6th grade ELA Syllabus
Mr. Benson
Texts to be used during the school year:
- Literature Textbook—Holt McDougal
- Quarter 1:The Watsons Go To Birmingham- Christopher Paul Curtis
- Quarter 2:Freak the Mighty—Rodman Philbrick
- Quarter 3:The Breadwinner—Deborah Ellis
- Quarter 4:Peak- Roland Smith
Course Content:
1st Nine Weeks Standards & “I Can” Statements
2nd Nine Weeks Standards & “I Can” Statements
3rd Nine Weeks Standards & “I Can” Statements
4th Nine Weeks Standards & “I Can” Statements
Major Assignments and Projects:
- There will be AT LEAST one major writing assignment for each quarter.
- These writing assignments will be assigned 2-3 weeks prior to their due date.
- These writing assignments will coincide with a piece of reading we have been/are reading in the classroom.
- As a class, we will read a novel every nine weeks. These novels will be read inside of class and outside of class.
- All of our standards will be covered throughout the year. However, sometimes the course content will overlap.
Grading for Learning Policy and Skyward Info:
91-100—A Strand 1: Reading Literature —25%
81-90—B Strand 2: Reading Informational Text —25%
72-80—C Strand 3: Writing —25%
70-71—D Strand 4: Language and Vocabulary —20%
0-69—F Strand 5: Speaking and Listening —5%
At Mill Creek Middle School, we believe that students should be given multiple opportunities to practice a skill before it counts for a grade. Therefore, we provide students with many ongoing practice opportunities including homework and classwork, before we administer an assessment (a quiz or a test) for a grade. Homework is not graded, but is required of each student because of the important practice that it provides. In addition, we believe that some students will require more time to learn a skill and we allow time for this individualized development.
- There is also a category in Skyward that is titled, “Formative Practice.”
This category = practice.
- Homework is formative.
- Most classwork is formative.
- Group work is formative.
- Quizzes might be formative.
- Formatives receive a 0% weight! They are entered in Skyward, but without an impact on grades. This allows students and parents to see how they have grown from when they first started practicing a skill.
Mill Creek students are given until the end of the grading period (the quarter) to provide their final mastery of a skill. While all students will take the assessments (quizzes and tests) at the same time throughout the quarter, if students are not pleased with their scores or grades, they may meet with their teachers during Flex time to receive extra help. They may retake their quizzes or tests, provided they have sought this Flex time assistance and remediation work.
Finally, at Mill Creek Middle School, we believe in grading for learning. Our grades are based on the content we have taught, not on behaviors. Therefore, participation, preparedness, and other behavioral factors are handled through our school wide and class wide behavior management programs, not through grades. All students’ grades are a clear reflection of their mastery of the content. We adhere to the WCS Board policy grading scale of A=91-100, B=81-90, C=72-80, D=70-71, F=69 or below, and teachers will provide communication regarding which content standards contribute to each grading category in our electronic grading system.
Accessing Instructional Materials:
- Tennessee law (Public Chapter 660) requires that parents or guardians be allowed to view instructional materials being used with their children. Williamson County Schools parents or guardians who wish to view materials should submit a request in writing to the teacher. In addition, parents should seek clarification from the teacher about any assignment or instructional material about which they have concerns. Unresolved concerns may then be brought to the attention of the school administration.
- Mr. Benson’s Instructional Material: Everything will be accessible on my Edublog website. This website is used by all of Mill Creek Middle School to keep parents and students updated about homework, class/ school activities, deadlines, etc.
Contact Information:
- If you ever have a question or concern, please feel free to email me.
Mill Creek Middle School Phone-(615) 472-5250
Edublog Website-
Available for parent conferences if needed please email to schedule