and different forms of transport maybe sourced dependent on need / Adjustments would be considered and different forms of transport maybe sourced dependent on need
Race / The policy is designed to remove barriers to different types of travel and claim expenses, therefore if the need to consider cultural issues due to race then these would be considered at that time / The policy is designed to remove barriers to different types of travel and claim expenses, therefore if the need to consider cultural issues due to race then these would be considered at that time / The policy is designed to remove barriers to different types of travel and claim expenses, therefore if the need to consider cultural issues due to race then these would be considered at that time
Religion and belief including non-belief / The policy is designed to remove barriers to different types of travel and claim expenses, therefore if the need to consider cultural issues due to religion and religious festivals then these would be considered at that time / The policy is designed to remove barriers to different types of travel and claim expenses, therefore if the need to consider cultural issues due to religion and religious festivals then these would be considered at that time / The policy is designed to remove barriers to different types of travel and claim expenses, therefore if the need to consider cultural issues due to religion and religious festivals then these would be considered at that time
If there is no potential impact (positive or negative) please provide a brief explanation why this is the case, e.g. the data utilised in arriving at the decision, summary of responses to consultation etc.
1 Introduction
This Business Travel & Expenses Policy and associated procedures looks to define what Police Officers, Police Staff and authorised volunteers can claim in respect of travel and subsistence in the course of their duty, it also details the process for arranging travel through the Travel Desk facility and clarifies the basis on how the Travel Desk make decisions around booking travel and accommodation.
This revised policy and procedures incorporates the previous Travel, Travel Expenses and Refreshment Expenses polices into one consolidated document for clarity and transparency.
There will be a separate policy to cover travel and subsistence expenses whilst on residential and none residential training courses.
2 Aim
The aim of this policy is to effectively manage the business travel needs of individuals in balance with the organisational needs of the Constabulary, ensuring the most appropriate and economical form of transport is used on each occasion. It looks to:
· Clarify entitlements for travel, accommodation and subsistence claims
· Establish appropriate arrangements to improve officer and staff safety whilst travelling
· Manage travel arrangement to achieving greater value for money.
· Ensure the Constabulary meets its legal requirements in respect of The Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act, which was fully integrated into UK law on 6th April 2008.
· Reduce the Constabulary’s environmental impact by working to reduce carbon emissions through ensuring hire vehicles and officer and staff owned vehicles are only used on official constabulary business when considered necessary, reducing unnecessary journeys.
This policy applies to police officers, police staff and authorised volunteers only. Special Constables should refer to the Special Constabulary Terms and Conditions.
The Policy is owned by the Head of Central Services. Implementation is the responsibility of individuals, supervisors, managers and key personnel.
Compliance with policy and any linked procedures is mandatory.
This policy does not cover the use of operational fleet vehicles in day to day operational policing activities.
3 The Policy
All police officers, staff and volunteers must consider the necessity of their proposed journey and the number of people travelling from the Constabulary.
Alternative options should be considered for obtaining or sharing information (e.g. video conferencing/Skype Meet Now facilities) that could minimise or eliminate business travel costs.
The Constabulary has committed to providing a Travel Desk facility (within the Central Services Department) to ensure all business related travel is arranged by the most efficient and economical means, taking into account the cost of travel, subsistence and savings in official time. More expensive means of travel will only be authorised when justified by management on business benefit, on health and safety grounds or to meet the needs of officers and staff with disabilities.
All requests for business travel and hotel accommodation must be made to the Travel Desk staff within Central Services Department. The decision of the Travel desk should be adhered to unless there are exceptional circumstances as to why the method of travel or hotel accommodation chosen is unacceptable. These will be on the basis of health and safety grounds or linked to disability and not just on the basis of the employees preferred option, unless the preferred method meets business need and is within a 20% agreed cost tolerance.
The general principle is that Cumbria Constabulary will reimburse employees in line with this policy and associated procedures for additional expenditure necessarily incurred in carrying out an official duty.
Officers and staff will only be reimbursed for expenses which they actually and necessarily incur in the course of official travel, where no additional expenditure is incurred, no reimbursement is due.
3.1 Travel
All employees are expected to travel to their normal deployment base (please see definition of deployment base in the Business Travel & Expenses procedures) at their own cost for each tour of duty. Where officers and staff are required to attend work at another location they must deduct the cost of their home to work or work to home travel from any mileage claims made.
