DIRECTIONS: Check appropriate categories. TITLE THE RESOLUTION. Use a minimum of one “whereas” and “resolve” (add others as necessary – sample included). Limit each resolution to one page if possible. Forward with Chairperson’s signature after approval to the Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party. (It is not necessary to send resolutions dealing with local issues)
Reference / Category / Category____ Local Issues / ____ Economy / ____ Human Rights/Social Welfare
_X _ Party Issue / ____ Education / ____ Cities, Counties & State
____ State Platform / _X _ Public Protection / ____ Natural Resource & Energy
____ Testimonial / ____ Agriculture / ____ Foreign Policy & Defense
____ Administrative Action / _X_ Other
TITLE OF RESOLUTION: Supporting a 2018 Ballot Initiative for Fair, Non-partisan Redistricting
Drafted by: Carolyn Hejkal/5780 W. Liberty, Ann Arbor, 48103/734-274-0723
Adopted by: Washtenaw County Democratic Party-7th District/ 2367 Baker Road, Dexter, MI
WHEREAS, in Michigan, in at least the last three elections, Democrats received substantially more votes than Republicans in state legislative and U.S. Congressional elections, yet Republicans maintain significant majorities at both the state and U.S. Congressional level;
And WHEREAS, this unfair and undemocratic allocation of representation is the direct result of a partisan, biased, redistricting process;
And WHEREAS, the current partisan process for drawing districts in Michigan has led to the subversion of democracy in Michigan;
And WHEREAS, President Obama has stated that that one of his highest priorities as a private citizen will be to end partisan gerrymandering;
Therefore be it RESOLVED that the Michigan Democratic Party support, and give leadership to, a ballot initiative in the 2018 general election to establish a non-partisan commission to draw new, fair, state legislative and US congressional districts, respecting as far as possible community and municipal boundaries and within a geographic area as tight as possible. This support and leadership should include donating to, and raising funding for, the ballot initiative.
Be it further RESOLVED, that these new districts would go into effect for the 2020 State House and US Congressional elections, and for the 2022 State Senate elections. or at the earliest possible legal way to have the new districts become effective.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, THAT this resolution be forwarded to the State Democratic Party with a recommendation for its acceptance and placement in the appropriate document or with appropriate committee for action.
SIGNATURE OF CHAIRPERSON: ______1/29/2017______
All resolutions are due by 5:00 pm on Monday, January 30th. There are no exceptions to this deadline