Department of Labor - Targeted Communities
Summer Youth Employment Project Requirements
The General Assembly has appropriated $727,646 to the Department of Labor to fund summer youth employment activities. The eleven communities that may receive funding are: Bridgeport, Hamden, Hartford, Meriden, New Britain, New Haven, New London, Norwalk, Norwich, Waterbury and Windham.
Participant Eligibility:
Age: 14 to 21 years (defined as individuals born between 7/1/80 and 7/1/87; under 16 requires parental consent).
Income: Family income less than 150% of the federal poverty income level relative to family size (members of families that receive Food Stamps, cash payments under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and General Assistance Programs are categorically income-eligible).
Residency: Must be a resident of the municipality for which funds are allocated.
Project Parameters:
Period: Employment of participants may occur between July 1, 2001 and September 29, 2001 (administrative activities may continue through October 30, 2001).
Wages: Participating youth must be paid a minimum of $6.40 per hour.
Hours: Participating youth may work between 15 and 25 hours per week.
Worksites: Public or not-for-profit entities; working conditions must comply with applicable health and safety laws, laws governing employment of minors.
Use of Funds: A minimum of 85% of the total allocation must be used to pay participant wages, up to 15% may be used for supportive activities necessary to ensure project participation, and up to 5% may be used for indirect costs related to project administration. The total of supportive activities and indirect costs must not exceed 15% of the total allocation.
Town / WIBFormula / Formula
Bridgeport / $117,544
Norwalk / $33,243 / $150,787 / The WorkPlace
Hartford / $177,013 / $177,013 / Capitol Region WIB
Meriden / $34,930
New Britain / $55,138 / $90,068 / Mid CT WIB
Norwich / $36,086
New London / $33,025 / $69,111 / WIB of Southeastern CT
New Haven / $119,230
Hamden / $24,935 / $144,165 / WIB of New Haven
Waterbury / $64,071 / $64,071 / WIB of Waterbury
Windham / $32,431 / $32,431 / Workforce One
TOTAL / $727,646 / $727,646
The formula allocations listed above are subject to Legislative approval.
Administrative Requirements:
Administering Entity: Workforce Investment Boards. Workforce Investment Boards are encouraged to work with Municipal Youth Service Bureaus for worksite development, participant recruitment and selection.
Contract Agreement: A completed contract includes a cover page, certified resolution, specific terms, project budget, plan of service and general terms. Submit one original and two copies of the complete package by June 15, 2001 to:
Connecticut Department of Labor
Quality Program Review
Attention: Michelle LaRose
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
Uniform Application: DOL provided Participant Application form.
Plan of Service: Due June 15, 2001; DOL provided form.
Project Reporting: Close-out Report (fiscal and participant report) due October 30, 2001; DOL provided form.
Collective Bargaining: Employment of participants must not impair existing collective bargaining agreements or written concurrence of union required.
Payment: DOL intends to advance funds upon execution/approval of grants. Electronic fund transfer is not available for this project.
Department of Labor – Targeted Communities Summer Youth Employment Project
Standard Definitions
Applicant / An individual who has submitted a completed application for participation in the Summer Youth Employment Project.Cost Allocation / The distribution of costs among cost categories to the extent of benefits received in such categories (Indirect, Supportive Activities and Participant Wages).
Eligibility / An individual is eligible for participation in the Summer Youth Employment Project if that individual is 14 through 21 years of age on July 1, 2001, is a resident of the municipality for which the funds are allocated and is a member of a family:
a. that is receiving Temporary Family Assistance (State Cash Welfare) or
b. that is receiving Municipal General Assistance (City Welfare) or
c. whose income is less than 150% of the poverty income level relative to family size.
Family / A family is:
a. an individual residing alone, or
b. a husband, wife, and dependent children, or
c. a parent or guardian and dependent children, or
d. a husband and wife.
Family Income / The adjusted gross income reported on IRS form 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ for the calendar year ending 12-31-00.
Hispanic / A person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.
