Why the caged bird sings
This text is an ______from the ______Newsweek. It was ______by Alan Zarembo and was ______on September 10,2001.
It tells the ______of Ana (not her real name), a young ______woman who illegally emigrated to the US. In this article, the journalist chose to tell Ana’s story to underline the difficult choices and sacrifices that illegals are faced with.
I – The hard life of illegals: we will first of all analyze the dreadful living conditions of illegal immigrants when they first arrive in the US.
Traveling conditions: Ana left ______and crossed the ______. Then, she had to cross the Arizona ______. Then she went to ______hidden in a car. Finally she ended up in ______.
Find three words showing that traveling conditions were dreadful for Ana.
- ______
- ______
- ______
When did she move to the US? How old was she at the time?
The financial problem
Why did Ana choose to emigrate to the US? Explain and quote to justify.
Explain what a smuggler is. What is his role?
II- Climbing up the social ladder
Hard work: Pick out elements showing that Ana had to work very hard when she arrived.
- ______
- ______
- ______
But then, as in any success story, she climbed up the social ladder.
Explain why we can say that, to a certain point, she embodies the American Dream. Include quotations in your answer.
Social recognition
Pick out elements showing that Ana achieved a certain social status and that her social and financial situation has improved.
- ______
- ______
- ______
III- A torn family: if her finanicial situation has improved over the years, the opposite may be said about her personal life.
Her family life
Children (names and ages): ______
When was the last time she saw her children? Why? ______
Who brings them up? ______
Quote at least four elements showing that, thanks to Ana, her family are better off now.
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
Does Ana’s mother regret her daughter’s leaving Mexico?
A resented family: Her family is resented in Mexico. The words resented, resentment are used twice (lines 16 and 43). Explain why people are jealous and resentful.
Besides, there is a contrast between Ana’s situation (she makes friends) and her daughter’s, who says: ‘______’.
What do you think about Ana’s daughter’s sentence?
A feeling of alienation: pick out elements in the text showing that Ana got used to the American way of life and that she is alienated (=détachée psychologiquement) from her country.
Conclusion: Even though this is a very sensitive subject, the journalist gives a fairly neutral factual account of Ana’s situation, and he avoids pathos (=tonalité larmoyante) to move (=émouvoir) the reader.
Vocabulary to find in the text => words to remember
atteindre : ______
sans papiers: ______
se rappeler: ______
ville natale: ______
une cabane: ______
être rempli(e) de: ______
consommation: ______
de peur que: ______
admettre: ______
le revenu: ______