August 2015
Course Name: Trigonometry/Pre-Calculus Teacher: Mrs. Jill Frederick
Email: Phone: 814-766-2221 ext 4210
Textbook: PreCalculus 3rd Edition. Blitzer.
Course Format: This course meets one period per day for the entire year, and carries one math credit upon successful completion.
Course Description: Trigonometry/PreCalculus is a prerequisite course to Calculus and/or Statistics. This course continues and expands the ideas of the algebras and geometries. Students will review the concepts of real numbers, their properties, equations, monomials, polynomials, factoring, inequalities, absolute values, graphing linear and non linear equations, solving systems, functions, radicals, complex numbers, quadratic functions. Students will learn new concepts such as conic sections, trigonometric functions (and their graphs, identities), binomial theorem, and limits.
Pre-requisites: C or better in Algebra II Credits: 1
Course Requirements:
· Participation: Students will fully participate in and contribute to class discussions and learning activities. Students will receive a participation grade every term.
· Homework: Students will complete all homework assignments and submit certain ones at the designated time. LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE accepted for a grade; Zero points will be awarded. Random homework checks will also be done for points.
· Notebook: Students will keep and maintain a notebook throughout the year. Notebooks will be collected every term for a grade.
· Test/Quiz: Students will be required to complete all tests and quizzes in a 40 minute time period. Students will know ahead of time if a test is to take more than one class period.
· Final Exam: All students will complete a comprehensive final exam. There are no exceptions or exemptions.
· Textbooks: Students MUST keep textbooks covered the entire year. Spot book checks will be made throughout the year for points.
· Bell Ringers: Bell Ringers will be given every day. Students will complete the bell ringer on the sheet provided and turn in completed bell ringers every two weeks. If students are absent, it is their responsibility to get the bell ringers they missed.
· Absenteeism: Students absent from class, for whatever reason, are to pick up a Missed Slip from the folder for their class. On this slip will be the information for what was missed. Students are required to make up any missed work. Students have one day to make up missed work (one day absent = one day to make up, two days absent = two days to make up work and etc.).
· Folders: Students tests will be kept in the classroom in a folder. This test folder could be shared with parents and administration, if asked for. This folder will also be used for the final review.
· Calculators: graphing calculators may be used for this course but are not a requirement. Students may use a scientific and a basic calculator at various times throughout the course. The calculator you get for Chemistry will be adequate for this class.
· Pacing: The amount of material that is to be covered (see curriculum map attached) will require us to go at a fast pace. If you feel you are falling behind, get help immediately! Don't wait until you are too far behind!
· Grades for each term will be a culmination of the students' scores on any of the following: Participation, Notebooks, Bell Ringers, Book Checks, Homework, Quizzes, and Tests.
· Bonus/Extra Credit is generally not given. Students who do the assigned work accurately will receive their points. Every once and awhile a problem may be placed on a test, quiz or homework for bonus points.
· Grades are updated weekly. Please check the accuracy at anytime. Missed work from absences will be entered in as zeros until the work is made up.
Cheating will not be tolerated. This includes cheating on homework assignments in and out of the classroom, as well as on tests and quizzes. If anyone is caught cheating, action will be taken. An automatic ZERO will be awarded on the activity will be given, notice will be sent home (call or letter) and a referral for cheating will be handed in to the office. NHS will also be notified of the incident. Both (or all) parties involved in cheating will bear the same punishment, so don't give you work or receive someone else's work. If you do not understand something, then you need to seek help from any math teacher available. We are available during ______periods. See one of us to set up a time to get help. Cheating only hurts your understanding, seek help - don't cheat!
Tests: There will be NO talking during a test/quiz. That means no talking before, during and after you have completed your test. If you have finished and there is at least 1 person still taking their test, then there will be NO talking. If you are caught talking, it will be thought of as cheating (see above). Once everyone has finished with their test/quiz, then talking will be permitted.
Classroom Rules/Procedures:
· Students are to BE ON TIME: Students are to be in their seats and ready for class when the bell rings. Three late appearances will result in a referral/detention and every time after will also result in referrals/detentions. This is per nine weeks.
· Students are to BE PREPARED: Students are to have their materials (textbook, notebook, writing utensil, calculator, and any assignments) when the bell rings. Any student not prepared will be subject to a loss of points for that day. PENCILS are required on all TESTS/QUIZZES!!
· Students are to BE RESPECTFUL: Harassing behavior will NOT be tolerated. This includes name calling, picking on, etc. Students are to also respect others belongings. Referrals will be given for inappropriate behaviors and/or comments.
· Students are to FOLLOW DIRECTIONS, THE FIRST TIME THEY ARE GIVEN: Precious time is waster when directions have to be repeated.
Good luck and have a successful year!!
Student's Name: ______Student's Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian's Name: ______Parent/Guardian's Signature:______