“Answering the Call—Losing the Connection”

Clergy Stress, Burnout, and Self-Care:

A seminar for clergy, church leaders, and parish nurses

Wednesday, October 31, 2012 -- 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (lunch included)

Robinwood Medical Center Auditorium (Suite 142), Hagerstown, MD

The Department of Spiritual Care Services at Meritus Medical Center invites you tobetter understand the causes and impact of stress and burnout on clergy, and how to care for yourself and/or your pastoras caregivers for others. Learn to recognize the needs of clergyand how to support pastors in your congregation. Come away with some practical tools and strategies for self-care.

The presenter will be the Rev. Dr. Fred Lehr, author of “Clergy Burnout: Recovering from the 70-hour Work Week and Other Self-Defeating Practices.” Dr. Lehr has extensive experience in parish ministry and in the care of pastors. He served as director of both the Wholistic Health Care Services and the Church Renewal Center at Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Hospital in Allentown, PA. He is the founder and manager of Renewal Ministries, a ministry of training and consulting for church systems, church leaders, and church professionals.

“Answering the Call—Losing the Connection” Schedule

8:30 am – 9:45 am Morning session 1—Introduction to the problem of clergy stress and burnout

9:45am – 10:30 amMorning session 2—Burnout, Personality Type, and Codependence

10:45 am – 11:30 amMorning session 3—Burnout and Oscillation Theory

11:30 am – 12 noonQuestions and Answers—Clarification Dialogue

12 noon – 12:45 pmComplimentary Lunch

12:45 pm – 1:30 pmAfternoon session 1—Regaining Balance: Strategies for Self-Care

1:30 pm – 2:15 pmAfternoon session 2—Boundary Maintenance and Self-Care

2:30 pm – 3:30 pmApplication of Concepts--breakout groups for clergy and for laity. Clergy will discuss intentional strategies of self-care and laity will discuss congregational care for pastors

3:30 pm – 3:45 pmAfternoon session 3—Message of encouragement for self-care by the Rev. Peter Guadalupe of Churches in Missions.

3:45 pm – 4:00 pmConcluding comments, questions and answers, and awarding of continuing education certificates

4 pmDeparture

The seminarcost is $25 andincludes lunch and a copy of Dr. Lehr’s book.

The conference will be limited to 150 participants. Register today!



Name: ______Phone: (_____)______

Church or Institution: ______

Address: ______City: ______Zip: ______

Email Address: ______$______Total EnclosedCheck No: ______

Questions regarding your registration? Call Susan at 301-790-8940.

Please mail your completed registration with your check payable to “Meritus Medical Center” to:

Spiritual CareConference,c/o Department of Spiritual Care, Suite 2904,

Meritus Medical Center, 11116 Medical Campus Road, Hagerstown, MD 21742