Ancient Order of Hibernians

of Hampden Hampshire Counties

PO Box 826

Holyoke, MA 01041-0826

Next Meeting –

Monday, November 4, 2013, 7:00 p.m.

LAOH, 6:30 p.m.

At The Wherehouse?

As we commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy November 22, 1963, if old enough, what are your memories of that fateful day? JFK was a member of the Watertown AOH.

Thank you to Charlie Popp, Peter Hogan, Paula Paoli, Barbara Gaughan, Dan Leary, Janet Dwyer and Paul Hogan for preparing and serving the Sunday, October 27 meal at Kate’s Kitchen. Our next date to volunteer will be Sunday, December 1 from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. For more information, contact Fran Hennessey at .

Pete’s Saint Patrick’s March 2014 fundraising raffle calendars are now on sale. Only 350 calendars will be sold. They make great holiday gifts. Call Pete at 330-6635 to order yours.

The Adult Christmas Party will be held at The Wherehouse? on Monday, December 2, 7:00 p.m. Please call Paul Hogan at 533-0436 with your reservation.

The 2013 Children’s Christmas Party to be held on Sunday, December 8 at the Wherehouse? If you would like to sponsor a child please contact Paul at 210-1416 or Paula at .

Paul and Paula will be attending the State Board meeting on Saturday, November 16 in Plymouth. If any members would like to attend, just call Paul at 533-0436.

Dues for 2014 ($30.00) will be coming due on November 1st so if you have not paid for 2013 please pay ASAP. For all members that have not paid your 2013 and 2012 dues by the November 4th 2013 meeting a vote will be taken to drop you as a member. If you are experiencing financial difficulty please call Paul 413-210-1416 or Peter Hogan 413-330-6635 to make arrangements. The Club does not want to lose any members but on the other hand we cannot afford to carry non-paying members any more.

“To Be Irish Is a Blessing – To Be A Hibernian An Honor”

Several members or members of their families are running for elected office and include LAOH Louise Bisson for Holyoke City Clerk, David K. Bartley for State Senate, Peter Tallman, Daniel Bresnahan and Howie Greaney for Holyoke City Council, Devin Sheehan Holyoke School Committee at large, and Barbara Gaughan’s grandson-in-law, Jeff Stanek for Holyoke Mayor. Please consider casting a ballot for these fine men and woman.

Stop reading this newsletter right now and make our website, a favorite on your tower, laptop, tablet, i-pad, android and all your mobile devices. Janet Dwyer, our webmistress does a great job keeping you up-to-date with information about the club.


Congratulations to Patty Meon on being named Employee of the Month at the Holyoke Medical Center

The ladies are busy working on next year’s Irish Quilt which will soon be ready for display. The theme for the 2014 quilt is “Ireland Parish”. Tickets are on sale by contacting Paula at .

Our monthly reminders:

Kate’s Kitchen, is in need of non-perishable food items including spices and oil for cooking, plastic forks and 8 oz. plastic cups. Donations will be gladly accepted at the November monthly meeting.


Dues for the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians are $25 for 2014 and $20 for 2013 and can be sent to Mary Pat Murphy, 9 Magnolia Ave., Holyoke, MA 01040.

And finally ….

Congratulations to Holyoke Saint Patrick’s Parade 2014 Grand Marshal, Roger Donoghue. His membership card was picked in the September’s meeting 50/50 raffle. What bad luck. Roger was not in attendance. The jackpot is now $11.

Upcoming Events:

Monday, December 2 – Adult Christmas Party

Sunday, December 8 – Children’s Christmas Party

Saturday, February 22, 2014 – Danny’s Irish Night

Sunday, March 16, 2014 – AOH Communion Breakfast

Saturday, June 21, 2014 –Summer Picnic

“To Be Irish Is a Blessing – To Be A Hibernian An Honor”

Irish Cultural Center Events

Lecture: The Origins of Irish Internationalism

Monday, November 4, 7:00 pm Library Theater, Elms College

Amy Martin is presenting "The Origins of Irish Internationalism: Violence and Terror in Nineteenth Century Ireland and India." She will explore Irish writings of the Sepoy rebellion in India and the Morant Bay rebellion in Jamaica. By comparing events in these locations to the history of colonialism in Ireland, nationalist writers develop a theory of empire and specifically of imperial violence. Amy Martin is Associate Professor of English at Mount Holyoke College where she teaches Irish studies, nineteenth century British literature and culture, post-colonial theory.

Louis de Paor: Irish Poetry Lecture

Monday, November 18 8:00 pm Library Theater, Elms College

Louis de Paor is an internationally known poet in the Irish language. He will present the topic "No Gothic Revival - Twentieth-century Poetry in Irish" as a lecture in English and Irish, examining the impact of Irish poetry. Dr. de Paor is the Director of the Centre for Irish Studies at the National University of Ireland, Galway. He has published several academic works, and has edited a twentieth century anthology of poetry in Irish

Information Session: 2014 West Coast of Ireland Tour

Sunday, November 17, 2:00 pm Dooley Campus Center, Elms College

Learn more about the ICC's 2014 West Coast of Ireland Tour at the information session on Sunday, November 17 at 2:00 pm, in the Dooley Campus Center at Elms College. Our 9th "Journey of the Soul" tour will include stays in Westport, Galway, Dingle, Killarney and Ennis. This exciting 11-day tour will take place September 7-17, 2014. For more information, call Kathy Gallivan at (413) 536-9709.

Christmas Mass

Saturday, December 7, 4:00 pm Elms College Chapel

The ICC hosts its annual Christmas with an Irish Touch Mass on Saturday, December 7. At 4:00 pm, liturgy will take place in Our Lady’s Chapel at Elms College with readings and some parts of the Mass done in the Irish language. Msgr. Connelly will preside. We hope you can join us for this festive and much-loved tradition.

“To Be Irish Is a Blessing – To Be A Hibernian An Honor”