Indirect Costs / The cost of those activities which are necessary to administer the program and from which participants realize no direct benefit. Indirect Costs may not exceed 5% and the combined costs of Indirect and Support Activities may not exceed 15%.
Participant / An eligible individual selected for participation in the Summer Youth Employment Project.
Poverty Income / The Poverty Income Levels relative to family size that are published
annually by the Federal Department of Health and Human Services.
150% of the Poverty Income Levels for 2001 are:
Residence / An applicant is considered to be a resident if that individual’s regular domicile is located within the geographic boundaries of the incorporated municipality for which funds are allocated.
Supportive Activities / The cost of those activities which are necessary to enable an individual eligible to participate who cannot afford to pay for such services. Supportive services may include transportation, health care, special services and materials for the disabled, child care, meals, temporary shelter, financial counseling, and other reasonable expenses required for participation in the program. The cost of Support Activities may not exceed 15% and the combined costs of Indirect and Support Activities may not exceed 15%.
Wages / The cost of wages paid to eligible participants. Wages shall be not less than the state minimum wage ($6.40 per hour) and shall be paid only for documented hours worked.
Work Experience / A temporary activity which provides an individual with the opportunity to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to perform a job, including appropriate work habits and behaviors.
Worksite / A work experience assignment that is consistent with terms of this agreement.
Enclosure 1
Contract Package
Part I. Connecticut Department of Labor (CTDOL) Contract
Contract: / Connecticut Department of Labor
200 Folly Brook Boulevard
Wethersfield, CT 06109
Telephone: (860) 263-6795 / CONTRACT NUMBER
Fax: (860) 263-6216 / State IRS ID No.
06 - 6000698
Contractor’s Name / Contractor IRS ID No.
and Address / Contractor Representative
Payment Address / Telephone Number
(complete if different)
Type of Ownership (check applicable classification)
Corporation Incorporated Under the Laws of the State of:
Limited Liability Company Partnership Governmental Entity
Sole Proprietorship Trusteeship / (Check each item)
Yes No
Minority Business
Women Business
Contract Start Date / Contract End Date / Total Contract Amount $
To provide employment opportunities for youth during the summer months.
The parties hereto agree that the contractor shall provide services in accordance with its proposal which is attached and made a part hereof. In consideration for the services to be provided by the contractor for the period shown above, the contractor will receive reimbursement not to exceed the total amount shown above; such amount to be paid pursuant to this Contract Face Sheet (Part I), Specific Terms (Part II), Budget Summary (Part III), and General Conditions including the State of Connecticut Assurances (Part IV), which are a part of this contract. This is a performance based contract and reimbursement is based on successful performance and actual costs incurred. The State of Connecticut assumes no liability for payment under the terms of this contract, until said contractor is notified by the Connecticut Department of Labor, that said contract has received final approval. This contract is the entire agreement between the parties hereto and may be amended only in writing by the Connecticut Department of Labor.
STATUTORY AUTHORITY: Connecticut General Statutes (CGS) Sec. 4-8, Sec. 31-3d
ACCEPTANCES: In witness whereof the parties have affixed their signatures on the day, month and year written below.
CONTRACTOR APPROVAL: (Affix Corporate Seal Here)
Signature of Contractor’s Authorized Officer Date
Name and Title (please print or type)
Labor Commissioner Date
(For Fund Availability)
DOL-500w (Rev 12/29/99)
Department of Labor - Targeted Communities Summer Youth Employment Project
Instructions for Contract and Certified Resolution
Please note that at least one original (bearing “live” signatures) of the Contract for Services and Certified Resolution must be submitted, along with two sets of copies.
DUE DATE: JUNE 15, 2001
Instructions Regarding Certification of Signatory
(Non-governmental Entities)
In order to execute a contract, the State requires from non-governmental entities that a certified copy of a corporate resolution accompany each contract.
The certification must bear an original signature by an officer of the corporation, preferable the secretary, other than the person authorized to execute the contract.
