YPJWeb Guide 1 (39)
Version 1.2
YPJWeb Guide
Sections for different user roles:
Employee - TT (Section 2)
Superior – EM (Section 3)
Unit Head – YJ ( Section 4)
Employer – TA (Sections 6 and 7)
Personnel administration – H1 / H2 ( Sections 8,9,10)
1.1 Logging into YPJWeb from within the University firewall 4
1.2 Logging into YPJ Web from outside the University firewall 4
1.3 User roles 4
1.4 Basic functions 5
2.1 Job description forms 7
2.2 Job description 8
2.3 Revising the job description in connection with the evaluation discussions required by the salary system (job description has been previously written and no changes have occurred in the duties of the job) 9
2.4 Revising the job description in connection with the evaluation discussions required by the new salary system (job description has been previously written and needs to be revised) 9
2.5 Digital signature 9
2.6 ID number 10
2.7 Assessment of personal performance 11
3.1 Type of employment 13
3.2 Selected employee (valittu työntekijä) 14
3.3 Drafting a job description form 14
3.4 Viewing basic information on employees 15
3.5 Viewing employee-specific forms 15
3.6 Drafting a job description 17
3.6.1 Create an empty draft 17
3.6.2 Binding the job description to a particular employee 19
3.6.3 Creating an unbound draft 20
3.6.4 Creating an approved copy 20
3.7 Drafting an assessment of personal performance 21
3.7.1 Drafting an assessment of personal performance for other personnel 22
3.7.2 Drafting an assessment of personal performance for teaching and research personnel 23
4.1 Notification of unprocessed forms 25
4.2 Processing of job descriptions 25
4.3 Processing of assessments of personal performance 26
6.1 Processing of job descriptions 27
6.2 Processing of assessments of personal performance 28
8.1 Personnel Managers view of the forms (H1) 32
8.2 Personnel assistants view of the forms (H2) 34
8.3 How personnel managers (H1) create a new job description 35
8.4 Filing of job descriptions 36
9.1 Assigning a superior to an employee 37
9.2 Deleting a superior from an employee 37
10.1 Assigning a supervisor’s role (EM) 38
10.2 Deleting a supervisor’s role (EM) 39
1.1 Logging into YPJWeb from within the University firewall
Inside the University firewall, you may log into YPJWeb in Alma, the University’s intranet. YPJWeb can be accessed through the service channel entitled Administration, finances and personnel by following the route Human resources -> Reformed salary system -> YPJ Web in English. The direct link is https://alma.helsinki.fi/doclink/48997.
YPJWeb can also be accessed directly at : https://www-hotel1.it.helsinki.fi/UPJ2006.
Log in using you user name (the same user name that you use for logging into Alma) and your password.
1.2 Logging into YPJ Web from outside the University firewall
If you are logging into YPJWeb from outside the University network, from home for example, you must use the University’s OpenVPN security program. The program will provide you with a secure connection to the University server. Logging into YPJWeb from outside the University is not possible without OpenVPN.
Additional information and instructions for installing and using OpenVPN can be found in Alma (route: Library services and IT -> IT services -> Premises, equipment and basic services -> Datacommunications and network -> HY-VPN – secure connections to the University network. The direct link is https://alma.helsinki.fi/doclink/29393.
NB! Accessing YPJWeb from public or shared computers in, for example, netcafés and libraries is forbidden.
1.3 User roles
For the purposes of the functionality of the YPJWeb application, the Finnish abbreviations of user roles are maintained below in the English-language version of YPJWeb.
TT – Työntekijä/Employee. Person employed by the University of Helsinki. The employee has the right to write his or her personal documents in the system, and the right to read them at any time. In order to be able to access YPJWeb, the employee must have a user account for the University network.
EM – Esimies/Superior. Person assigned as the superior of an employee. The superior conducts the evaluation discussions required by the new salary system (assessment of job demands levels and personal work performance) with his or her employees. The superior has the right to process the documents pertaining to his or her employees. Superiors are normally employed by the University of Helsinki. The superior’s rights are always restricted to a certain unit or units. The role of superior is issued by the unit’s personnel manager or assistant.
YJ – Yksikön johtaja/Unit Head. Typically the head or director of a department or institute, who is responsible for the budget of the unit. The unit head has the right to process the documents pertaining to the personnel in his or her unit. The unit head notes down his or her relevant assessment on the documents before they will be processed by the assessment group or the employer. The role of unit head is issued by the Human Resources and Legal Affairs Department.
AR – Arviointiryhmä/Assessment Group. The two assessment groups have each been assigned a specific personnel group (i.e. teaching and research personnel, other personnel). Both assessment groups process only the forms of the relevant personnel group.
TA – Työnantaja/Employer. The role of employer is issued to deans and directors of independent institutes. The employer has the right to make decisions about job demand levels and personal work performance evaluations The employer’s rights are always restricted to a certain unit or units.
H1 – Henkilöstöasioiden hoitaja 1/Personnel Manager. The personnel manager is a permanently employed administrator in charge of personnel management in the unit. The rights of personnel managers are always restricted to a certain unit or units, but their document (including text) viewing rights are extensive
H2 – Henkilöstöasioiden hoitaja 2/Personnel Assistant. The personnel assistant is in charge of personnel affairs in the unit. The personnel assistant’s rights are always restricted to a certain unit or units, and these rights are more limited than the rights of personnel managers.
