ScottCounty Planning and Zoning Commission
October 19, 2010
1st Floor Board Room, Administrative Center
Members Present:Kluever,Paustian, Scheibe, Ridenour
Members Absent: Ion, Lloyd, Mehrens
Staff Present:Hueyand Kelly
Others Present:3others
1. Call to OrderChair Kluevercalled the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
- Minutes Ridenourmade a motion to approve theOctober 5, 2010minutes.Scheibe seconded the motion.
Vote:4-0 All Ayes.
- Site Plan Review-Ron Blevins, Buffalo Township, Section 2
Kluever asked for staff’s review. Huey showed air photo of property and pointed out access of the property. The property is zoned Commercial Light Industrial (C-2) said Huey.Huey showed the original plat of survey and said the proposed building will be used for storage for an existing trucking business with no electricity or plumbing planned at this time. Staff sent out notices to all neighbors within 500 feet, said Huey and staff has not received any calls or comments on the request. Neither the applicant nor any public were present to speak regarding this request.
Kluever asked for staff’s recommendation. Huey said staff recommends that the site plan to allow construction of a 32-foot x 64-foot accessory building for storage of material for an existing trucking business be approved with the conditions that: 1). The site plan be accurately amended to show a minimum 10-foot side yard setback from the south property line; 2). The parking and circulation areas be hard surfaced in accordance with the County Engineer’s requirements within one paving season of the occupancy of the building and 3). The building be constructed in accordance with Scott County Building codes.
Paustian made a motion to approve the request with staff’s recommendation adding that a performance bond be posted for the estimated cost of the paving.Ridenour seconded the motion.
Vote: All ayes (4-0)
- Work Session Parking Requirements
The Planning Commission discussed possible recommendation to the current Vehicular Parking and LoadingProvision of the Zoning Ordinance. The discussion focused on clarification to require minimum parking requirements and base requirement to be based on the type of use and size of building rather than the number of seats and employees; clarification of what constitutes parking and circulation areas and what constitutes storage areas; clearly establish construction standards; requirement to post performance bond before certificate of occupancy is issued and allow exceptions to the parking requirements to be reviewed as a Special Use Permit rather than a variance. The Planning Commission directed staff to prepare an Ordinance and schedule a public hearing on these amendments.
With no new business to come before the Commission the meeting was adjourned at 8:20 P.M.