The certification shall bear the seal of the corporation.
The certification should recite the following:
1.) the name of the body adopting the resolution;
2.) the date of the adoption;
3.) the date of the certification; and
4.) the title of the certifier.
The resolution itself must authorize someone to execute the particular contract. The resolution must state the name or name/title of the person authorized to execute the contract. If the resolution only states the title, the State requires a certification by a corporate officer as to the name of the individual who holds the office.
The resolution must be adopted prior to the execution of the contract, otherwise the resolution may be treated as a ratification when there is sufficient information to determine the execution of the particular contract. However, a ratification document is preferable.
Certification, whether they are for resolutions, by-laws, or minutes should be updated annually.
The following certification resolution is an example of the format that should be used:
I, John Doe, Secretary of XYZ Corporation, a New York corporation (the "Company"), DO HEREBY certify that the following is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company duly held and convened on Month, Day, Year, at which meeting a duly constituted quorum of the Board of Directors was present and acting throughout and that such resolutions has not been modified, rescinded or revoked and is present in full force:
RESOLVED: That the President Rachel Roe, is empowered to execute and deliver contracts in the name and on behalf of this Company and to affix the corporate seal.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has affixed his signature and the corporate seal of the Company this "x" day of Month, Year.
(SEAL) John Doe, Secretary
In lieu of a certified resolution, a certified copy of the applicable section of the corporate by-laws which authorize execution of the contract by the signing person may be substituted, along with certification that the person signing the contract, in fact, holds the office in question.
In lieu of a certified copy of the corporate resolution or by-laws, a certified copy of the corporate minutes of the meeting of the board of directors may be submitted. These minutes must specifically authorize the signing person to execute the particular contract under review or the particular type of contract of which the one under review is an example.
Connecticut Department of Labor Contract for Services - PART II
SPECIFIC TERMS (rev. 5/01)
I. Responsibilities of the Contractor: The Contractor shall administer a summer youth employment project to provide employment opportunities for eligible individuals in accordance with the following provisions:
1. Participant Eligibility -The Contractor shall determine eligibility for project participation. Eligibility for participation is restricted to individuals who are between the ages of 14 and 21 years on July 1, 2001, defined as individuals born between 7/1/80 and 7/1/87; are members of families that receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families or General Assistance or whose annual family income is less than 150% of the poverty income level relative to family size; and reside within the geographic boundaries of the incorporated municipality for which funds are allocated. Parental consent to participation is required for individuals under the age of 16.
2. Participant Employment - (A) Employment of participants shall commence no sooner than July 1, 2001 and end no later than September 30, 2001. Participants shall receive an hourly wage of no less than $6.40 and work between 15 and 25 hours per week. Participants shall be employed at worksites of public or not-for-profit entities.
(B) The Contractor agrees to ensure that the working conditions of participants shall comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations pertaining to occupational safety and health, and all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations governing the employment of minors.
(C) The Contractor shall ensure that the employment of participants does not impair existing collective bargaining agreements to which it is a party or shall secure the written concurrence of the appropriate collective bargaining agent(s) if the employment of participants would otherwise impair such collective bargaining agreement(s).
3. Project Budget/Use of Funds - The Contractor shall complete a Project Budget, which budget is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. A minimum of 85% of the total contract amount shall be used to pay participant wages. Up to 15% of the total contract amount may be used for supportive activities necessary to ensure project participation and up to 5% of the total contract amount may be used for indirect costs related to project administration, provided, however, that the total of supportive activities and indirect costs shall not exceed 15% of the total contract amount.
4. Project Plan of Service - The Contractor shall submit to DOL, no later than June 15, 2001 a plan of service providing information such as the project beginning and ending dates, number of participants, hourly wage(s), number of hours of work per week, worksites and any other information requested by DOL. The Contractor agrees to submit its plan of service in the format requested by DOL or using such document(s) provided by DOL for this purpose. The Contractor further agrees that it shall administer the project in substantial conformance with the Plan of Service.