SC14/01/1 Apologies: M HOWLETT , J COUMBE

SC14/01/2 Declaration of Interest:



SC14/01/3 Public Session:

T Lightfoot pointed out that water was flooding from the Filed on Stoke Hill onto the road. He stated that there is a 15inch wide gully running along the length of this section of road which has silted up and the drainage pipe is not carrying the water away. In heavy rain the river in the field rises up and the water seeps through the stones in the hedge and flows down the road between Shutta and Alston Farm. There are lakes in the field above and he thinks the seal has been broken allowing water to escape. He is concerned that the water will cause an accident. There followed a discussion about this. At one time there were sluice gates to prevent the water overflowing and running down the hill and then on down to Old Mill causing flooding there. It would appear that there has been no maintenance work there for about 15 years. It was decided that a meeting should be arranged with Highways and Duchy College to address the problem .

Mrs Palmer brought up the planning application for Ducklings pre-school. She pointed out that there are traffic problems associated with start and end of school. Last week the school had an outing arranged and there were two coaches which parked outside the school. The bus was unable to travel past the school and this would be the case with emergency vehicles. She pointed out that that we don’t want to lose the bus service. P Barriball stated that the application was on the agenda and traffic would be considered when looking at the application.

Mr Dunn stated that there is a traffic problem at Crockett. There has been an increase in the number of HGV travelling along the road which is unsuitable for large vehicle. He stated that the road narrows to about 8 feet and that this is not visible to drivers when they turn off onto this road. There is a traffic sign stating that the road is unsuitable for large vehicles but this is ignored. He asked if it was possible to have a sign restricting the vehicle size put up. Cllr Burden stated that there is a similar problem in Looe and this is because drivers routinely use Sat-navs. Looe Town Council has asked Cornwall Council to look into this problem. He suggested that our Parish Council writes to Cornwall Council about this problem.

SC13/1/14 Minutes of meeting:

The minutes were amended. It was proposed by N Cooper and seconded by D Crawley that the minutes are accepted. All agreed.

SC14/01/5 Matters Arising:

1. AONB Plan: The clerk stated that the Parish Council response to the AONB Plan had been sent and received by the AONB. A copy of the letter was handed out.

2. Jubilee Trees and Plaques: The clerk stated that the plaques had been collected. Duchy College were arranging to have the trees replaced and they will be planted in February.

3. Change to standing orders: The revised standing orders have been circulated. There are no policies on Financial regulations and Freedom of Information, so the Parish Council will need to add these. It was proposed by S Tudor and seconded by C Vulliamy that the revised standing Orders are accepted. This was agreed.

SC14/01/6 Planning:

Cornwall Council list of Application;

PA13/10554: Ducklings Pre-school; Stoke Climsland School Stoke Climsland Callington Cornwall PL17 8ND. Proposed new pre-school: P Barriball stated that he had been to a meeting at the School about the problem of parking. The Head teacher stated that Cornwall Council Education Department would not spend any money providing parking. She had looked at the possibility of opening up the front of the school to provide extra parking and asked if the Parish council would make a donation towards this. Cllr Burden stated that in Cornwall most school do not allow parental parking on school properties for health and safety reasons. There followed a discussion about this. Other spaces around the school had been looked at but these were not financially viable. As it is the suggested space would cost about £20000 or more. It was pointed out that Dr Couldrick had suggested that he may be able to raise some extra money when he applied for grants for Ducklings pre-school. The Parish Council is already committed to repairing play equipment on the Village Green and replacing the play equipment at Downgate Playground. After further discussion it was proposed by D Crawley and seconded by S Cazaly that we support this application on condition that parking and access to the school was considerably improved. All agreed.

PA13/11270: Miss Jo Harper, Land at Kelly Bray opposite Lower Crockett Farm, Downgate, Callington: Establishment of stable block (2 stables and tack room/feed store) and change of use of agricultural land to equestrian.: N Cooper had been to see the site and spoken to the applicant. The issue of drainage was highlighted and N Cooper stated that the applicant had stated that she will put in a soak-away. The meeting was closed for a member of the public to make a comment. He was concerned that there would be a change of use of the field to run a riding school. He thought there would be a covenant on the land to prevent this. It was pointed out that the application could be granted but the covenant would prevent building; this was not the concern of the planning department. The meeting was opened again. There followed some discussion and it was agreed that the clerk would contact the planning officer for more particulars and ask for an extension to make a decision.