Where staff are required to travel by public transport to a temporary place of work they will be expected to make their own way to their normal deployment base to meet the public transport, this can be waivered in instances where the journey is completely in the opposite direction, e.g. Officer living in Carlisle travelling North would not be expected to travel to Penrith (normal deployment base) to then catch a train travelling north but could board the train at Carlisle station, or where is can be proven to be more cost effective. Pool and Hire cars will normally be available from an individual’s normal place of work or nearest station if the journey does not pass the normal place of work.
All requests for official business travel and associated expenditure must be supported and approved by line managers and booked via the Travel Desk. Exceptions to this are as follows:
· Authorised officers under the Chief Officer Car scheme.
· Authorised Essential Users will be able to use their private vehicles for travel on official constabulary business within the County without submitting a travel request via the Travel Desk. For travel outside the County a request must be made via the Travel Desk.
· Authorised Casual Users whose journey is expected to be less than 70 miles (round trip). All journeys exceeding 70 miles or for travel outside the County should be requested via the Travel Desk and a pool vehicle or hire car made available
Official business travel is defined as necessary travel for the purpose of official business including:-
· Attendance at meetings in pursuit of official Constabulary business.
· Attendance at training courses
· Working at alternative temporary locations.
· Movement of equipment and transport services.
The above list is not exhaustive.
The Travel Desk will make a decision regarding the best method of travel taking into account the length of journey, cost, forms of transport available, travelling time and accommodation and subsistence costs. Where there is a preferred option for travel is requested this should be clearly detailed on the initial request.
When price comparisons of pool car/hire car and train travel are carried out by the Travel Desk; where the more expensive option is the preferred mode of transport, providing the difference is not greater than 20% the preferred mode maybe booked. Travel Desk staff will consult with line managers for an overall decision if challenges occur.
· Pool Vehicle: The Constabulary has an allocation of pool vehicles; these must be used for all journeys if available and the journey is suitable to be driven.
· Public Transport: All public transport including Air Travel should be by the most economical means. Standard rail travel will be provided to all staff as the norm; however police officers of the rank of Superintendent and above and Directors are entitled to first class rail travel. Travel desk staff will assume that these individuals will have checked the prices and have opted for the most cost effective first class travel arrangements. All other staff will be entitled to standard class rail travel, unless traveling with a member of the rank of Superintendent, Director or above.
· All staff entitled to standard rail travel (who is not traveling a member automatically entitled to first class) will be allowed to travel first class only where it can be proven that this is the cheapest option.
· Hire Car: The Constabulary participates in a preferred supplier contract for hire car bookings. The supplier will provide hire cars based on the following criteria to keep vehicle hire as cost effective as possible:
· Category B – 1-1.2 ltr vehicles within force area
· Category C – 1.4 ltr outside force area
Exceptions for these categories will be allowed in the following circumstances:
· Where a number of staff are travelling together or
· Large amounts of equipment/luggage are required or
· Grounds of disability
· Health & safety grounds
· Private vehicle: in certain circumstances the Travel Desk may authorise an employee to use their own vehicle for journeys below 70 miles (round trip) but only where:
· There is a benefit to the Constabulary or department and the mileage rate represents the most cost effective means of transport for the journey,
· The employee is on the on-call rota and is required to travel back to their station or an alternative station to undertake call out work
· The employee is responsible for holding a current driving licence, with up-to-date information on endorsements being provided to PSD for monitoring.
· The employee is responsible for ensuring their own vehicle complies with Road Traffic Law, is in a safe and roadworthy condition and fit for purpose if used for business travel.
· The employee must be covered by a valid vehicle insurance policy that includes business travel and for the carrying of passengers in that connection; has road tax and has a valid MOT certificate if the car is more than 3 years old.
· Air Travel: Where it can be proved that air travel for a business journey is the most cost effective method of travelling.
Pool cars and hire cars must always be collected and returned to police establishments and not to an individual’s home address. Only in exceptional circumstances will hire cars be delivered to an employee’s home address.
Any private use (i.e. mileage other than that of official business) of either Pool or Hire Vehicles is strictly prohibited.
Temporary Change to Deployment Base (Police Officers Only)
Where Chief Officers have decided to temporarily amend an Officers deployment base for business reasons and not at the request of the individual, the following mileage may be claimed: -