2016-2017 LCHS French 5/AP French Syllabus

Curriculum B

Mme Olsen

Course Description:

Please see the accompanying packet for the French 5 and AP French Loudoun County Public Schools Course Descriptions. This course is taught in French. It is a combo level 5/AP class and curriculum A & B are taught on alternative years. Students will be preparing for the rigorous AP French College Board Exam.

Students will focus heavily on interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational communication via their strengthened listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in contextualized themes associated with Global Issues, Contemporary Life, Family and Community, Beauty and Aesthetics, Personal and Public Identities, and Science and Technology - all required categories of study for AP curricular study. This year there will be an increased emphasis on Project Based Learning. AP French will have a full practice AP exam midyear. We will continue with quarterly and end-of-the-year benchmarks.

Grammar will be learned and reviewed in contextualized format.

Grading will include but is not limited to the following:

· Formative Assessments will have a 0% weight in grade calculation. Formative assessments help teacher, student and parents gauge readiness for summative assessments. Some examples are warm-ups & closing tasks, project rough drafts and homework.

· Summative Assessments: will have a 100% weight in grade calculation. Some examples are essays, benchmarks, oral presentations, projects, unit tests, quizzes, classwork, journals, debates, skits, partial and full mock AP exams. Expect 9 summative grades per quarter with several formative assignments leading up to the summative work. Summative work each quarter can include: projects, essays, oral presentations, grammar tests, vocabulary tests, reading comprehension tests and listening tests.

· No pop quizzes. All graded work will be announced in advance in class and on PHOENIX.

· Homework: Homework is to be completed on-line and submitted through THEMES or VISION. If you do not have access to the internet at home; you are to complete your homework in the school computer lab or library during Raider Rally.

· Sub Packet: This packet is handed out on the first day of class. Please bring it to class every day. You may use your phone (or tablet/laptop) to access this document if you forgot it at home. The sub will not make additional copies. You will need to write your answers on a separate piece of paper.


One 3 ring binder with 3 dividers labeled:

- Lesson Objective and Closing Task

- Vocabulary and Grammar Notes and In-class Work

- Graded Assignments

#2 pencil – 2, Highlighter – 1, loose leaf paper - 1 pack, French/English Dictionary - A pocket dictionary is fine.

Classroom expectations

} Work hard in class = a lot less work at home.

} Participate and take notes.

} Be respectful of yourself and others.

} Have a good attitude and do your best.

} Talking during quizzes or tests before everyone is finished = an automatic F.

Please raise your hand if you have a question during a quiz/test.

} Expect to speak IN FRENCH.

} Students will submit work electronically on VISION and on THEMES.


· French 5/AP students will have access to a THEMES on-line account, Pearson Textbook: AP French: Preparing for the French Language and Culture Exam and Barron’s Textbook: AP French Language and Culture.

· PowerPoints, study guides, assignments and resources will be posted on Mme Olsen’s French 5/AP VISION page. You have already been enrolled and should have access. E-mail Mme Olsen if that is not the case.

· See Mme Olsen’s LCHS webpage for links to other resources.

Office Hours - Room 124: Mme Olsen is available every Raider Rally and after school on Tuesdays from 4 to 5pm for extra help.

Contact Information: Please contact Mme Olsen by e-mail as needed at .

Be sure to include a phone number if you would like a call back. Call backs will take place after 2:30.


Mme Olsen's 2016 French 5/AP French Syllabus - LCHS