PA13/11474: Carla Tournoff, Kit Hill Barn, Stoke Climsland, Callington: Installation of 1 x 5kW small wind turbine (Evance R9000) on a 15m tower: The wind turbine would be within the boundaries of the AONB, who were unlikely to be happy about it. It was pointed out that we had recently supported the decision for Kit Hill to be granted LNR status. It was proposed by D Crawley and seconded by J Forbes that we do not support this application because it is within the AONB and on the border of Kit Hill which is going for LNR status. It would also set a precedent. All agreed. It was pointed out that this application is also under PA13/11823 but no comments are allowed on this application. The clerk was asked to clarify this to ensure that our decision is recorded.

PA13/11267: Mr A Sleep, Glenmoor, Higher Downgate, Callington: Erection of garage with granny annex above: A similar application was made in 2006 and the applicant has already laid the foundations. This application is a change of use and will be on the same footprint as before. After some discussion it was proposed by S Cazaly and seconded by S Ross that the application is supported. All agreed.

It has been reported that there appears to be building in the old pig barn on Downgate Hill. No planning permission has been received for this. The clerk was asked to report this to enforcement.

Refusals, Approvals and Appeals: None

SC14/01/7 Items for Report and Discussion:

1.  Cornwall Councillor: Cllr Burden stated that there is no money available for pre-schools anywhere in Cornwall. The schools committee are consulting on cutting school transport for those over 8 years. This will hit rural areas hardest and may put people off living in these areas. It was lovely to see this Parish council represented at the recent discussion on Housing numbers. The final decision was that there should be 47000 new houses built. Having made this decision Cornwall council will be able to put the local plan to public consultation. There have been on-going problems with the building of wind turbines which will have to be sorted. Cllr Burden has noted that there are several hedges in the parish which have not been trimmed. Highways should be notified about this. Many of the hedges belong to private houses and maybe the owners do not know their responsibility for maintaining the hedges. There was a particularly bad area on the A388 where the hedge leans into the road and lorries have to cross the white line to avoid them. It was agreed that something should be put into the Old School news about maintaining the hedges. With respect to pot holes in the parish, Cllr Burden pointed out that Stoke Climsland has had many roads resurfaced and the pot holes are not as numerous as in other areas.

2. Access to IT: Information about this scheme has been circulated and it is hoped that it will gather momentum over the next few months.

3. Fly-tipping in the Parish: There was some rubbish left outside Whiteford gate but this has been cleared. This was left by a lorry so if anyone sees anything please report it. There has also been fly-tipping at Laurel Lane and Rowden Lane. It was suggested that something is put into the Old School News about this problem.

4. Dog fouling on the pavement along Village Green: There is a brown and white springer spaniel which is roaming loose on the green. If the owner is traced then a fine will be imposed. Also there have been bags of dog fouling thrown into the field along Pound Lane.

5. Increased Police presence in Callington: There is reduced police presence in Callington and surrounding areas. It was suggested that we communicate with the Parish Councils in surrounding areas to see if pressure can be applied to increase the police presence. In the following discussion it was noticed that the police presence in Torpoint had been increased because pressure had been brought to bear. It was also noted that there are not enough police to cover the wider area and problems in specific communities draw police from the surrounding areas. The clerk was asked to invite the community officer to the next meeting.

6. Hedging in Luckett: Most of the hedges in the area have been trimmed but P Barriball and the clerk will go out and note down any which will need to be reported to highways. Several contractors are still working in the parish.

SC14/01/8 Highways and Maintenance

The road from Stoke Climsland to Climson is in a poor way again.

There are large potholes on the lane to Polhilsa.

There is a complaint from a parishioner at Downgate that the holes which were recently filled have opened up again.

SC14/01/9 Correspondence

Duchy of Cornwall has sent a letter about putting up barriers on the Latchley to Luckett tract to prevent unauthorised vehicle use.

The pump at Pempwell has come off the base. After some discussion it was proposed by C vulliamy and seconded by S Tudor that the clerk will get a quote from M Broome to re-erect it.

There continues to be a rat problem at Venterdon. It was proposed by S Tudor and seconded by D Crawley that Mr Searle was asked to remove them by the appropriate method. The clerk will ask Mr Broome to quote for a metal replacement duck house.

SC14/01/10 Finance:

Payments: It was proposed by N Cooper and seconded by S Tudor that payment of £2530.51 was accepted. All agreed. Cheques were written for Grass Cutting, raising the curb on the Green and the clerk’s wages.

Receipts: Interest: £0.02,

SC14/01/11 Items for Agenda:

Footpath on the Sports field.

Daffodil food

SC14/01/12 Date and Time of Next Meeting

17th February at 7.30pm in the Old School

Clerk: Mrs Louise Power, Top Flat, Half Moon Court, Stoke Climsland PL17 8NY

Tel: 01579 370819
