B.S. Degree – Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology
Electrical/Electronic System Concentration /
Division of Architecture,
Engineering and Technology
□ =Part of course content
▲=Primary assessment; mastery of objective
Learning Outcomes:
Upon graduation a student will be able to: / General Education / COP 3275 / EST 3140 / EST 3144 / EST 3340 / EST 3360 / EST 3537 / EET 4541 / EET 3086C / CET 3383 / EET 3320C / EET 3732 / EET 4158C / EET 4190C / CET 4367C / EET 4548C / EET 4939
- The applications of physics or chemistry to electrical/electronic(s) circuits in a rigorous mathematical environment
- The ability to analyze, design, and implement control systems, instrumentation systems, communications systems, or power systems
- The ability to apply project management techniques to electrical/electronic(s) systems
- The ability to utilize statistics/probability, transform methods, discrete mathematics, or applied differential equations in support of electrical/electronic(s) systems
- Apply application of circuit analysis and design, computer programming, to the operation and maintenance of electrical systems
- Apply application of circuit analysis and design, computer programming, to the building and testing of electrical systems
- Engage effectively in interpersonal, oral, visual, and written communication
- Demonstrate working knowledge of group dynamics, tem-building, time-management skills and ethical expectation of the profession.
Program Learning Outcomes
B.S. Degree – Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology
Computer Systems Concentration /
Division of Architecture,
Engineering and Technology
□ =Part of course content
▲=Primary assessment; mastery of objective
Learning Outcomes:
Upon graduation a student will be able to: / General Education / COP 3275 / EST 3140 / EST 3144 / EST 3340 / EST 3360 / EST 3537 / EET 4541 / EET 3086C / CET 3383 / CET 3136C / CET 4126C / CET 4333 / CET 4367C / CET 4382 / CET 4663 / EET 4939
- The applications of physics or chemistry to electrical and computer systems in a rigorous mathematical environment
- The ability to analyze, design, and implement hardware and software computer systems
- The ability to apply project management techniques to electrical and computer systems
- The ability to utilize statistics/probability, transform methods, discrete mathematics, or applied differential equations in support of computer systems
- Apply application of circuit analysis and design, computer programming, to the operation and maintenance of computer systems
- Apply application of circuit analysis and design, computer programming, to the building and testing of computer systems
- Engage effectively in interpersonal, oral, visual, and written communication
- Demonstrate working knowledge of group dynamics, tem-building, time-management skills and ethical expectation of the profession.
Program Learning Outcomes
B.S. Degree – Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology
Laser and Photonic Concentration /
Division of Architecture,
Engineering and Technology
□ =Part of course content
▲=Primary assessment; mastery of objective
Learning Outcomes:
Upon graduation a student will be able to: / General Education / COP 3275 / EST 3140 / EST 3144 / EST 3340 / EST 3360 / EST 3537 / EET 4541 / EET 3086C / CET 3383 / EET 4360C / EET 4361C / EET 4362C / EET 4363C / EET 4364C / EET 4365C / EET 4939
- The applications of physics or chemistry to laser and photonic circuits in a rigorous mathematical environment
- The ability to analyze, design, and implement optical communications systems, optical detectors and systems, or advanced electro-optical devices and systems
- The ability to apply project management techniques to laser and photonic systems
- The ability to utilize statistics/probability, transform methods, discrete mathematics, or applied differential equations in support of laser and photonicnetworks.
- Apply application of circuit analysis and design, computer programming, to the operation and maintenance of laser and optical systems
- Apply application of circuit analysis and design, computer programming, to the building and testing of laser and optical systems
- Engage effectively in interpersonal, oral, visual, and written communication
- Demonstrate working knowledge of group dynamics, tem-building, time-management skills and ethical expectation of the profession.