The application form for a YPJWeb user account can be found in Alma, in the Finnish-language YPJ service window under the Administration, finances and personnel service channel.
1.4 Basic functions
Print document
On the job description form there is a button.
NB! Do not print the form using the print command on your browser.
Choosing the language
You may choose to use YPJWeb in Finnish, Swedish or English. Choose the language from the at the top-right corner of the page. The Swedish and English versions of YPJWeb are still somewhat incomplete, but are continuously being updated.
Logging off
Alawys log off YPJWeb by clicking on the log off button at the top-left corner of the page.
On the Personal Infromation tab all employees can view and edit their own job description and performance assessment documents.
Top chart, personal information
The chart at the top part of the page contains basic information on your work contract that has been extracted from the Fortime human resources management programme. This information cannot be changed here; changes can be made in the Fortime system only by personnel secretarys in the campus service centres. NB! The contents of the personal information chart are automatically updated once changes have been made in the Fortime system, in other words, the personal information chart is always up-to-date. The information in the bound, ie. employee-specific, forms (job description, assessment of personal performance) cannot be changed once the forms have been signed.
Category of post – identifies which assessment system is to be used, i.e. the system for teaching and research personnel or the system for other personnel.
Contract No.
Identity No.
Employee No.
Faculty/Independent institute/Other
Location (Fortime H600 unit code) – unit where you are physically located (NB! the department code refers to the unit that pays your salary)
Basis of employment – appointment to a post, contract-based employment, permanent post at the University of Helsinki (in case of replacements).
Title of post or position
Most significant degree – comes directly from Fortime. If this information is missing, submit the original copy of your diploma to your unit’s personnel assistant who will forward it to the service centre.
Type of employment – Fixed-term, permanent.
Beginning and ending date of a fixed-term appointment – the dates of your current contract.
Your superior (EM)
The superior is the person who is identified as such in the Register of Superiors. The superior has the right to process job descriptions and personal work performance assessments. Information on superiors may be changed by personnel managers (H1) and assistants (H2).
2.1 Job description forms
The headings in the box job description documents provide access to the job description document that has been created for you. New job description forms are always created by the superior. On the form, your title, field of work and the date of the completion of the form will be displayed. The links that you will see and which are listed below will indicate the current stage of your job description in the assessment process. The stages of the assessment process are:
Draft – a bound (i.e. employee-specific) job description form, a draft that has not been signed; unlimited editing rights.
Signed draft – signed only by either the employee (TT) or superior (EM); the draft can no longer be edited once it has been signed by either the employee or the superior.
Signed – contains signatures of both the employee (TT) and the superior (EM); the form is locked, i.e. is no longer subject to editing by the employee or the superior.
Being processed by the unit head – a signed (by TT and EM) job description form that is currently being considered by the unit head (YJ).
Being processed by the assessment group – a job description form that has been signed by the unit head (YJ) and is currently being considered by the assessment group (AR).
Being processed by the employer – a job description form that has been processed by the assessment group (AR) and is currently being considered by the employer (TA).
Approved – a job description form that has been confirmed by the employer (TA).
(Basis for salary – the approved job description form. Information will be recorded in the salaries register on the basis of this form. Only one such form can serve as the basis for salary.)
Rejected – a form that has been rejected at some stage of the process and has been returned for reconsideration.
Filed forms – old forms that are no longer used as a basis for salary.
The button will open the appropriate job description form in either read-only or edit mode, depending on the current stage of processing the form.
- Draft – can be opened for editing
- All other modes – can be opened for reading only.
Assessment of personal performance
The current stage of the processing of the assessment will be displayed in the box Assessment of personal performance:
Draft – a document created by the superior which has not yet been signed. Editing rights have been limited in accordance with the employee’s field of work. Thus, the assessment forms of the teaching and research personnel can be edited and saved by both the employee (TT) and the superior (EM) as soon as the form has been drafted. The documents of the other personnel will be available to the employee as soon as the superior has given his or her asessment of the employee’s personal performance.
Signed draft – an assessment form signed by the employee (TT), but not by the superior (EM); the form is locked, i.e. is no longer subject to editing by the employee or the superior.
Being processed by the unit head – a signed (by TT and EM) assessment form that is currently being considered by the unit head (YJ).
Beign processed by the assessment group – an assessment form that hase been signed by the unit head(YJ) and is currently beign considered by the assessment group (AR)
Being processed by the employer – an assessment form that has been signed by the unit head (YJ) ja assessment group (AR) and is currently being considered by the employer (TA).
Approved – an assessment of personal performance that has been confirmed by the employer (TA).
Rejected – a form signed by the employee (TT) and superior (EM) that has been rejected by the unit head (YJ) or the employer (TA). The superior must give a reassessment of the employee’s personal performance.
Filed forms – old forms that are no longer used as a basis for salary.
The button will open the appropriate assessment form in either read-only or edit mode, depending on the current stage of processing the form.
2.2 Job description
The job description form appears on the screen only when it has been chosen by clicking on the Open button on one of the tabs.The employee has access only to his or her own job description form, but the superior and unit head may edit the forms of all those employees whose forms they have the right to access. Only one job description form may be opened on the screen at one time. (NB! On the job description form, the contract details of the person bound to the description will not be automatically up-dated in the same way as on the Personal information tab.)
The job description form may be opened for editing (draft) or it may be locked (all other modes) depending on the processing stage of the job description.
You can exit the job description form by clicking the
button or by choosing another tab.